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GENDER AND SOCIETY being with their loved ones.

Creating memories
with a special person is one of the best things
LESSON 7:LOVE, INTIMACY, AND they do as part of love languages. Time, gift,
RELATIONSHIP and an act of service are three precious things
What is Love? of showing love and affection.

• Love is a feeling of strong or constant Love and Intimate Relationships

affection for a person that includes sexual • The topic of love remains abstract and
desires, strong emotions felt by people who obscure if it is not in the context of human
have a romantic relationship. It can also be relationships. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher,
defined and conceptualized as the following: has referred to humans as social animals. It
• Love is an emotion. It is a physiological means that humans thrive, strive, and flourish if
response evaluated psychologically by people we are with others as an evolutionary and
who experience different life events, sadness, practical process.
fear, anger, joy, and disgust are just a few of the • Social connection is necessary for our growth
emotions we feel. as individuals. It serves as a foundation for the
Love as a social phenomenon. Events that we family that provides humans a venue for care,
experience within our relationship and nurturance, and as a place to develop
interaction with others are called social potentials. It also enables us to secure a social
phenomena. As we love others, we entail position to secure human resources in
communication. This communication between implementing dreams for the community and
lovers also involves verbal and non-verbal ourselves.

Love is a universal culture and people all over

the world experience this feeling regardless of
their cultural identity, race, age, and color. Human and Senses

Different perspectives on love • Humans are called rational beings capable of

making choices and using choices based on
• Romantic love. It is characterized by intense
higher-order thinking skills like judging and
passion; there is a feeling of intense longing for
union with your partner.
• It is a hypothesis that affects (emotions and
• Love as a psychodynamic view. The
feelings) and play an essential role in our
psychodynamic perception explains that we
have desires and motives towards others.
• Our emotions take precedent primarily
• People have various ways through which we
because these are processed and modulated by
give and receive love as cited by a world-
the limbic system, that is, the emotional part of
renowned author Gary Chapman. To express
the brain which is more primitive compared to
their thoughts and feelings of love towards
the ones responsible for higher-order thinking.
others, people use a language called words of
There are three primary emotional responses
affirmation. Words or phrases like "I love you"
humans have. These are flight, fight or freeze.
are words of endearment. Others are also
affectionate in expressing how they cherish
• Flight response is when we move away from • Women, on the other hand, are influenced
dangerous or adverse stimuli. The fight is if we more by context, that is, by the nature of the
face harmful or hostile stimuli, and a freeze relationship with the other person, someone
response is when you are startled and not able they know and can trust.
to choose or do something. “There is a
requirement in all these responses. • Humans
should be able to sense the environment, Auditory experience
organize the received stimuli, and interpret the
stimuli so we can make a choice and a • Social interactions are auditory, from visual.
corresponding action." Studies show that much of our culture passes
through oral traditions.
Tactile experiences
• Sexual activities are also a verbal
• For an element of human intimacy, touch communication process. Sounds give additional
feels. The skin covers the body, the largest context to sexual situations.
bodily organ.
• For example, in sexual interactions, couples
• It is a sensitive organ, and we humans only may give verbal erotic encouragement- words
choose whom we will touch and who will feel that manifest feelings.
us. • In social interactions like intimate ones,
touch holds meaning. There are certain parts of "Human senses are the windows of our
our body that we allow others to touch. consciousness."

• It may also govern by social norms • With this, we learn from others, and from our
experiences, we are aware of what is happening
Visual Experience of Human around us, and we experience because of the
information we receive from others and the
• The society relies on visual culture because
meaningful relationships we exchange with
humans are predominantly visual, which is, they
create meaning and convey information based
on what we see around us. • The relationship and the perceptions of
people with others depend on the sexuality or
• For example, when we go everywhere we find
relationships of an individual. Males may have a
signs that communicate something to us.
different way of how they view the opposite sex
• We see signage placed on different in terms of love and intimacy or sex.
establishments, stations of public
• Females, on the other hand, may view males
transportation, groceries, and others. It only
on the relationship and trust they have with
means that visual culture is essential in our

• In terms of human sexuality, studies have LESSON 9: SEXUAL BEHAVIORS

explored gender differences in visual stimuli – are actions that humans agree to interpret as
and sexual arousal. Men tend to be more an expression of sexual motivations or
influenced by visual cues like how does the intentions. It is essential to know that humans
person looks physically and also what the other give meaning to behaviors. For example, kissing
person is wearing. and hugging may be considered sexual in nature
is not always the same case because of the
context of the attitude of the person who kisses In the human male, the corona and the glans
and hugs matter. penis become enlarged and reddish.

-are generally erotic behaviors since it involves • Orgasm is the climax of the sexual response
any of the erotic zones (primary and cycle.
secondary). The erogenous zones are the face,
• Resolution- In this phase, the male penis
chest, neck, and genitalia in others
returns to its normal un-erected stage, whereas
Sexual behaviors are as follows: the testes and the scrotum descend. In the
human female, the outer and the inner
• Auto-erotic (self-directed) is the masturbation
reproductive organs also relax.
or the stimulation of one's genitals. Erotic
motivations can direct to other people of the SEXUAL RESPONSE DYSFUNCTIONS
same sex or the opposite sex.
• Some people experience difficulty or
• Homoerotic behaviors- sexual behaviors problems in some of the sexual phases.
oriented to the same sex Orgasmic disorders are the problem that occurs
if the individual has a problem in achieving
• Heteroerotic behaviors- used to refer to
sexual behaviors oriented to the other sex.
• Sexual pain disorders are an experience of
• For reproductive purposes, copulation or the
pain during the sexual response cycle.
insertion of the penis to the vagina is necessary.
• However, sexual behaviors do not only refer • Sexual arousal disorder occurs if the individual
to copulation. has problems in achieving the necessary
physiological state for copulation (ex. erectile
• They also include an array of non-copulatory
dysfunction in males).
sexual behaviors such as kissing, hugging,
caressing. • Sexual desire disorder is when an individual
has low levels of desire or has an aversion to
Sexual Response Cycle
sexual activities
• One of the ultimate goals of the sexual act is
reproduction among heterosexual couples.

• Both male and female undergo a sequence of

bodily changes which prepare them for the
sexual climax.

• The phase of changes means the sexual

response cycle.

According to the Master and Johnsons Model,

there are four phases in the cycle

• Excitement is the first phase of the cycle. For

the males, the goal of this phase is erection or

• Plateau is the phase characterized by a

sustained peak in the stimulation of the organs.

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