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Nama : Tri Mandala Putra

Asal : Bulukumba, SulSel



 • What does the man/woman mean?

 • What are the man & woman discussing?

 • What are the man & woman talking about?

 • What is the main subject of the conversation?

 • What is the purpose of the conversation?

 • What do we know about …?

 • What do we learn about …?

 • What did the man/woman do?



 • What does the man/woman prefer to do?

 • What does the man/woman need to do?

 • What does the man/woman probably want to do?

 • What will the man/woman probably do next?

 • What is the man/woman problem?

 • What is the man/woman excuse?

 • What does the man/woman suggest the woman/man to do?

 • What does the man/woman imply?



 • What had the man/woman thought?

 • What should the man/woman have done?

 • What has the man/woman assumed?

 • Where does the conversation take place?

 • When does the conversation take place?

 • Who is the man/woman in this conversation?

 • Why does the man/woman have problem?

 • How does the man/woman feel?



 1. Avoid choosing the similar sound

 2. Be careful with the possibilities

 3. Antonym

 4. Synonym

 5. Assumption (stressed word as clue)

 6. Conditional sentence (contrast)

 7. Idiom showing agreement

 8. The most important is to focus on the second speaker

No. 1

1. Nomor 16 dalam audio

a. She gave Tom money to pay the rent
b. She was given money for the rent
c. Tom borrowed money for the rent
d. She had some money to lend

Keyword= He lent me enough money to pay the rent

No. 2

1. Nomor 17 dalam audio

a. The cake is extremely good
b. He never tasted the cake
c. He wished he didn’t taste the cake
d. The cake has never been very good

Keyword= never have I tasted such delicious cake!

No. 3

1. Nomor 18 dalam audio

a. At the corner she ran into another car
b. She ran to Carl because she cared
c. She unexpectedly met one of her relatives
d. Carl was running from place to place

Keyword= Oh, I ran into my cousin carl, and we stayed and talked
for a while
No. 4

1. Nomor 19 dalam audio

a. She shouldn’t leave her purse here
b. She’s probably in the apartment
c. Her purse must not be in the apartment
d. She left without taking the purse

Keyword= Her purse is still here, so she must still be in the

No. 5

1. Nomor 20 dalam audio

a. The landford failed to collect rent on the first of last month
b. The tenants absolutely must pay rent at the beginning of the month
c. The landford will not fail to collect your rent on the first of next month
d. It is important to call the landford about rent on the first of the month

Keyword= The landlord collects it on the first of the month,

without fail
No. 6

1. Nomor 21 dalam audio

a. Taking the car out for a test drive
b. Listening to the noises
c. Fixing the car herself
d. Getting the car repaired

Keyword= Why not take it to a mechanic?

No. 7

1. Nomor 22 dalam audio

a. Martha’s jobs are easy
b. It’s easy to hold two jobs
c. It’s better for Martha to have two jobs
d. Martha should slow down

Keyword= She’d better take it easy

No. 8

1. Nomor 23 dalam audio

a. The plane took off just after he arrived
b. He arrived just after the plane took off
c. He wasn’t in time to catch the plane
d. He arrived too late to catch the plane

Keyword= there was scarcely enough time to get there

No. 9

1. Nomor 24 dalam audio

a. He agrees with the woman’s suggestion
b. Parking is not free on the weekend
c. It is not necessary for them to park
d. He thinks they don’t have to pay

Keyword= parking fess aren’t necessary on the weekend, are

No. 10

1. Nomor 25 dalam audio

a. He is eager to leave his job
b. He is unhappy at the thought of retiring
c. He couldn’t be unhappier about retiring
d. He is retiring too soon

Keyword= oh, he isn’t too unhappy to be retiring.

No. 11

1. Nomor 26 dalam audio

a. He got the car he really wanted
b. He didn’t get a new car
c. The car that he got was not his first choice
d. He didn’t really want a new car

Keyword= I wish I had been able to buy the car I really wanted
No. 12

1. Nomor 27 dalam audio

a. Mr. Drew pointedly asked the president about the committee
b. The president pointed to mr. Drew’s head
c. Mr. Drew became head of the new commission
d. Mr. Drew was committed to the president’s appointments.

