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Science is a systematic and organized endeavor to understand the natural world

through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It involves a set of methods and

principles that aim to discover and explain the underlying laws, patterns, and
mechanisms governing the universe. Science seeks to build knowledge that is both
reliable and testable, using evidence-based approaches to arrive at conclusions.

Key characteristics of science include:

1. Empirical Observation: Scientific investigations are based on direct observation

or measurement of phenomena in the real world. These observations form the
foundation of scientific inquiry.
2. Systematic Process: Science follows a structured and organized process that
involves formulating hypotheses (educated guesses), designing experiments,
collecting data, and analyzing the results. This process helps researchers to arrive
at conclusions and refine their understanding.
3. Falsifiability: Scientific hypotheses and theories must be formulated in a way
that they can be tested and potentially proven false. This principle is crucial for
distinguishing between scientific claims and non-scientific ones.
4. Peer Review: The findings and conclusions of scientific research are subject to
peer review by other experts in the field. This ensures that the methods, data, and
interpretations are scrutinized for accuracy and validity.

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