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The Order's Manifest
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The Order's Manifest
The esoteric Foundations of Dignity
The international Structure of Dignity
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Dignity is an international esoteric Order whose purpose is to apply its

principles and values to the defence of the dignity of Man in every region of
the planet, regardless of language, colour of skin, religion, sex or culture.

It can be depicted in the form of a pyramid, with the Grand Master at its

The pyramid is divided into two parts: the upper level, which includes the
International Bodies, and the lower level, which comprises the National
Bodies. All these Bodies, whether international or national, are appointed
by the Grand Master.

The International Bodies are: (A) the Council of the Grand Master; (B) the
International Association, which has its head office in Vienna. The
International Bodies are headed by the Grand Master.


The Grand Master is the moral guide of the Order. He exercises the
authority, the powers, and the prerogatives of his rank in accordance with
the most noble and ancient traditions, and represents Dignity throughout
the world.

The title to be used for the Grand Master is “Most Eminent and Supreme
Grand Master”.
Authority descends from the Grand Master to all the subordinate levels.

In the exercise of his authority, which cannot be questioned, he appoints

the Grand Priors, who remain in office for the period established by the
Grand Master.


The Council of the Grand Master is composed of the Grand Master, who acts
as Chairman, the Grand Priors, the Grand Secretary, and the Grand

It currently consists of the following persons:

- Grand Master: Giuliano DI BERNARDO

- Grand Prior of Italy

- Grand Prior of Romania

- Grand Prior of Ukraine

- Grand Secretary

- Grand Treasurer

Their title will be “Most Eminent”.


Because Dignity is an international order, it is necessary to constitute a

supra-national body to govern all matters relating to the National
Dignity was born in Italy by will of the Grand Master, Giuliano Di Bernardo,
and then spread to other countries.

Initially, Grand Priorates created in other countries will answer to the

Grand Priorate of Italy. As soon as they have been completely formed (with
Priorates and Commands), however, the Grand Master will grant them
independence. This signifies that they will no longer answer to the Grand
Priorate of Italy.

This gives rise to the need to regulate relations among the Grand Priorates.
Who will be responsible for this? How can it be carried out? It cannot be
the duty of Italy, which will be on a level with all the other Grand Priorates.
 It must therefore be the responsibility of a supranational organization.

After reviewing the legislation of a number of European countries, we

chose Austria to be the country in which Dignity’s International Association
will be formed. With the assistance of worthy Austrian lawyers, we have
followed the procedures required to attain this end:  the drafting of a
Constitution that complies with Austrian law, execution of the Constitution
before a notary in Klagenfurt, verification of the Constitution by the
Klagenfurt Association of Notaries, delivery of the Constitution to the
Ministry of the Interior in Vienna, final verification by the Court of Vienna,
and registration of the Constitution.

All these stages have been successfully completed, and so, with effect from
2 July 2012, our Dignity International Association has been legally
recognized and included in the Register of Austrian Associations.. It can
therefore carry out all activities provided by the law.

The documents relating to the Constitution, the approval of the Court of

Vienna, and the registration will be sent to you with an upcoming circular.

Pursuant to Austrian law, Dignity’s International Association has a

registered office in Vienna at the following address:


Orden zum Schutz der Menschenwuerde

Untere Donaustrasse 13-15

1020 Vienna


As will be seen from the Constitution, the Bodies that make up the
Association are: 

1. the General Assembly

2. the Grand Council

3. the Chairman.

The General Assembly consists of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the

Legal Representatives of the National Associations of Dignity (the Grand
Priors), and the Secretary.

The Grand Council consists of the Founder Members:

° Giuliano Di Bernardo, Chairman

° Jacopo Di Bernardo Manci, Vice-Chairman

° Luigi Bianchi, Secretary.

When taking part in the Order’s activities, the Founder Members of the
Grand Council will be addressed as “Most Eminent”.

Meetings of the International Bodies (the Council of the Grand Master and
the International Association) will be held in Vienna, at the registered
offices of Dignity.

