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Career Options in Astrology
Astrology is an interesting field that offers a wide range of career opportunities. As
the demand for skilled professionals in this field continues to rise, the need for
astrology professionals will only increase. Whether you're interested in research and
analysis, publishing and creative writing, or teaching and education, a career in
astrology can be both challenging and rewarding. With a Bachelor's degree in
astrology, you can explore various career paths or pursue higher studies to
specialize in a particular area of interest.

An astrologer is responsible for using analytical methods to study the positions and
movements of celestial bodies to give advice and make predictions on a wide range
of issues, such as horoscopes, astrological readings, and communication. They work
in various settings, including astrology consulting firms, research organizations, and
educational institutions.

Analyzing the positions and movements of celestial bodies to offer advice and
make predictions.

Developing astrological theories and models.

Providing advice and recommendations on astrological readings, horoscopes,

and predictions.

Collecting, organizing, and interpreting astrology data.

Preparing reports, papers, and presentations on astrology-related topics.

Effectively communicating research findings and recommendations.


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Strong analytical skills

Effective communication skills

Time management skills

Creative thinking skills

Knowledge of astrology theory and principles

Education Requirements
To pursue a Bachelor's degree in astrology, you will need a strong foundation in
mathematics and astronomy. It is recommended to have studied mathematics and
astronomy at the higher secondary level or equivalent. Typically, a minimum of 50%
aggregate marks in 10+2 or equivalent is required to qualify for admission to a
Bachelor's degree program in astrology. However, the specific requirements may
vary by college. It is best to check with the college you are interested in attending for
their specific requirements.

Top Colleges For Astrology

College Name Location Entrance Exam Course Duration
Indian College
High school
of Astrology and Kolkata Entrance Exam 3 years

Indian Institute High school

Jaipur Entrance Exam 3 years
of Astrology completion

Bhartiya Vidya
High school
Bhavan Institute New Delhi Entrance Exam 3 years
of Astrology

High school
Jyotisha Bharati Mumbai Entrance Exam 3 years

Institute of
Astrology, High school
Chandigarh Entrance Exam 3 years
Bharatiya Vidya completion

To get admission to a top astrology college in India, you need to clear the entrance
exam. The duration of the course is typically 3 years.

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How to Prepare for Entrance Exams
Here is a table of the entrance exam requirements and subjects for the colleges
listed in the article:

Entrance Exam
College Name Subjects

Indian College of Astrology and Mathematics and

Entrance Exam
Astronomy Astronomy

Mathematics and
Indian Institute of Astrology Entrance Exam

Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Mathematics and

Entrance Exam
Astrology Astronomy

Mathematics and
Jyotisha Bharati Entrance Exam
Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Mathematics and
Entrance Exam
Bhavan Astronomy

Career Paths
Astrology offers a wide range of career options, ranging from research and analysis
to publishing and creative writing.

Career Path Description Professions

Creating astrological readings, horoscopes, and Astrologer,

predictions. Horoscope writer

Astrology Teaching astrology in schools, colleges, and Teacher, Professor,

Teacher universities. Lecturer
Publishing Editing, designing, and marketing astrological Editor, Publicist,
professional works. Agent, Publisher
Providing legal advice and representation in legal
Lawyer Attorney, Paralegal
matters involving astrological works.
Providing interpretation services for individuals and Interpreter,
organizations related to astrology. Translator

After completing a Bachelor's degree in astrology, you can explore various career
options such as astrologer, astrology teacher, publishing professional, lawyer, or
interpreter. You can also consider pursuing higher studies like a Master's degree or a
PhD in astrology to specialize in a particular area of interest.

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Astrology is an exciting field that offers a wide array of career opportunities. As the
demand for skilled professionals in this field continues to rise, the need for astrology
professionals will only increase. Whether you're interested in research and analysis,
publishing and creative writing, or teaching and education, a career in astrology can
be both challenging and rewarding. With a Bachelor's degree in astrology, you can
explore various career paths or pursue higher studies to specialize in a particular
area of interest.

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