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1. Division of work – ibat ibang tao may sariling responsibilities like in one group, each one of them
have a responsilibilities
How important?
2. Authority and responsibilities – there should be someone who should lead the group, knows
how to use the authority
3. Discipline – rules and regulations
4. Unity of command – may roon kang susundin alam mo kung sino susundin mo instruction should
come to one only
5. Unity of direction – all looking to that one direction like you have a goal and all of your
employees should all the same goal and knows what should need to do
6. Subordination of individual interest – should not do your own interest, should do the company
7. Remuneration – benefits salaries and wages, in time and rights
8. The degree of centralization – concentre in head office focus
9. Scalar chain – focus on organizational chart orders chould be coming to the one boss only the
10. Order – there should be a proper place for everything lagging maayos
11. Equity – a combination of kindness and justice, should avoid favoritism
12. Stability of tenure personnel – secured in the job. Offering job security to the employees
13. Initiative – encouraging the employees
14. Esprit de corps – belong in one organization walang maiiwan, pakikisama like all for one one for

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