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This homework grid has been designed to help families of students in 3J keep track of fortnightly activities to be completed after

school. Each block in this grid is a 10 minute activity. The aim for this fortnight is to read every night, engage in at least 10 minutes of daily physical activity after school and complete one household job per day. When you have completed an activity you can colour the box in. Dont forget to get your parent/s signature before handing your grid in.

3Js Homework Grid

Read every night
In your homework book write the title of the book and 3 things that happened in the chapter you have read.

Due Date:


Year: ______

Help your family

Agree on jobs to do around the house. You could: Set the table

Get outside & go, go, go!

Homework isnt just about sitting inside Get outside and have some fun. Play a game of soccer or football with your siblings, parents or neighbours. Take the dog for a walk in the park or run around the block 2 times. Just get outside and go, go, go!

Wash the dishes

Help cook dinner Sweep a room

Walk or feed your pet Put the rubbish out Computer Time
Using the internet research a famous historical Australian athlete, writer artist, musician, politician, activist or scientist. Print out a picture of them and stick in your homework book. Write a paragraph about why they became famous.

Games Ideas
Think of a fun outdoor game that you have played with your family, friends or neighbours. Write down the rules and draw a picture of you playing the game in your homework book. We will be using these ideas to make up class games to play in 3Js games hour.

Supermarket Numeracy
Go shopping with Mum or Dad. Look at the receipt and write down the 5 cheapest or 5 most expensive items from the trip in your homework book. Add all 5 items up and record the total in the numeracy section of your homework book.

Show and Tell

What did you do in the holidays? Write a summary in your homework book and illustrate it using drawings or photos. Use this to report what you did to the class in Show and Tell.
Parent Comments:

Creative Arts
3J has been asked to join 5/6D in designing and painting a mural on the playground wall. Paint or draw a picture of yourself on A4 paper. Bring your picture to class so we can use it in the mural.

In class we have been practising how to relax by regulating our breathing and listening to calming music. Take 10 minutes to chill out put on your favourite calming song and practice your regulated breathing technique.

Student Signature:________________________________________

Parent Signature:_____________________________________

Designed by Alexis Johnson, UWS Student # 13602390. Adapted from an idea by Ian Lillico.

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