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SECTION (1) - ANALYSE OF LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES..............................................................4
 PART1-LEADERSHIP...................................................................................................................4
 PART2- INSPIRATION.................................................................................................................4
 PART3- SYNOPSIS......................................................................................................................5
 PART (4) - ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS..............................................................................................5
 PART (5) – PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................6
 PART (6) - LEADERSHIP SKILLS...................................................................................................7
 PART (7) – LEADERSHIP STYLE...................................................................................................7
SECTION (2) - CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF LEADERSHIP...........................................................8
PART (1) - EXTERNAL SITUATIONAL VARIABLES:..............................................................................8
PART (2) – INTERNAL SITUATIONAL VARIABLES:..............................................................................9
SECTION (3) – PERSONAL REFLECTION.....................................................................................9
PART (1) – SIMILARITIES...................................................................................................................9
PART2 – TRAITS & SKILLS................................................................................................................10
PART3 – ACTION PLAN....................................................................................................................10
PART4– CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................................11

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

Mark Parker
Ceo of nike.

BU7203 –
Assessment 1for
– Reflective Journal
BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report


Definitions of leadership may vary and differ from one leader to another. A distinguished and creative leader gives the impression of a
democratic leadership, while a strong and firm leader gives the impression of a dictatorial leadership. Leadership definitions vary and
differ from one leader to the next. A distinguished and creative leader gives the impression of democratic leadership, whereas a strong
and firm leader gives the impression of dictatorial leadership. However, leadership, as we know it, refers to an individual's ability to
influence the thoughts, inclinations, and tendencies of others.

There are also types of leaders, and the most prominent of which are the democratic, the dictator, and the aristocrat. A leader is a person
who possesses high capabilities, skills, and strength to influence others and motivate them to accomplish specific tasks and goals. It is
characterized by being the right decision maker and the one who bears the risks.

Mark Parker has elevated Nike to a new level, making it the world's most successful athletic and service company. He was completely
committed to bringing Nike to the top. He makes certain that his employees are always motivated to do their jobs because success does
not come without effort. He anticipates that every employee will contribute creatively to the design of new shoes. “you don’t have to be
working here 4 – 5 years to implement your ideas or to help create. I look for everyone’s participation and ideas to help Nike prosper.”
He always looks for new ways to improve, keeps Nike in the right direction, he also ensures to have qualified employees and that’s what
makes him a successful leader.


“Nike has always been more than a job to me. Like many Nike employees, I have deep connection to the brand and our company”.
(Mark Parker) Mark Parker is a designer and it is not usual to see designers run big companies. What made Mark stand out in Nike's
leadership and management was that he was characterized by showcasing creative designs and embracing innovation. What made me

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

attracted to him and see from him the inspiration is that he had a great love for art. Even before he worked for Nike, he designed his own
shoes. Parker is not like a regular leader, he is an introvert and prefers a more conservative approach. I was able to connect a lot of
similarities between my personality and his personality, because I am an introvert as well, and everyone was showing me that I could not
get up, and I would not be able to become a leader or run a company, but Parker helped me hold on to my dream and ambition to be a
successful businesswoman and to be a thoughtful leader like him. I discovered that he does not only inspire me, but we also have
common features. After taking some tests on personality, the results showed that I was responsible and considered the needs of others
important, and I would rather take their opinions and always admit my mistakes. Parker also spoke in many of his interviews about his
employees that he always encourages them and meets their needs in order to do their best.


