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Theoretical Framework

These researchers based their study on the theory of Experiential Learning: Experience as a

Source of Learning and Development established by David A. Kolb during the year 1984. The nature

of experience is portrayed as a highly significant factor to consider in the progression of the learning

process. To put it another way, learning-by-doing is promoted through the use of hands-on experiences

in a learning environment, As a result, students will be able to directly feel the reality of what they are

learning, in contrast to the traditional didactic method such as learning through educational materials

like lectures, books, written works, or dialogues. According to this theory, the learner continuously

accumulates knowledge.

This continuous learning process is depicted as a 4 stage cycle, introducing the Experiential

learning theory (ELT) model. The experiential learning theory (ELT) model suggests that there are

modes such as concrete experience (CE) and abstract conceptualization (AC) that grasp experience, on

the other hand, there's Reflective observation (RO) and active experimentation (AE) which has a role of

transforming experience. When a cycle of these modes is completed, the learner is considered to have

effectively learned. The ELT model allows a learner to begin with any mode they like, during the course

of this experiential learning process, the learner will eventually encounter all of the modalities. When a

learner engages in a task or activity, concrete experience happens, followed by reflective observation, in

which the student examines his or her observations on the event. After that, there's Abstract

conceptualization, in which a student learns and draws conclusions from an event, followed by Active

experimentation, in which the application of what students have learned occurs, finally cycling back to

Concrete experience.

Educational facilities such as schools, and more specifically school laboratories used for students to

learn via hands-on practical sessions, are one of the environments that promote this theory of learning.
These programs are extremely beneficial in STEM education for increasing students' learning, which

will serve as a basis for jobs and careers involving science. Students are obliged to study exclusively

through the traditional didactic technique due to recent restrictions brought by the Covid-19 outbreak,

which sabotages this experience, making learning unpleasant for students and their careers who rely on

experiential learning. The researchers would like to hear from students who have been impacted

significantly, as well as those who have found strategies to deal with the absence of laboratory

experiences. This study aims to find solutions and ways to fulfill those learning needs

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