The lower part of the pyramid is composed of the National Bodies: the
Grand Priorates, the Priorates, and the Commands.


The Grand Master has the authority to create Grand Priorates in all the
countries of the world. Grand Priorates are governed by a Grand Prior, who
is appointed by the Grand Master, and who remains in office for three
years. This appointment may be extended. The title to be used when
addressing a Grand Prior is “Most Eminent”. Grand Priors will wear the
Collar that identifies their rank.

Grand Priors appoint Priors and Commanders in their territory, and

establish their term of office, which may not exceed that of a Grand Prior.

Grand Priors have the duty to spread awareness of Dignity in their

countries by organizing Meetings and Events and creating relationships
with private and public authorities.

They send the Grand Master an annual report on the state of their Grand
Priorate. They set the annual subscriptions to be paid by followers for the
performance of the Order’s activities.

Grand Priors govern the Order through the following Bodies:

- the Council of the Order

- the Council of the Priors

- the Council of the Commanders.



In order to carry out the institutional purposes of the Order, the Grand
Prior appoints Priors, who represent the Order in their territory and
remain in office for three years. In the case of Italy, each Grand Prior
governs a single Region.

The principal role of Grand Priors is to promote relations among the

Commanders of their Region with the aim of creating and developing
harmony. To this end. they will organize and preside over periodic
meetings with the Commanders in order to learn of their problems and
resolve them. Finally, they will find solutions to any disputes. They will
request that cultural and social events be organized to make Dignity known
in society.

Priors will be addressed as “Very Eminent”. Priors will wear the Collar that
identify their rank.


The Grand Prior appoints Commanders, who remain in office for three
years. In the case of Italy, each Commander governs one of the Provinces
that make up a Region.

Commands are the order’s “cells”. This means that the selection of
Candidates, their ritual investiture, and the passage to higher Grades must
be carried out within the Command.
It can be inferred from this that the fundamental role of a Command is the
development of Dignity: if a Command does not make Investitures, the
Order will cease to develop.

The selection of new Candidates is not the exclusive privilege of

Commanders; it is also a right and duty of Ladies and Knights. All adepts
must spread the light of Dignity not only in their local sphere but
throughout the world.

The procedure for arriving at Investiture is as follows.

Candidates will be selected within a Command, with all (Knights and

Ladies) expressing their opinion. If there is unanimous approval, the
Commander will ask the Candidate to complete and sign an application for
admission, which will be sent to the Grand Prior for approval. At this stage,
the Commander may ask the Candidate to acquire a collar and cloak, and to
pay the annual fee. All the relevant documentation must be sent to the
Grand Prior, who will authorize the Investiture in writing. The Commander
may then set the date for the Investiture. Following the Investiture, the
Commander must provide notice of it to the Grand Secretary.

If the vote on a Candidate is not unanimous, the following procedure will

be followed. There can be no more than two votes against. In such a case,
the Commander will ask that the reasons behind the vote against be
provided in confidence. If the reasons provided are valid, the Commander
will propose that the Candidate not be admitted. If they are not valid, the
Commander will invite those who voted against to reconsider their position
and will refer a decision back to another meeting of the Command.

If the votes against amount to more than 40% of those present, the
application for admission will be definitively rejected.

Commanders will be addressed as “Eminent”.


All followers of Dignity will wear a blue cloak. Grand Priors, Deputy Grand
Priors and the Members of the Management Council of the International
Association will wear a blue cloak. The Grand Master will wear a red cloak.

Knights and Ladies will wear the Collar, the badge, the “pin”, and the sash,
depending on their Grade.

The Grand Master, Grand Priors, the Ladies of the Team, Members of the
Council, Priors, and Commanders will wear a Collar that identifies their
rank. With the exception of the Grand Master, they will wear a white Sash. 

The use of Collars at all ceremonial rites and social events is compulsory for
all (Knights, Ladies and Ruling Bodies of the Order).

The Grand Master will prepare documentation on the path to completing

the initiation of Knights and Ladies, with the relevant passage to higher
Grades of knowledge.


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