Mark Parker is an American business man that was born in Poughkeepsie, New York (1956). He graduated from Westhill high school
and later earned his bachelor’s degree in political science at Pennsylvania state university in 1977. He started working for Nike in 1979,
and joined as a footwear designer and later in 1987, he was promoted to Division Vice President in charge of development, then to
Corporate Vice President in 1989, General Manager in 1993, and finally to Vice President of Global Footwear in 1998. Prior to becoming
Nike's vice president, he was co-president of the Nike brand (along with Charlie Denson) beginning in March 2001. He is still involved in
shoe design, most notably on the Nike HTM project, where he collaborates with Nike designer Tinker Hatfield and creative consultant
Hiroshi Fujiwara to create limited edition footwear. He has pledged that Nike will continue to be environmentally conscious. Parker and
his team launched the first "Green Shoe" that adheres to the principles of sustainability after ten years of work. Parker took over as CEO
in 2006, and despite a massive number of competitors covering the entire market, he doubled sales up to 57% and (Blazek, 2016) has
been described as the world’s most creative CEO. And in 2015 he was named fortune’s business person of the year. He successfully
appealed to the street style generation with best-selling products, most notably the Free Runs, Air Max, and Fly Knit product lines.
(Bailey, 2016) Nike now controls an astounding 62 percent of the athletic-shoe market.
Over the decades, no matter how messy things have gotten at Nike, Parker’s been able to figure out the tricks of the trade while also
inventing new ones. (Here's What Mark Parker Said in His Apology to Nike Staff, 2021) When he was Nike's CEO there were reports of
the company discriminating against women and minorities but Parker overcame the backlash. Parker said he and other leaders had
missed the displeasure of some employees and apologized to the workers, adding that the company would make changes to
compensation and training programs I apologise if some of those same people felt they had no one to turn to,' Mr. Parker said. 'I want
everyone at Nike to know their voices do matter and your bravery is making us better.' Mr. Parker stated that the company intends to be

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

more transparent about its workforce representation and equal pay goals, beginning with women and minorities. As a result, some
employees felt hopeful of change instigated by the firing of executives, while others feeling the words were empty.


A trait is something about you that makes you "you. A trait is an individual part of your personality and behavior that express who you are
as a person.
Mark Parker has the qualities and traits that make him a distinguished and successful leader. And one of his qualities that he's famous
for is that he is thoughtful, dependable and ambitious. He trusts his employees to know what they're doing. (Blazek, 2016) he’s also
participative as he goes out of his mind, goes to the young staff, takes ideas from them, and presents them with the ideas he has. He
likes to take unique and dead ideas and put them in the spotlight. He believes that small businesses can grow into billionaire companies,
and that ideas can come from anywhere. (Parker's Profile, 2021) He also exemplifies democratic leadership behaviours. He makes sure
that his employees are excited to come to work. He believes that without dedication and hard work, Nike will be unable to create
excellent products.


(What Is Personality, 2021) personality is the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that make a person unique.
Most leaders are extroverts and outgoing unlike Mark he’s one of the few leaders that are introverts.
He has proved that he’s a highly skilled listener and it is proved that introverts are highly skilled at listening to other people and most
receptive to ideas that aren’t his own. And this what mark shows in his personality. According to the MBTI test he is quiet, serious, earns
success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter of fact, realistic and responsible. Decides logically what should be done
and work towards it steadily. The big 5 test also shows that he’s open to experience and that he’s always seeking new experience and
intellectual pursuits.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report


Mark possesses all of the skills required of a good leader. First and foremost, he is diplomatic and tactful. He is sensitive to people's
needs and knows exactly what they want. Parker works with groups and is very good at motivating people to work hard and collaborate
by varying their opinions.
He has strong problem-solving abilities; whenever a problem arises in the company or among employees, he quickly finds the most
accurate solution. (Parker's Profile, 2021) He has excellent multitasking abilities, having worked on numerous running projects. even
while designing shoes, Parker was tasked with starting up other areas of the company. He also possesses planning abilities, as he
ensures that his employees are given a schedule to follow in order to meet deadlines and that co-workers and stakeholders are working
toward common goals. Mark is also an organized guy and controlling. Parker has a vision to the future that enables him to set specific


A democratic leadership also means participative leadership. It is when a leader encourages team members to participate and share their opinions
freely and discuss openly. A democratic leader also helps his followers to make decisions, set goals and motivate them to work hard on their goals
and achieve them. It is a very effective leadership style as it helps employees to be cooperative and motivates them to enhance group morale which
increases productivity. (E. Urban, 2016) Mark encourages his employees to make the right decisions in difficult situations and propose alternative
solutions. He also tries to share problems with them all the time, urges them to look for renewed ideas and help them adapt to Nike’s environment.
Creativity is one of the qualities democratic leaders usually display, my leader can encourage others to contribute ideas and come up with their own.
Creativity flourishes in an environment where people are free to express themselves. he can encourage it by rewarding innovative thinking. He is also
a team-oriented leader and his goal was to develop and encourage each team member's individual strengths.