Keyword = yes, the president appointed Mr. Drew head of the

newly formed commission
No. 13

1. Nomor 35 dalam audio

a. Trash orbiting Earth
b. A trip by an astronaut to the moon
c. The overabundance of garbage on Earth
d. Becoming space scientists

Keyword= have you ever thought about all the tons of garbage
that’s out in space circling the Earth?
No. 14

1. Nomor 36 dalam audio

a. From a lecture
b. In a magazine article
c. In a book
d. On a television program

Keyword= I saw a television program

No. 15

1. Nomor 37 dalam audio

a. 17,000 pounds
b. 3,000 tons
c. 3,000 pounds
d. 300 tons

Keyword= there’s about 3000 tons of metal out there in space

No. 16

1. Nomor 38 dalam audio

a. She will be able to travel in space
b. The problem will take care of itself
c. Scientists will find solutions to the problem
d. The junk will fall to earth

Keyword= I know that right now the problem is being studied by

numerous scientists; hopefully, they’ll be able to find solutions
No. 17

1. Nomor 43 dalam audio

a. In winter
b. In spring
c. In summer
d. In fall

Keyword= this is the average daily temperature in the springtime

(26 degrees Celsius or 80 degrees Fahrenheit)
No. 18

1. Nomor 44 dalam audio

a. Seasonable, with the summers and cold winters
b. Fairly constant and moderate
c. Very humid
d. Extremely hot year-round

Keyword= one important factor that keeps the temperature so

constant and moderate in Hawaii is the trade winds
No. 19

1. Nomor 45 dalam audio

a. They come from the Southwest
b. They come most days of the year
c. They are the hardest during the night
d. They increase the humidity

Keyword= the trade winds blow through the islands an

average of slightly more than 300 days per year
No. 20

1. Nomor 46 dalam audio

a. Preparing for a trip
b. Writing a report about the weather
c. Beginning a study of the weather
d. Buying a warm clothes for a trip

Keyword= it should also help you decide what types of

clothes you should be packing for your trip
Structure and Written Expression

 Quick Tips: We don’t need to translate word by word, All we

need to do is to find out the Verb.

 Be sure that the subject and the verb agree each other.

 Conjunction, 1 conj.= 2 verbs, 2 conj.= 3 verbs, etc.

 Know Active and Passive Meaning

Structure and Written Expression
21. —— Jane has an excellent resume, she hasn't found a job yet.
(A) However
(B) Yet
(C) That
(D) Although
Terdapat dua cluse: clause 1 (Jane has an excellent resume),
clause 2 (she hasn't found a job yet). Karena ada dua clause maka
kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause
tersebut. Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada, hanya pilihan B dan D yang
merupakan connector. Pilihan B salah karena kata yet ketika
menjadi connector berada di tengah clause atau di antara ke dua
clause bukan di awal kalimat; yet masuk dalam coordinate
connector. Pilihan paling tepat ialah D. Although masuk dalam
kategori subordinate connector yang letaknya bisa di antara ke dua
clause bisa juga depan kalimat
No. 22
1. —— several universities that have excellent engineering schools.
(A) There are
(B) The
(C) There is a lot of
(D) Some of
Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause ditandai adanya connector
'that'. Clause 1 '—— several universities' kehilangan kata kerja.
Clause 2 'that have excellent engineering schools' sudah lengkap.
Subjectnya ialah that yang juga berfungsi sebagai connector.
Olehnya, kita butuh untuk melengkapi clause pertama yg
kehilangan verb. Dari pilihan jawaban yg ada, hanya pilihan A dan C
yg berisi verb. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan A.
No. 23

1. Many Middle Eastern diplomats still feel that the United States is intent ——
the ultimate police in the region.
(A) to being
(B) being
(C) be
(D) on being

Pasangan Phrase: intent + on

No. 24

1. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States' entry into World War I would put
a —— to the war in months.
(A) to stop
(B) stop
(C) stopping

Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' + noun

Dari pilihan jawaban hanya C yang merupakan kata
benda (noun).
No. 25

1. —— of New York's Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region.
(A) The complete
(B) Completing
(C) A completing
(D) The completion

Butuh article + noun yang berfungsi sebagai subject

No. 26

1. A leech, after —— the skin, is best removed by the application of either salt or
(A) it attaches itself to
(B) attaching it
(C) its attaching to
(D) where it attaches to

Butuh subject + verb setelah connector (after)

z No. 27

1. —— east of the Mississippi River.

