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Name : Tri Mandala Putra

Instansi : LOKA Institute

Asal : Bulukumba, SulSel



 • What does the man/woman mean?

 • What are the man & woman discussing?

 • What are the man & woman talking about?

 • What is the main subject of the conversation?

 • What is the purpose of the conversation?

 • What do we know about …?

 • What do we learn about …?

 • What did the man/woman do?



 • What does the man/woman prefer to do?

 • What does the man/woman need to do?

 • What does the man/woman probably want to do?

 • What will the man/woman probably do next?

 • What is the man/woman problem?

 • What is the man/woman excuse?

 • What does the man/woman suggest the woman/man to do?

 • What does the man/woman imply?



 • What had the man/woman thought?

 • What should the man/woman have done?

 • What has the man/woman assumed?

 • Where does the conversation take place?

 • When does the conversation take place?

 • Who is the man/woman in this conversation?

 • Why does the man/woman have problem?

 • How does the man/woman feel?



 1. Avoid choosing the similar sound

 2. Be careful with the possibilities

 3. Antonym

 4. Synonym

 5. Assumption (stressed word as clue)

 6. Conditional sentence (contrast)

 7. Idiom showing agreement

 8. The most important is to focus on the second speaker

No. 1

Nomor 13 dalam audio

a. He needs to do a better job writing questions.
b. He certainly must make his writing better.
c. Without the questions, he cannot write the answers.
d. He needs to understand the written questions better.

Keyword= without question, you need to improve the quality of

your writing
No. 2

Nomor 14 dalam audio

a. The agent was standing in line with his passport.
b. The line to get new passports is very long.
c. The woman must wait her turn to get her passport checked.
d. He can check her passport instead of the agent.

Keyword= you must stand in this line so that the agent can
check your passport
No. 3

Nomor 15 dalam audio

a. He couldn't finish closing the library book.
b. He hadn't finished the library assignment, but he was close.
c. He was working on the assignment when the library closed.
d. His homework was incomplete because the library wasn't open.

Keyword= He couldn’t finish the assignment because the library

was closed
No. 4

Nomor 16 dalam audio

a. All the lawyer's preparation did no good.
b. The lawyer prepared nothing for the case.
c. It wasn't work for the lawyer to prepare for the case.
d. The lawyer didn't work to prepare for the case.

Keyword= It’s true that he prepared hard for the case, but his work
was for nothing
No. 5

Nomor 17 dalam audio

a. The history class begins next week.
b. He thinks the papers should be turned in next week.
c. He has already done the paper for next week.
d. The papers are not due next week.

Keyword= they’re due next week, aren’t they?

No. 6

Nomor 18 dalam audio

a. He's not really happy.
b. The contractor's work was satisfactory.
c. He would rather work with the contractor himself.
d. He was already contacted about the work.

Keyword= I’m rather dissatisfied with it

No. 7

Nomor 19 dalam audio

a. The man should try another type of paper.
b. The man should locate a typist tomorrow morning.
c. The man should make a tape in the morning.
d. The man should complete the paper without help.

Keyword= why not do it yourself?

No. 8

Nomor 20 dalam audio

a. She'd like some pie.
b. It's easy to buy it.
c. The task the man's working on isn't difficult.
d. It's easier to prepare pie than do what the man is doing.

Keyword= It’s as easy as pie.

No. 9

Nomor 21 dalam audio

a. He reported that the time for the budget meeting had been set.
b. He is always late in submitting his accounting figures.
c. He never manages to budget his time well.
d. He is never too late in turning in his reports.

Keyword= he never manages to turn in his budget reports on time

No. 10

Nomor 22 dalam audio

a. The repairs that the mechanic had indicated were already made.
b. The car is going to need a lot of repairs.
c. Buying a new car would be quite expensive.
d. The mechanic extended the repair warranty.

Keyword= he indicated that the repairs would quite extensive

No. 11

Nomor 23 dalam audio

a. Betty wrote the letter as directed.
b. The directions were given to Betty in a letter.
c. Betty will follow the instructions later.
d. Betty worked exactly as instructed.