Mark is definitely a transactional leader as in this leadership style, a leader must delegate specific tasks to employees. A leader must
reward an employee who delivers good performance results.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

 he often encourages his employees to look at the problem, there should be flexibility. He encouraged employees to work actively, paid
them well, and allowed the entire team to work together. “Earlier in 2012, Parker noted that Nike’s R&D group had 350 ideas being
explored. He recognized that the number was too high. He got personally involved-not specifically selecting projects, but working with the
R&D team to set up criteria to evaluate” (Safian, 2012). Parker set a simple goal for the R&D team by stating that the number of ideas
they had was excessive. After Parker helped them create a criteria to discuss their ideas, the employees provided the majority of the
input on how they planned to reduce this number. R&D worked hard to reduce their idea list to 50.
Despite the fact that he is transactional and constantly pushes his employees to solve problems and work together to find the best solutions for the
team, (E. Urban, 2016) he also thinks that innovation and change is necessary to a bright future. Not every circumstance will necessitate the same
type of leadership parker says. A strong leader must understand which leadership style is most effective for the organization's success. Parker
recognizes that he must adapt his management style as frequently as Nike does to the global market and the needs of their customers.



Mark has done so much for Nike. He started as a footwear designer in 1979 and had hit a revenue of 270 million dollars in 1980. A lot of
competition and challenges had come across parker but he always overcame the obstacles. This can't be done without exhaustion and
obvious effort, whether you're a shoe designer or the CEO of the world's largest sportswear company.
Parker has embraced digital and direct sales, as well as innovation design. Phil Knight founded the company because he has always
been a runner, as has Parker. He was a successful athlete in college, which fuelled his desire to work for Nike. This can't be done without
exhaustion and obvious effort, whether you're a shoe designer or the CEO of the world's largest sportswear company. Parker's
accomplishments began when he began his career with Nike. He was not only a sports fan, but also an artist. He was not your typical
business executive. He was full of creativity, and inspiration. The influence of his previous lifestyle on who he is today. Made him highly
ambitious in putting forward new ideas for athletes as a result of his love of art and his background as a former runner. It's this style he
walks on, and his way of thinking is what made him shine and differ from other leaders, and he believes that it's his openness to creativity
that made him reach this dimension.

As for the internal variables that affected his success we can say that his grandmother has a small role in pushing him towards achieving
big goals with Nike. He mentioned a time when he went for a walk with his grandmother saying “she would take me on walks through the

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

woods and point out plants and say what phylum and species. She was a huge influence. At Nike, we have a set of guiding principles,
and one of those was inspired by her, and that’s ‘be a sponge’ soak in everything around you. Look deeply. Observing is really the fuel to
innovating, ultimately.” Another inspiration that made him change his mind in studying science is that he met his wife there when he
wanted to become a veterinarian and after meeting her he soon became interested in design. And joined Nike soon after college.


We all see that leadership qualities and work ethics are what make one a successful leader. However, most people, including leaders,
show their minerals in certain situations. Even though mark parker is stepping down from CEO after 13 years he pointed to Donahoe’s
“expertise” in both digital commerce and technology and said he is “ideally suited to accelerate our digital transformation.” “I am delighted
John will join our team,” Mr. Parker said in a statement released by the company.” He diplomatically acted with the situation.



