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In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize that their products are new in some way.

Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

To be able to maintain sales and stay in the market brands need to grow and
This growth usually happens by producing new goods or making slight or enormous changes to their
existing products.
Furthermore, companies feel the need to tell their customers about these new developments. The following
paragraphs of This essay will analyze this phenomenon while contributing my opinion. In many cases, the
name of the brand is strongly attached to a specific category of product (for instance, Lays which is known
more for its chips than dips ) and it is very common that as the brand grows, it has to alter some aspects of
its products.
However, in many cases, these modifications are significant and could confuse the usual consumers
therefore it is essential for brand managers to acknowledge their buyers about the new adjustment. For
example , If lays updates the packaging of its chips and doesn't inform the customer, they can not find their
favourite chips and might even get frustrated with the brand.
On the other hand, there is no need to share every change with the market especially if the modifications are
small and insignificant or they are experimental.
For instance, Lays could develop a new taste and decides to have an experimental lunch in which they
would only sell the new flavoured Chips to some parts of the market to see the consumers' reaction to the
new taste. In this stage, if the Brand introduces This new change to their category of products too soon it
might not be well accepted. To sum up, everything that companies do is to ensure the sales of their products
and if their actions are not properly communicated through ads the consumers would never know about
Thus, if the message is clear, sharing it would bring positive reactions from brands.

Introduction: It has been observed that many companies focus on the novelty of what they produce. This is
largely due to their desire to generate more profit by manipulating customers. While there may be some
positive aspects, I believe this is a largely negative development.
The main reason companies choose to frame their goods as new ones is that their primary goal is to generate
profit. They do this by exploiting people’s instinctual attraction to novelty as people are more likely to want
to engage with goods and services if they are seen as new. As a result, an updated or improved version of an
existing product can be used to make more money for a company. Moreover, it is easier to advertise a new
product than an existing one since all previous forms of marketing and advertising can be applied to such
goods while older products can only have new forms of advertising applied to them. For instance, classic
Coca Cola can only be advertised as classic Coca Cola whereas a new Coca Cola can be advertised as a
product in its own right and in relationship with other beverages in the Coca Cola Company.
P2: However, I would argue that this is a negative trend. Firstly, many changes are either not really new or
they are meaningless. For example, many new smartphones are advertised as faster than the old versions, but
they are only slightly faster than the originals. This means people spend more money on a product which is
not much better. In addition to being wasteful of customers’ money, it is also wasteful of the environment.
In other words, older products which are almost as good as older products are thrown away in favour of
something that is marginally more efficient. This creates an excessive amount of rubbish and environmental
damage which could be averted if people did not purchase allegedly new goods.
In conclusion, businesses present their products as new ones in order to meet the profit motive. Though this
behaviour may benefit this particular goal, there are clear negative outcomes in terms of customers being
misled and damage being done to the environment.

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