Keyword= she followed the directions to the letter

No. 12

Nomor 24 dalam audio

a. Walter had a lack of success with his business.
b. Walter failed in business.
c. Walter's new company is doing rather well.
d. Walter hoped to succeed in business.

Keyword = well, he hasn’t exactly been unsuccessful

No. 13

Nomor 35 dalam audio

a. In a book
b. From a television program
c. During a trip that she took
d. From a lecture

Keyword= wasn’t that a fascinating lecture on dolphins?

No. 14

Nomor 36 dalam audio

a. To communicate with other dolphins
b. To recognize objects in the water
c. To learn human language
d. To express fear

Keyword= the dolphins use clicks to identify objects in the water

No. 15

Nomor 37 dalam audio

a. Five
b. Fifteen
c. Fifty
d. Five hundred

Keyword= some dolphins had already learned around fifty human

No. 16

Nomor 38 dalam audio

a. It is limited.
b. It is greater than human intelligence.
c. It is less than previously thought.
d. We are beginning to learn how much they have.

Keyword= we’re only just beginning to find out how intelligent the
No. 17

Nomor 43 dalam audio

a. Students signing up for athletic teams
b. Students going on a tour of a university campus
c. Students playing various sports
d. Students attending a university dedication ceremony

Keyword= listen to a talk by university employee

No. 18

Nomor 44 dalam audio

a. Membership on an athletic team
b. Enrollment in an exercise class
c. A valid student identification card
d. Permission from a faculty member

Keyword= the exercise room is open to any student with valid

student I.D.
No. 19

Nomor 45 dalam audio

a. To the tennis courts
b. To the arena
c. To the gymnasium
d. To the Athletic Department office

Keyword= to the left, you can see the tennis court. You are
welcome to sign up for court time at the athletic department
No. 20

Nomor 46 dalam audio

a. Go to the Art Center
b. Sign up for sports classes
c. Visit the exercise room
d. Watch a football game

Keyword= Now, let’s continue on to the Art Center

Structure and Written Expression

 Quick Tips: We don’t need to translate word by word, All we

need to do is to find out the Verb.

 Be sure that the subject and the verb agree each other.

 Conjunction, 1 conj.= 2 verbs, 2 conj.= 3 verbs, etc.

 Know Active and Passive Meaning

Structure and Written Expression

21. The Cyclist _______ he crossed the main street

(A) Looked with caution after,
(B) Had looked cautiously before,
(C) Was looked cautions when,
(D) looks cautious when,

Quick Tip: terdapat dua clause, sehingga Butuh verb dan

connector (ditandai dengan kata pertama subject the cyclist dan
kata pertama setelah titik-titik (he))
No. 22

1. Here_______ notebook and report that I promised you last week

(A) Is the.
(B) Are the.
(C) Was the.
(D) Has been a.
Quick Tips : Here + is/are + singular/plural noun
No. 23

1. Neither Jane nor her brothers _______ a consent from for tomorrow's
field Trip
(A) Need.
(B) Needs.
(C) Is needing.
(D) Has need.

Quick Tip: Subjectnya plural maka pilihan B C dan D sudah harus

dieliminasi (mereka untuk subject singular dan I, he, she)
No. 24

1. Cuba is _______ sugar-growing areas in the world

(A) One of the larger.
(B) One of largest.
(C) One of the largest.
(D) Largest.
Quick Tip: One of the + noun plural. Larger salah karena soal
bukan pembanding
No. 25

1. The skiers would rather _______ through the mountains than go by bus
(A) To travel on train.
(B) Traveled by train.
(C) Travel by train.
(D) Travelling by the train.

Quick tip: would rather + V1

No. 26

1. That magnificent _______ temple was constructed by the Chinese

(A) eight-centuries-old.
(B) Eight-centuries’s-old.
(C) Old-eight centuries.
(D) eight-century-old.
Quick Tip: D merupakan struktur dan grammar yang benar
z No. 27

1. There were two small rooms in the beach house, _______ served as a
(A) The smaller of which
(B) The Smallest of which.
(C) The Smaller of them.
(D) Smallest of that.

