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Modesto A. Maidique,
Faculty of Leadership at
Harvard Business School



Coordinated by Steven Philip Warner

he central, most telling ques- destroying his country, his tribe, his the wind and strive to please as many
tion to ask a leader is, “Whom family, and, in time, himself. Indeed, people as possible at all times. In some
do you serve?” Some leaders he served no one. The same was true cases this could be the group they work
will tell you, using a popular of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. with; in other cases, the regional or
descriptor, that they aspire to be “serv- national electorate. It is difficult to find
ant leaders.” The question still re- LEVEL TWO: OPPORTUNIST renowned corporate leaders who fit
mains, however, a servant to whom: to The second level is the leader who this category because in business,
yourself, to your group, or to society serves only himself or herself, often at typically, the Chameleons are weeded
(to cite three of several options)? The the expense of others: the Opportunist. out before they reach the top. The
question is a powerful vector on which These are the people who always ask, world of politics is another matter.
to build a useful typology of leader- “What’s in it for me?” Their moral Many politicians fall into this category.
ship. Based on this idea, I have con- compass is guided primarily by the ac- Those who follow presidential politics
structed a six-level Purpose-Driven cumulation of wealth and power, all will remember Senator John Kerry,
Model of Leadership informed by the else be damned. Bernie Madoff, now in who was pilloried as a “flip-flopper”
work of Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohl- prison, is a poster boy for the Oppor- after explaining a vote regarding the
berg, and his colleague, Robert Kegan tunists. While Madoff enjoyed the Iraq war: “I actually did vote for the
(refer Table 1). The answer to the luxuries of a life of wealth and power, [authorization bill] before I voted
question often reveals more about hundreds if not thousands of retirees against it.” In Florida, former governor
leaders than knowing their personal- saw their nest eggs evaporate because Charlie Crist changed colors so often
ity traits, level of achievement, or of their unwitting participation in a de- that it was difficult to know with preci-
whether they were “transformational” liberately contrived Ponzi scheme that, sion where he stood on any given issue,
or “transactional” leaders. in time, became the largest ($50 bil- from climate change to which party, if

Reprinted with permission from HBS Working Knowledge

lion) in Wall Street history. By this any, he really belonged to.
LEVEL ONE: SOCIOPATH measure, or in terms of the families There is not much to celebrate
At the base of the model is the person brought to financial ruin, Madoff re- about the first three levels, although
who literally serves no one: the Socio- mains one of the modern world’s great- certainly levels two and three abound
path. The Sociopath, afflicted with est Opportunists. Also of this genre, in organisations. There’s much more
what the Diagnostic and Statistical although somewhat lesser known, is to admire in levels four, five and six.
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- Jeffrey Skilling, the Enron CEO who
III) describes as anti-social personal- sold off tens of millions of dollars of LEVEL FOUR: ACHIEVER
ity disorder, exhibits abnormally low stock just before Enron filed for bank- The level-four leader, the Achiever,
empathy and destroys value, himself, ruptcy, claiming he had no knowledge fills the senior executive ranks. These
and, ultimately, those who surround of the scandal that would engulf his leaders rarely fail to achieve their goals
him as well. (I use the male pronoun company. He was sentenced to 24 years and often exceed sales quotas, create
because the vast majority of Sociopaths and four months in prison. generous profits, and are frequent
and psychopaths are male.) Fortunate- stars at merit-award dinners. The
ly, Sociopaths comprise less than 1% LEVEL THREE: CHAMELEON Achiever, to use Peter Drucker’s fe-
of the population. An excellent exam- At the next level sits Chameleons. licitous phrase, is often a “monoma-
ple is Muammar Gaddafi, who was These are the “leaders” who bend with niac with a mission” and is focused,



Figure 1: Profile for a young Table 1: A Purpose-driven Model of Leadership

professional All leaders have a mix of the following characteristics
Leadership traits-mix in a 35 year- Transcedents go beyond the institution they govern by ensur-
Level VI Transcedents Society ing that the institution grows while contributing to the entire
old leader community.
Builders make decisions that serve and help to build the
Level V Builders Institution
0% institution.

5% 10% Achievers are effective in getting the job done. They serve the
Level IV Achievers from Above goal
30% commanded from above (e.g. a boss, a board, or the law)
without broader consideration.

