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The first day of mandatory training was held in-person at PITE’s Training Center in Nawabshah.


was started with the Qiraat of Holy Quran and the Naat followed by the introduction of MT and

Trainees. Our MT was Mashooq Sb, he after the brief introduction gave us an overview of the topics

we’ll cover during the training as well as the portfolio and reflections we had to submit before the

written exam.

After a brief tea break we were joined by the D.G PITE Mr Zaheer Abbas and Mr. Ashraf Khaskheli,

President of GSTA. They not only welcomed us but also shed light on the importance of this training

and what we should expect at the end of it.

During the day we mostly covered the topic on “Management”, the part which interest me most was

the discussion on two different styles of management i.e. Autocratic and Democratic. What I

understood from that discussion was that we can’t call any of the styles the best because both have

their own pros and cons and their application depends on the situation as well as type of organization.

During the day we talked about the ten standards for teacher i.e. NPSTP which was developed by our

Ministry of Education with the help of UNESCO so I’ll try my level best in communicating these

standards to my teaching staff and help them in meeting those.

It was the first class of Online Session, we started the class with recitation of Quran followed by the
Naat. The first session was taken by Ms Farzan and during the session we had a brief recall of what we
covered during in-person training as well as how our overall experience was. After that we went over the
topics for the day and had an early tea break due to the disruption caused by technical issues.

After the break we went over and discussed Academic Management, Roles and JD of a HM. After the
break class was administered by Mr. Nasir till the very end. For me the most interesting part was to
know the real role of HM and the responsibilities s/he has to carry. What I understood from the session
is that an HM has to work on three major points which are as follows:

● Access: Ensure students are provided a secure and easily accessible learning environment.
With the minimum possible drop-out ratio.
● Quality: S/He should work on improving the quality of education provided in his/her school
by getting involved into academic planning and day to day teaching practices.
● Governance/Management: S/He should maintain and supervise the overall school and its
resources such as maintaining the proper annual calendar and plan for the activities planned
for the year. Storing and maintaining financial records as well the record on the Staff.

The topic which interests me most was about the leadership and different styles of leadership which
differs the Boss from a Leader. The reason why I liked it the most is that one can only be a good leader
when s/he knows which style to adapt in which situation and/or which organization. Neither of the four
styles are wrong or right, each of them are best fit for a different situation and organization.

I got inspired by the quote of Dylan William’s regarding the need for a teacher to improve so I’ll try to
find different ways of learning new and productive things and improve my knowledge base as well as
the style of management. I’ll try to be a better leader for my staff and will help them in qualifying on all
the Ten Standards of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPSTP) developed by the Ministry
of Education with the support of UNESCO.
The day began with the recitation of Holy Quran and Naat - e - Rasool (PBUH). After the recitation and
naat we went over the topics covered during last class and reflected upon those. Our MT for the day was
Allah Nawaz Channa Sb, he introduced us the topics for the day which “Class Management” and “The
ways and need of keeping the Staff motivated”

The topic which strikes my interest was Class Management, especially the sub topic where we discussed
the difference between Punishment and Discipline. This class changed my perspective regarding the
both and clarified the definition for me. Basically Discipline is a tool used for shaping the behavior of a
child while Punishment is the tool used for controlling and correcting. However, punishment should
always be the very last resort, when a student misbehaves we should look for the reasons fueling the
reaction and eliminate that using a positive approach. We should try to change the behavior of a student
by showing him the negative outcomes of his/her behavior and the positive things they can get by
changing their behavior. We should also involve the parents of the students in this process because the
family background and parents play an important role in shaping the behavior of a child. Beside this, the
motivation level of school staff is also important and so HM should take measures should be taken in
this regard as well.

I’ll try my best to convince my staff not to punish the child, instead use a causation approach to reach
and eliminate the element which triggers the negative behavior among students. Beside this I’ll keep
monthly parent teacher meetings so that parents are kept involved in the development process of their
children and we also get the chance to connect and know more about students. Furthermore, I’ll keep my
staff motivated by awarding them for their efforts on a regular basis and by regularly conducting
contests among them to keep them motivated.

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