(A) Indigo was grown usually
(B) Usually grown was Indigo
(C) Indigo usually grown
(D) Indigo was usually grown

Butuh subject + verb

No. 28

1. The outer layer of the heart, called the pericardium, forms a sac in what the heart lies.

 A B C D

• in what --> in which (di mana)

• sac: kantung

• outer (adj): bagian luar

• In which the hear lies: di mana jantung berada.

No. 29

1. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to steam.

 A B C D

• Become + adjective

• Linking verb + adjective

• Flexibly --> flexible

No. 30

1. The ability to talk is one of the skill that make humans different from the rest of
 A B C
 the animal world.

 D.

• one of + plural

• skill --> skills

No. 31

1. In plane geometry, the sum of the internal angles of any triangle has always equal to 180

 A B C D

 degrees.

• has --> is

• be + adjective

• has/have/had + verb 3

• Has/have/had + been + adj/noun/adverb/v-ing/v3

No. 32

1. Polar bears are bowlegged and pigeon-toed, adaptations that enable this massive

 A B
 animals to maintain their balance as they walk.

 C D

• this--> these

• this u/ singular

• these u/ plural
No. 33

1. Caves are formed by the chemical or action mechanical of water on soluble rock,

 A B
 by volcanic activity, and by earthquakes.

 C D

• action mechanical --> mechanical action (terbalik)

• Adjective + Noun
No. 34
1. Celery, an edible plant is having long stalks topped with feathery leaves, grows best in

 A B C D

 cool weather.

• is having --> which has atau having

• which has: adjective clause

• having: reduced adjective clause

No. 35
1. The first fiction writer in the United States to achieve international fame was Washington
 A B C
 Irving, who wrote many stories, included ― Rip Van Winkle‖.

 D

included --> Verb-ing

Kesalahan: Double Verb
include (verb)

Included: Verb 2/Verb 3

including: bisa dianggaps sebagai Verb-ing atau bisa jg sebagai Preposition
Materi ini bisa dipelajari di materi *present participle* atau di *reduced adjective clause*
No. 36
1. Three fundamental aspects of forest conversation are the protection of immature trees, the

 A
 use of proper harvesting methods, and provide for an environment
 B C
 that supports reproduction.

 D

• provide --> the provision

• materi: parallel structure

• yang di paralelkan (Noun):

1. The protection of ...
2. The use of ...
3. The provision of ...
No. 37

1. For each enzyme reaction there is an optimum temperature which maximum efficiency is

 A B C D

 achieved.

• which (yang) --> at which (di mana)

• Materi: adjective clause

No. 38

1. Adolescence is a transitional stage in human development from the beginning of puberty

 A B
 to the attainment of the emotion, social, and physical maturity of adulthood.

 C D

• emotion --> emotional

• parallel structure

• emotional, social, and physical

No. 39

1. The people native to the northwest coast of North American have long
 A
 be known for wood carvings of stunning beauty and extraordinary quality.

 B C D

• be --> been

• have + been
No. 40

1. Colonial efforts to manufacture glass at Jamestown and later attempts near Philadelphia
 A B
 and Boston failed despite the abundant of fuel and good raw materials.

 C D

• abundant --> abundance

• the/a/an + NOUN
• -ive (adjective), -al, (structural), (emosional)
• -nce (noun) –ion, -nt (batallion), (improvement), (emosion), (structure)

• intelligent --> intelligence; diligent --> diligence; important --> importance

No. 41

1. Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality, knowledge, existent, and ethics by means
 A B C D

 of rational inquiry.

• Harusnya existence (parallel dengan knowledge, ethics, and nature) semuanya noun.
No. 42

1. Poems vary in length from brief lyric poems to narrative or epic poems, which can be as
 A B C
 broad in scope than a novel.

 D

• Harusnya as, than dipake untuk membandingkan, sedangkan soal persamaan

No. 43

1. The population of California more than doubled during the period 1940-1960, creating
 A B
 problems in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section.