I tend to consider my colleagues' opinions on almost everything, even minor details, in every group assignment because I believe that
group work is more efficient and that we can be more creative when we share ideas and collaborate. I skimmed through a few articles
about Mark and how he likes to take his employees' ideas and combine them with his to produce a better result. And I have seen a lot of
myself in him. I, as well, am an introvert. Introverts are usually reserved and quiet. Mark feels the same way. I take responsibility for my
mistakes and always seek out better solutions in order to please everyone. I once faced a problem in a group work where I took my
colleagues slides by mistake and she reacted so angrily and fierce but I calmed her down and told her that its ok for her to take the slides
that I already worked on because it was my mistake that I didn’t read the slides that were appointed for me correctly. And mark said in his
interview with CNBC that Donahoe is a great leader for Nike and the right leader as well.

TRAITS: mark is known to be a thoughtful leader, he leads by helping others refine and think through their ideas. And I myself love to
help people and share my thoughts and ideas with my team members.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

PERSONALITY: there are some personality traits that we have in common as well. He is an idealistic personality as he’s always willing to
bring out the better in the world and making it better. And I feel so I feel a sense of belonging just because I know he's a human being
who always likes to do good and I feel the same thing.


I found a lot of good qualities in Mark and a lot of similarities between my personality and his personality, but one of the things that Mark
has is that he listens to his staff and is a good listener, unlike me. That's where it is. I'm not a good listener. Yes, I try to figure out what
the other side needs and how I can help with what I have, but I can't listen, and this is one of the qualities I'd like to develop over time,
and I believe Mark's influence on me will help me do so. I also admire Mark's commitment to doing what he loves and how he has
combined his passions for art and sport to create the world's best sneakers. I've always wanted to find a way to combine my love of what
I do with what I do for a living. I am a slacker, and while I enjoy and practice art, I am not attempting to grow or do what I have always
enjoyed, and these are qualities that I wished I possessed as I delved deeper into Mark's knowledge. Mark did not abandon his passion
or ambition; instead, he nurtured it and turned it into a business in the field he adored.


I've always known that I'm a lazy person, and I always frustrate myself by saying that I'm not competent, and I'm aware that I don't
always like to contact people, but I consider myself social, but I had no idea that I'm very introverted and that I prefer working alone the
majority of the time, as evidenced by the tests I've conducted, and that I rarely ask for help from others. That's something I've always
been afraid to admit to myself until these tests confirmed my suspicions. I've always wanted to be able to speak freely in front of a group
of people and to assist anyone who requires assistance. I've been looking for internships to help me overcome this negative trait. I'm
hoping that this will help me become more outgoing. I also encourage myself to speak up even when I'm wrong because I understand
that mistakes shape our personalities. I enrolled in numerous educational courses in the arts of speaking, and I sought advice from
trusted friends who suggested that I enrol in courses to help me develop self-confidence, as a lack of self-confidence may be the root of
my fear of speaking in public. And I believe that taking this type of course will benefit me in the future as I pursue my goal of becoming a
successful leader in my field of work. I do not leave my work unfinished, even if I am pressed for time, and I see this as one of the
positives that will help me overcome the personality gap that stands between me and my ability to become a successful leader. I also
began working on myself at the start of this semester. In every group project, I try to take responsibility, distribute tasks, and serve as the

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

group's spokesperson in order to grow and gain confidence in myself. The university also assists me greatly in locating suitable


In conclusion, I got to know Mark Parker's character in depth, and it made me discover things about myself that I was unaware of, as well
as many similarities between myself and a person I know nothing about except what the Internet says about him. But I had the
impression that I had known him for a long time. Despite the rumours and accusations levelled against him, Mark Parker is regarded as
one of the world's most successful leaders. He has spent 13 years of his career working for Nike, and he continues to succeed, achieve,
and raise the name of Nike. Parker is my role model, and I aspire to be as successful as him one day.

