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A. Choose the correct infinitive to complete the sentences. Then match each
sentence with a question.

1. I'm calling the doctor's office    an


2. I need to go online   some research on places

to go on vacation. 

3. I have to go to the embassy   my visa.    

4. Rita needs a photo ID   the country.  

5. My wife and I are going    a friend at the


6. Her teacher is going to call her parents   

about her low grades.   

 a. Is it possible to take children?

 b. Is it appropriate to talk about it on the phone?

 c. Is it normal to ask for this document?

 d. Is it necessary to go to this office to get your passport?

 e. Is it hard to consult him?

 f. Is it easy to find unusual spots?

B. Use the words in the box to complete the dialogue.

                get     know     learn     necessary     safe     say     visit

A: I want to   the slum of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro, so I need to   a
phrase book to   some Portuguese.

B: Is it   to   Portuguese?       

A: Well, yes, I think it's nice to   hello and thank you and things like


B: Is it   to go alone?

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