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After training and leading a team of 23 setters that produced over 17 Million in Revenue from
organic Social Media strategies, I decided to share a piece of my setting methodology. Anyone
can follow this guide to book calls in DMs from Call To Actions (CTAs), meaning when you get
inbound messages. This is NOT for you if you’re trying to cold outreach people.

Begin by reviewing my top 3 rules for effective setting:

1. Humanize
Scripts are a good place to start and get an understanding of how setting is done. But if you
stick with it to a TEE it will ruin your conversations. Nothing feels weirder than a Q/A
interrogation in DMs when you join a new FB group and accept a new friend request on FB…

-The goal is to have a setting conversation that doesn’t feel like it has a hidden agenda.

A simple way to accomplish this is by acknowledging what the person said when they respond
you (resonating with them like you would in a regular conversation) and then going for the next
question. Bonus points if you can use their words in your questions – they will feel heard.

2. Quality > Quantity

Some setters believe setting is a volume game. It’s not, here’s why: prioritizing quality
prospects will lead to better conversations and better quality sets (ie. if you know your offer is
for fitness business owners in North America, don’t message random people in Indonesia/
meme pages/ dog pages, etc.)

-Take a moment to review the profile of a person you’re messaging (yes sometimes they are
deceiving, I set a multiple 7 figure biz owner in DMs – he had cookie monster as his profile pic).
But a lot of the time you can tell if a person is a fit or not by looking at their profile.

This way you only message your ideal avatar and avoid wasting time on those who aren’t.

3. Stand Out (or become a commodity)

Lots of setters use outdated techniques and people never end up reading their messages (or
worse end up in requests folder)! To avoid that, do the opposite.

-Connect on common ground. Lead with value. Ask straightforward questions and get to the
point without sounding salesy… below is an example of my setting process that got me to
make consistent $5k/mo+ as a setter.

Now let’s get you crushing dm setting…

Want to book even more appointments

in DMs, click HERE to learn how.
1 - Intro
This is the part where you just can’t let yourself sound like all the other setters out there (or
you will be seen as a commodity). What you want to do isconnect with a person on a
common ground.We’re also leading by giving peoplea compliment and starting off on a the
right foot:

Hey X, appreciate you reaching out! Love that you’re an action taker
Mind if I ask a few questions first to see how I can help you get help with XYZ?

Setters tend to start asking questions out of the blue and that’s where they get messages
like “why do you want to know?” or “why do you ask?” or “is this even BIZ OWNER?”. To
avoid that, we ask for permission. This also allows us to qualify people faster and book
them on a call sooner.

2 - Situation

These are a series of questions and responses (humanizing/acknowledging) that are

used to build a little bit of rapport while qualifying the person in DMs. The key here is
to acknowledge + respond to what the person is saying before asking the next
Country Qualifier (if you have a problem booking leads from third world countries)
Awesome! So where are you currently located?
And what do you do for work? just so I understand a bit more about your situation…

Examples of humanizing:
No way! We have TONNES of students from X country / Doing X job. How’s that been
going for you? Are you enjoying it so far?

3 - Problem or Goal

Depending on the answer from the above question, you can ask for a problem (if
people are already in pain and are problem aware) or ask for their goal (if it seems like
they are doing good or you’re still not sure about why they reached out to you).

We must get the prospect to tell us exactly why they are reaching out to us. If they are
not clear themselves, there is no point asking for the set (in this case we need to help
them identify a problem first, but that’s beyond this training). But if they are clear,
those are the people we want to book!

Want to book even more appointments

in DMs, click HERE to learn how.

Example - Problem:
So let’s pretend my team and I were to help you in this business, how much
revenue do you realistically want to earn per month in XYZ INDUSTRY? so I know
where exactly you want to take this and if we can help...

Example - Goal
What is happening in your life right now tho that has you looking to do XYZ? (add a
stream of income / learn a skill / lose weight etc) so I understand how things are on
your end and to see if we can help

4 - Expand their Problem

Begin by acknowledging their previous response. Then, we want to pinpoint exactly
what they are missing in terms of their skills + what they think they would need to
succeed. By asking that, we make the prospect feel heard.

$x/mo is already the average goal my students are hitting so you can definitely
make that happen

I’m curious then, what specifically would you need from me and my team to help
you achieve $X GOAL with XYZ SKILLS?

So sounds like you’d need (A to Z / ABC) so that you can X GOAL? Let me know if
I’m wrong here

5 - ONLY IF NEED BE: Financial Qualifier

Only ask this question if you get a feeling that the person you’re speaking with is
broke AND if you book straight from DMs to a Sales Call. DO NOT ASK if you have a
qualification call
in between DMs and Sales Calls as you might burn the lead by giving them a price
or a price anchor.

We’ve noticed that our most successful students have set aside some budget to
invest in themselves and their skills to be profitable with XYZ. So we recommend
that you have anywhere from $$$ - $$$$$ budget

Do you have access to that or would you be willing to get resourceful so that you
can X GOAL? (be REAL with me here..)

Want to book even more appointments

in DMs, click HERE to learn how.
6 - Go for the Set

Ask for the set in the most non-salesy way, and connect the dots as to why there is a
need for the call and what people are going to get out of it. This way the prospect is
clear on what the call is about and will have a clear intent.

Got it, so based on what you told me so far I believe my team and I can
potentially help you get to X GOAL but I want to make sure that we’re a good fit

I’d like to explain further details but I can only cover so much here in my dms...

Can I suggest something here and see if it helps?

*Get a "yes" from your prospect

Cool! I would love to connect you with one of my team on a brief call. Just to see
if what we do could possibly guide you so that you can get to where you wanna
be in this business

Do you think that would help?

Awesome! Just so I can check the availability of the team for you. Let me know
me these information

1. Timezone
2. Email Address
3. Phone (please include country or area code)
4. When are you free for a call

And I’ll have my assistant send you the details and email confirmation after.

And boom! You have your quality appointment.

ATTENTION: want to book even MORE

appointments in DMs, click HERE to learn how.


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