Quick Tips: the smaller of + connector

No. 28

1. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships,

and _______
(A) So did their children.
(B) Neither did the children.
(C) Also the Childs.
(D) Had he studied more.
Pembahasan: Bagian A yang paling sesuai, bagian B
kontradiktif. Bagian D salah grammar dan meaning
No. 29

1. Mr. Duncan _______ his brother, who has a better position.

(A) Twice as much as.
(B) Twice more than.
(C) Twice as many as.
(D) Twice as more as.

Quick Tip: Twice as much as merupakan struktur yang digunakan dalam

kalimat ini, bagian B double meaning, bagian C penggunaan many tidak
tepat, as more as tdak ada.
No. 30

1. _______, he would have been able to pass the exam.

(A) If he studied more.
(B) If he were studying to a greater degree.
(C) Studying more
(D) Had he studied more.
If he had studied more inverted to had he studied more

Quick Tip: Had he studied more (inverted sentence)

No. 31

1. The world's water balance is regulated by the constant circulation of water in Liquid and vapor
 A B C
 tom among the oceans, the atmospheric, and the land.

 D

Quick Tip: atmospheric (adjective) ----> atmosphere

Paralel Structure _--> the oceans (noun), the atmosphere (noun), and the land
No. 32

1. The major purpose of the United States Department of Education are to ensure equal educational
 A B
 opportunity for all and to improve the quality of education.

 C D

Pembahasan Jawaban: purpose --> purposes

Subject Verb Agreement / Singular Subject
+ Singular Verb; Plural Subject + Plural Verb
No. 33

1. Massive gains in computer speed, power, and reliably have been largely due to advances in
 A B C D
 silicon technologies and manufacturing processes.

Pembahasan Jawaban: reliably (adverb) --> reliability

Paralel Structure --> speed (noun), power (noun), and reliability (noun)
No. 34

1. The sunflower, the official state flower of Kansas, and is widespread in the prairies of
 A B C
 the western United States.

 D

Pembahasan Jawaban: and is --> is

Subj, app, verb
App, subj verb
No. 35

1. Lake Superior, part of the United States-Canadian boundary, is a largest freshwater lake in
 A B C
 the world.

 D

Pembahasan Jawaban: a --> the

No. 36

1. The total thickness of the ventricular walls of the heart are about three times that of the
 A B C D
 atria.

Quick Tip: the total selalu dimaknai singular, maka verbnya harusnya is.
No. 37

1. The type of jazz known as "swing" was introduced by Duke Ellington when he wrote and
 A B C
 records "It Don't mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing.
 D

Quick Tip: parallel structure, wrote = recorded

No. 38

1. The bones of mammals, not alike those of other vertebrates, show a high degree of
 A B C
 differentiation.
 D

Quick Tip: harusnya like (word choice)

No. 39

1. The neocortex has evolved more recently then other layers of the brain.
 A B C D

Quick Tip: More berpasangan dengan than (lebih dari). Then

No. 40

1. The United States receives a large amount of revenue from taxation of a tobacco products
 A B C D

Quick Tip: Dihapus saja a, karena nounnya lebih dari satu.

No. 41

1. The snapper, a large-headed fish with a long dorsal fin, is named to its characteristic way
 A B
 of suddenly, shutting its mouth.

 C D

Pembahasan Jawaban: named to --> name after/for

Pasangan kata (Phrase)
No. 42

1. The aim of the decorative arts is to beautiful our surroundings.

 A B C D

Pembahasan Jawaban: to beautiful (adjective) --> to beautify (verb)

No. 43

1. Modern digital synthesizers, based on microprocessors, are virtually unlimited in

 A B
 the number and range of musical sounds it can produce.

 C D

Pembahasan Jawaban: it ---> they

Pronoun Reference --> they refers to Modern digital synthesizers
No. 44

1. During the years he composed, Charles Ives was isolation from the music world; none of
 A B
 his major works was publicly performed.

