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House of Knowledge

International Section

Name Date

Worksheet 13A: Talking about jobs

1 Complete the names of the jobs.

a la __ yer b ac __ o __ nt_nt c a __ c __ it __ ct d p __ a __ m __ cist

e p __ um __ er f c __ ef g so __ d __ er h __ il __ t

i nu __ se j el __ ct __ ici __ n

2 Add -ic, -ist or -er to make the name of a job.

a reception……. b firefight……. c hairdress……. d dent…….

e police offic……. f mechan……. g teach……. h design…….

3 Fill in the gaps with the names of the jobs.

vet lawyer fashion designer firefighter architect

chef mechanic plumber receptionist pharmacist

a Jeff is a ……………………………… . He’s good at looking after animals.

b Jenny is good at drawing. She’s an ………………………………. who designs new buildings in

c Sanjay is good at fixing things. He’s a ……………………………… who looks after the water
pipes in a big company in India.

d Cristina is a ……………………………… . She advises people about the law and acts for them
in a law court in Brasilia.

e Akiko is good at drawing. She’s a ……………………………… who works for a fashion

company in Tokyo.

f Mara is a ……………………………… . She answers the phone and helps customers in a hotel
in Shanghai.

g Susanna is a ……………………………… who prepares medicine in a hospital.

h Katja works for the fire brigade as a ……………………………… . She’s very brave.

i Fernando is a ……………………………… . He repairs cars.

j Orla cooks in a restaurant in New York. She’s a famous ……………………………… .

3 Which of these characteristics do you need to do each of the jobs in Exercise 2?

patient serious sociable adventurous decisive

determined independent optimistic easy-going logical
friendly organised hard-working modest

4 Write about two jobs that you would like to do.

Remember to say which characteristics you need for these jobs.






Worksheet 14A: Verbs + -ing
Talking about likes and dislikes using -ing

After some verbs expressing likes and dislikes, we use the -ing form. These verbs include:

appreciate can’t face can’t stand detest dislike

don’t mind enjoy suggest feel like explain

For example: I like explaining things to people.

1 Underline the correct verb in each sentence.

a I appreciate / detest you working hard. Thank you for all your help!
b I can’t stand / appreciate getting up in morning! I’m always so tired.
c I feel like / don’t mind having something to eat. I’m really hungry!
d I don’t mind / can’t stand eating vegetables. They’re OK and they are healthy.
2 Complete the sentences with a verb. Sometimes more than one verb is possible.
a I …………………………… having a drink of water. I’m really thirsty.
b Sue …………………………… you working hard. It really helps her out.
c I …………………………… playing football, but I don’t want to play today because I’m tired.
d Really? I …………………………… playing football. It’s so boring!
e I …………………………… studying. It’s OK. I don’t actually ……………………………
it and it helps me get good marks.
3 Fill in the gaps about jobs the people want to do with one of verbs suggested.

ask be become do go get

learn look stay sit work write

Remember to use the -ing form.

a Martino can’t stand (1) ……………….. up early and he doesn’t like (2) ……………….. in an
office. His parents have suggested (3) ……………….. a writer, because he spends a lot of time
(4) ……………….. poems and stories.

b Xavier usually avoids (1) ……………….. inside too much. He doesn’t mind (2) ………………..
hard and he feels like (3) ……………….. a challenging job. He’s considering (4) ………………..
a job as a police officer.

c Yolanda wants a job that involves (1) ……………….. lots of different things. She can’t imagine
(2) ……………….. down in a chair in an office all day! Her parents have suggested
(3) ……………….. for a job in a school.

d Erin wants be a doctor. She enjoys (1) ……………….. everything about the human body. She
can’t help (2) ……………….. lots of questions about it. She’s considering (3) ………………..
to university to study medicine.
3 Write 3–4 sentences about a job you would like to do. Use some of the other verbs from Lesson
7.4 followed by an -ing form. (For example, appreciate, can’t face, can’t help, detest, dislike, feel
like, finish, give up, hate, keep on, practise, risk, suggest.)







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