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Functions of organs

Semilunar/tricuspid valve - Close backward flowing to the ventricle

Atrioventricular/bicuspid valve – Sperate atrium and ventricle and prevents blood
flowing back into the left atrium from the left ventricle
Pulmonary artery – Carry blood to the lungs R L
Aorta – Largest artery and it carry blood to the rest of the body
Pulmonary veins – Carry blood from the lungs to the heart R L
Anterior vena cava – A type of veins which carry the blood to your heart from the organs
above your heart
Posterior vena cava – Carry blood from the organs below your heart to your heart
Septum – A muscle which separate right and left of the heart. (Right atrium and
ventricle and left atrium and ventricle.
Substance that pass from the blood to the cells: Oxygen and nutrients
From the cells to the blood: Carbon dioxide and waste
Note: Veins carry blood from your body to your heart and artery carry blood from your heart to the rest
of your body. Upper chamber (atria) collects blood and lower chamber (ventricle) pumps blood.


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