 C D

Pembahasan Jawaban: isolation from --> isolated from

No. 45

1. Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that attempts to eliminate conflict by alter the

 A B C
 personality in a positive way.

 D

Quick Tip: Pembahasan Jawaban: by alter --> by altering

Preposition + Verb-ing
Reading Section

 Be familiar with the directions

 Don’t spend your time on reading the passages

 Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the passages

 Don’t spend much time on your question that you are unsure of

 Be sure you fill all the answers

 Read as much as possible

 Learning the new vocabs from the passages that you don’t know
Reading Section
No. 46

1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage ?

 (A) The beauty of the world
(B) The quality of life
(C) The preservation of species
(D) The balance of nature

Topik utama paragraf-paragraf tersebut sudah diberitahukan pada judul

paragraf tersebut. Besar kemungkinannya jika judul suatu paragraf merupakan
sekumpulan kata benda (noun phrase), maka judul itu mengandung ide utama
suatu kumpulan paragraf. ‘Endangered Species’ maksudnya adalah satwa-
satwa langka yang harus dilindungi (preserved), oleh karena itu jawabannya
adalah : (C) The preservation of species
No. 47

1. Which of the arguments support animal rights ?

 (A) Aesthetic justification
(B) Ecological argument
(C) Self-interest argument
(D) Moral justification

Pada soal ini, kita diminta untuk mencari bagian dari paragraf
yang menyetujui ide untuk membantu dan melindungi hewan-hewan (support
animal rights), dan di teks tersebut terdapat referensi terhadap pembenaran
melalui moral, bukan dikarenakan untuk unsur kemanusiaan (A), bukan juga
untuk kegunaan mereka pada manusia (B), dan tidak disebutkan sama sekali di
dalam teks (C). Dengan adanya ide tersebut di dalam teks, kita bisa menjawab
: (D) Moral Justification
No. 48
1. The word “perspective” in line 30 could best be replaced by ….
 (A) ideal
(B) event
(C) truth
(D) view

Untuk soal ini, kita diminta untuk mencari kata ‘perspective’ (sudut pandang) di
baris ketiga puluh dan mencari tahu arti dari kata tersebut dan
menggantikannya dengan kata lain yang mirip atau sesuai dengan arti dari
‘perspective’. (A) ideal (ideal) tidak serupa, begitu juga dengan (B) event (event),
dan hal ini juga berlaku untuk (C) Truth (kebenaran). Hanya (D) view
(penglihatan/sudut pandang) saja yang bisa dipakai dari empat jawaban
tersebut. Jadi, jawabannya adalah : (D) view
No. 49

1. The word “unique” in line 5 is closest in meaning to …..

 (A) strong
(B) new
(C) special
(D) active

Seperti nomor sebelumnya, kita sekarang diminta mencari kata ‘unique’ di

baris kelima, lalu mencari arti dan mengganti kata ‘unique’ (unik/spesial)
dengan salah satu kata yang ada di jawaban soal. (A) strong (kuat), (B) new
(baru), dan (D) active (aktif) tidak memiliki arti yang sama dengan (C) special.
Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah : (C) special
No. 50

1. The word “them” in line 26 refers to ….

 (A) humankind
(B) stewards
(C) creatures
(D) human beings

Dalam soal seperti ini, kita harus mengasosiasikan kata ganti (pronoun) dengan
kata yang digantikan, pertama cari tahu susunan kalimat dimana kata ‘them’ itu
digunakan pada baris ke dua puluh enam. Disitu, kita bisa melihat bahwa manusia
harus menolong mereka (them) jika ingin menjadi pengelola di muka bumi ini.
Nah, ‘them’ disini diasosiasikan terhadap segala mahkluk hidup (creatures) yang
manusia-manusia tersebut harus lindungi di bumi ini. Jadi, jawaban yang sesuai
adalah : (C) creatures.

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IG: mandalaputra_tri1
FB: Tri Mandala Putra

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