References 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

Danforth, C., 2021. Mark Parker: 5 Ways the Former-CEO Changed Nike Forever. [online] Highsnobiety. Available at: <
parker-legacy/> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

Durkee, A., 2021. Supreme Court Keeps Texas Abortion Law In Effect For Now But Will Take Up Challenges. [online] Forbes. Available at:
it-permanently/?sh=cb665ff207ac> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

E. Urban, N., 2016. CEO Mark Parker Foundation of Nike’s Organizational Culture. [online] Ashland University COM 305: Organizational Communication.
Available at: <> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

Sneaker Freaker. 2021. Here's What Mark Parker Said in His Apology to Nike Staff. [online] Available at: <
parker-said-in-his-apology-to-nike-staff> [Accessed 22 October 2021].

2021. Parker's Profile. [online] Available at: <

%20and%20participative%20leadership%20styles.,create%20excellent%20products%20without%20dedication%20and%20hard%20work.> [Accessed 22
October 2021].

Verywell Mind. 2021. What Is Personality?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 October 2021].

2019. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

Creswell, J., 2019. Nike’s Chief Executive, Mark Parker, Is Stepping Down (Published 2019). [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

2019, C., 2019. Nike CEO Mark Parker On Why He's Stepping Down - ValueWalk. [online] ValueWalk. Available at: <
mark-parker/> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

Fast Company. 2021. Yes, you can only work 5 hours and call it a day. Here’s how to make it productive. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

BU7203 – Leadership for Change Management
Assessment 1 – Individual Report Marking Rubric
Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail

40-34 33.9-28 27.9-24 23.9-0

Identify You have thoroughly and You have accurately You have adequately You have failed to/only
Leadership accurately explained the concept explained the concept of explained the concept of partially explained the
Strategies of leadership and justified why leadership and justified why leadership and justified concept of leadership and
the person is chosen for the the person is chosen for the why the person is chosen fail to justify why the
40 Marks
assessment a leader. assessment a leader. for the assessment a person is chosen for the
leader. assessment a leader.
You have provided an excellent You have provided a good
overview of the leader in terms overview of the leader in You have provided a You have not provided a
of background, career, terms of background, career, satisfactory overview of satisfactory overview of
accomplishments, and successes. accomplishments, and the leader in terms of the leader in terms of
You have thoroughly analysed successes You have analysed background, career, background, career,
the traits, attributes, and the traits, attributes, accomplishments, and accomplishments, and
personality leadership style, personality, the leadership successes. You have successes. Your response
change management skills of a style and change mentioned/discussed the in
leader in a manner that shows management skills of a traits, attributes, inadequate/inadequate.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

extensive research, analysis and leader in a manner that personality, the You have not analysed the
understanding. You have shows good research, leadership style and traits, attributes,
accurately and thoroughly used analysis and understanding. change management skills personality leadership
the theories/models and tools to You have accurately used of a leader, however your style of a leader in a
support your response. the theories/models and answer lacks depth manner that is required at
tools to support your and/or analysis. You show this level. Your answer
response evidence of satisfactory does not show research
research; however, your or any depth of analysis.
sources may be limited/or Your references are either
poorly used in your missing or poorly applied.
discussion. You have Your answer is not
satisfactorily used the satisfactory. You have
theories/models and tools failed to use the
to support your response. theories/models and tools
to support your response

Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail

20-17 16.9-14 13.9-12 11.9-0

Contextual You have clearly, thoroughly and You have clearly and You have outlined and You have not outlined or
Analysis accurately outlined and analysed thoroughly outlined and somewhat analysed the sufficiently analysed the
the internal situational variables analysed the internal internal situational internal situational
20 Marks
and external variables that situational variables and variables and external variables and external
played a role in the success and external variables that variables that played a variables that played a
accomplishment of the leader. played a role in the success role in the success and role in the success and
Your answer demonstrates a very and accomplishment of the accomplishment of the accomplishment of the
good level of analysis and leader. Your answer leader. Your answer leader. Your answer fails
understanding and is justified demonstrates a good level of demonstrates some to demonstrate

