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Abiotic factors cover a broad spectrum of non-living components that have an impact on living things and

influence ecosystems. The following are some important abiotic factor categories and how they affect living

Temperature: An important abiotic component that has an impact on an organism's general physiological
processes, metabolic rates, and enzymatic activity is temperature. A wide variety of species can thrive only
within a narrow range of temperatures. Extreme temperature swings have been associated with stress, changed
behavior, and even death.

Sunlight (Light Intensity and Photoperiod): Sunlight gives plants the energy they need to synthesize food, and it
can also affect how animals behave. While photoperiod (the length of the day and night) can cause seasonal
activities like migration, hibernation, and reproduction, light intensity influences the kinds of plants that can
survive in a particular place.

Water Resources:

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