 C D

• Harusnya providing (parallel dengan creating)

No. 44

1. Although based it on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed a

 A B
 reputation for a progressive political and social outlook.

 C D

• Based on tidak bisa dipisahkan

No. 45

1. Hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is the
 A B
 material used widely most for metal sculpture.

 C D

• Harusnya most widely (kebalik)

Reading Section

 Be familiar with the directions

 Don’t spend your time on reading the passages

 Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the passages

 Don’t spend much time on your question that you are unsure of

 Be sure you fill all the answers

 Read as much as possible

 Learning the new vocabs from the passages that you don’t know
Reading Section
No. 46

1. What does the passage mainly discuss ?

 (A) Philadelphia’s agriculture importance

(B) Philadelphia’s development as a marketing center
(C) The sale of imported goods in Philadelphia
(D) The administration of the city of Philadelphia

Untuk soal reading seperti ini, kita harus mengutamakan pencarian kata kunci.
Di paragraf tersebut, kita bisa melihat kata yang paling banyak dipakai dan
diutarakan dengan lebih jelas lagi adalah kata ‘market’. Setelah itu, kita tinggal
mencari dari soal manakah yang memiliki kata ‘market’ tersebut. Jadi,
jawabannya adalah : (B) Philadelphia’s development as a marketing center
No. 47

1. It can be inferred from the passage that new markets opened in Philadelphia because
 (A) they provided more modem facilities than older markets
(B) the High Street Market was forced to close
(C) existing markets were unable to serve the growing population
(D) farmers wanted markets that were closer to the farms

Disini kita harus mencari bagian dari paragraf yang membahas tentang
mengapa pasar-pasar baru dibuka di Philadelphia. Hal yang harus dilakukan
pertama kali adalah untuk mencari kata yang mengandung unsur tersebut.
Setelah menemukannya di paragraf tersebut, kita hanya perlu mencari jawaban
yang cocok. Sudah menemukannya? Ya, kalimat diatas terkait dengan
‘economic growth’. Jadi, jawabannya adalah : (C) existing markets were
unable to serve the growing population
No. 48
1. The word “hinterland “ in line 3 is closest in meaning to ….

 (A) tradition
(B) association
(C) produce
(D) region

Untuk soal-soal tersebut, kita harus tahu arti dari kata hinterland, yang berarti
pedalaman, dan juga konteks dipakainya kata tersebut. Untuk itu, kita harus
berkonsultasi dengan jawaban nomor tersebut. (A) tradition (tradisi), (B) association
(asosiasi), (C) produce (produksi) tidak memberikan gambaran akan sebuah area
pedalaman. Tetapi, (D) region (area) bisa dipakai untuk mendeskripsikan ‘hinterland’
yang di dalam paragraf dipakai untuk menyebutkan suatu tempat. Oleh karena itu,
jawabannya adalah : (D) region
No. 49

1. The word “it” in line 6 refers to ….

 (A) the crowded city
(B) a radius
(C) the High Street Market
(D) the period

Untuk soal yang membutuhkan kita untuk pergi ke baris tertentu, kita diminta
untuk mencari apa yang diasosiasikan dengan kata ‘it’ pada baris tersebut.
Sebelum dipisahkan oleh sebuah koma (,) kita bisa membaca bahwa ‘the High
Street Market’ merupakan subyek kalimat tersebut. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya
adalah : (C) the High Street Market
No. 50

1. The word “persisted” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ….

 (A) returned
(B) started
(C) declined
(D) continued

Soal ini hampir sama dengan nomor yang sudah kita kerjakan sebelumnya. Di soal ini, kita
diminta untuk mencari tahu kata yang artinya hampir sama dengan ‘persisted’ (bertahan)
dalam konteks paragraf tersebut. (A) returned (kembali), (B) started (dimulai), dan (C)
declined (mundur) tidak sesuai dengan kata ‘persisted’. Hanya (D) continued (berlanjut) saja
yang memiliki arti yang mirip dengan ‘persisted’ dalam konteks hal tersebut terus bertahan.
Dikarenakan itu, jawabannya adalah : (D) continued

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FB: Tri Mandala Putra

 According to

 Based on (based in)

 Listening to

 Lead to

 Intent on

 Account for

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