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

with research, where analysis and understanding analysis and understanding and
appropriate. and is supported with understanding however, analysis and is only
research, where it lacks depth or detail in partially/ not supported
appropriate. some parts, and is only with research.
partially supported with

Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail

35-29.75 29.7-24.5 24.5-21 20.9-0

Personal Your personal reflection shows Your personal reflection Your personal reflection Your personal reflection
Reflection your ability to analyse yourself shows your ability to analyse shows some ability to does not show analysis,
vis-a-vis your chosen leader. You yourself vis-a-vis your analyse yourself. vis-a-vis depth or genuine self-
35 Marks
have clearly and thoroughly chosen leader. You have your chosen leader. You reflection. You have failed
identified the leadership clearly identified the have satisfactorily to identify the leadership
traits/behaviour you would be leadership traits/behaviour identified the leadership traits/behaviour you
working on to enhance your you would be working on to traits/behaviour you would be working on to
leadership skills. Your response is enhance your leadership would be working on to enhance your leadership
supported by extensive self- skills. Your response is enhance your leadership skills. Your Reflection is
analysis, discussion of your test supported by good self- skills. Your response is too superficial or shows
results and clear action plan. analysis, discussion of your satisfactory; you could lack of self-analysis.
results and a good action have used deeper self-
plan. analysis / explicit action
plan and good discussion
of your results to justify
your answer further.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail

5-4.25 4.2-3.5 3.4-3 2.9-0

Professional Your report is written to an Your report is written to a Your report is written to a Your report layout is very
Writing Skills excellent standard using correct very good standard using good standard using poor in either the
business English, grammar and correct business English, correct business English, standard of English used
5 Marks
punctuation. You have grammar and punctuation. grammar and or in the logical flow of
referenced throughout with APA You have referenced with punctuation., however the report. You have not
style referencing. APA style referencing. you may not have referenced correctly or in
referenced in APA style in a manner expected at this
many or for all your level.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report


Grade A: Excellent
Overall, a very impressive and excellent piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
 Demonstrates an understanding of the task which may be beyond what is expected, but which is always relevant.
 Original perspective on the problems in question. Contextualization of sources and viewpoints and
comprehensive evaluation of contributions. Insightful application of relevant theories in addressing the
 Use of wide range of relevant sources, which are integrated and critically evaluated.
 Well-structured and organized with a clearly developed line of reasoning. Appropriate length.
 Referencing follows consistent academic conventions with all references fully and accurately cited.

Grade B: Very Good

Overall, a very good and commendable piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
 Demonstrates sound understanding of the task. Presentation of points and arguments generally relevant to the
 Sustained commentary on evidence and materials used. Inclusion of appropriate critical perspective. Use of
theoretical models in a relevant way to address the issues/questions.
 Sound understanding of main sources of literature, well summarized and used in a critical and relevant way.
 Clear structure and presentation. Control of length.
 Generally consistent and accurate referencing.

Grade C: Good
Overall, a good/satisfactory piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
 Understands main point of the task. Most points and arguments presented are
relevant to the question.

 Adequate commentary on evidence and materials used. Some evidence of critical awareness. Use and
understanding of theoretical models, but in a fairly pedestrian way.
 Adequate range of source material consulted. Clear understanding of the literature used.
 Good structure and presentation, minor problems in organization do not impede communication. Control of
 Generally consistent referencing. Although sources maybe un credible or lack in numbers
 Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, inaccuracies do not impede meaning. Target band level

Grade D: Failure
Overall, a very poor piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
 Inadequate or misunderstanding of task. Purely descriptive account with little or
no analysis.

 Irrelevant comments and/or assertions, which are not supported by meaningful evidence. Little evidence of
integration of various sources to sustain an argument. Lack of any critical or appreciative framework.
 Few relevant sources used and/or little use of literature.
 Unstructured presentation and/or lack of coherence, which impedes understanding. Length problematic.
 Little or no attempt at consistent referencing.

BSB6203 – Assessment 1 – Individual Report

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