Prevailing Chameleons adapt to their surroundings and serve whichever

40% Level III Chameleons
15% Winds group they belong to. They are often used by others.
Opportunists exhibit no consideration of their friends, family,
Level II Opportunists Themselves society or institution. They serve themselves and think only
about their own benefits.
Sociopath Achiever Builder
Sociopath is the catchword for destructive persons. They
Chameleon Transcendent Opportunist Level I Sociopaths No One serve neither themselves nor their surroundings.
Source: Author Source: Leadership models designed by Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Robert Kegan

energetic, results-oriented, and high- LEVEL FIVE: BUILDER by the Afrikaners to build a South Af-
ly-prized by top management. Achiev- The level-five leader, the Builder, rica for all South Africans. Like Martin
ers pursue goals established by their strives not to reach a goal but to build Luther King Jr., Mandela wanted peo-
bosses or by themselves, in a single- an institution. Builders are legendary ple to be judged by the “content of
minded manner. Therein lies the leaders such as IBM’s Tom Watson Jr., their character rather than the color of
Achilles’ heel of Achievers: They drive GM’s Alfred P. Sloan, and Harpo’s Op- their skin.” The Dalai Lama, another
toward a goal without giving much rah Winfrey. These people serve their Transcendent, told me that the first
consideration to the broader mission. institutions by managing for the long thing he does in the morning after he
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark term and not allowing themselves to finishes his prayers is to ask himself,
Hurd is an excellent example of a be seduced by the twin mirages of “How can I help to make the world
level-four leader. Under his watch short-term profit or stock market val- better today?” Imagine if our senior
HP’s stock price more than doubled, uations. They have a grand vision for political and business leaders started
but he decimated the infrastructure the future of their organisations, and their day by asking that question and
and intellectual seed corn (R&D) of they infect others with their energy, acting on the answer.
the company to do so. By simply cut- enthusiasm, and integrity. These are
ting R&D to a level of about 2.5% of the leaders we write books about, PORTFOLIO MIX
revenue, down from 6% during the study, try to understand, and lionize. No one is a pure Transcendent or a pure
1990s, the Carly Fiorina/Mark Hurd Opportunist. Rather, we are all a portfo-
team “saved” HP about $4 billion – LEVEL SIX: TRANSCENDENT lio of the different types with one type
about the equivalent of half the profits Builders are few and far between, but being dominant. Even the Dalai Lama
earned during Hurd’s last year. HP’s there is an even rarer type of leader has to deal with the pull of his emotions
once formidable technological and who transcends the Builder: the Tran- when he makes decisions. And Madoff
product strength was slowly sapped scendent. Level-six leaders transcend did his best to shield his wife and sons
away. When I asked Dave Packard in their political party, their ethnic or ra- when he confessed his grand scheme to
the early 1980s what accounted for cial group, and even their institutions. the FBI. Figure 1 graphically illustrates
HP’s extraordinary run he modestly They focus on how to benefit all of so- what the portfolio of levels might look
replied, “I guess we found a way to ciety. These are “global citizens,” in like for a 35-year-old executive. This
make a better product.” Where are the words of Howard Gardner’s recent picture, however, is not static. Man is
those better products today? Refer- book, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness capable, though not always assured, of
ring to one of HP’s most visible new Reframed, who watch out not only for continuing moral development. The
product initiatives, the TouchPad, a numero uno but for the wider public sense or the meaning we give to our life
late entry into the iPad dominated tab- as well. There is no better example of at 60 may be considerably different than
let space, a senior HP executive re- what it really takes to be a Transcend- how we see life at 30. The levels, though
portedly told the Wall Street Journal, ent than the first black President of not linear, are in a general way a path to
“We know we’re the fifth man in a South Africa, Nelson Mandela. He was what Erik Erickson calls generativity
four-man race.” In their drive towards able to soar above hatred for his white and integrity. Helping leaders to find
a goal, Achievers often substitute the jailers, the political tug of the African their own path and follow it should be
needs of the whole with their person- National Congress, the pull of his ra- the ultimate goal
oal of a leadership devel-
al striving to succeed. cial and tribal group, and the rejection opment program. m. 4Ps


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