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About the course:

This course is designed to impart key language and writing skills to the average law aspirant so as to
enable them to understand, interpret and draft simple legal documents. No prior training or
knowledge is necessary to undergo the course. The carefully crafted curriculum will be delivered
using a combination of lectures and practical sessions in order to ensure that the student assimilates
knowledge and skill in equal portions and becomes adept in applying the same in an efficient and
effective manner. A choice group of words, phrases and Latin maxims are included to ensure
familiarity with formal legal text and usage.

Introduction to Legal Writing

A. Course Framework
Credits: L-T-P: 1-0-0-1 Syllabus Version: 1
Contact Hours / Week: 5 Total Contact Hours: 15 Level: NA
Prerequisite: (If applicable) NA
Course Learning Objectives:
CLO1: To enable the student to grasp general concepts of law and language.
CLO2: To ensure that the student is acquainted with a few common legal terms and maxims.
CLO3: To ensure that the student will be capable of drafting basic legal documents .
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, Students will be able to,
CO1: Understand rudimentary legal language
CO2: Analyze and interpret simple legal documents.
CO3: Draft simple legal documents.
B. Syllabus
Module:1: Law, Language and Writing
Hours: 5
The language of the law
Common Legal Terms and their meanings
Common Latin Maxims
Legal and Official Communication
Module:2: Drafting of basic legal Documents
Hours: 10
Police Complaint
Consumer Complaint
Rent Agreement
C. References
Books for Reference :
Broom’s Legal Maxim
Black’s Law Dictionary
Law Lexicon
Halsbury’s Laws of India
D. List of Legal Words
Adjudication,, Arrest, Brief, Bequeath, Charge, Cross-Examination, Delinquent, Default,, Enforce,
Equity, Fraudulent, Grievance, Hearsay, Injunction, Judgment, Justice,, Litigation, Mediation,
Notarize, Sentence, Statute, Unlawful,, Warrant, Witness.

E. List of Maxims
Refer Annexure -A
F. Mode of Assessment
Written Exam and Oral Examination
G. Scheme of Evaluation

Legal Legal principle/concept
ab initio From the beginning inception.
ad hoc For this.
For this special purpose.
audi alteram partem No man shall be condemned unheard.
actus reus A guilty deed or act
caveat emptor let the buyer beware
de facto Existing in actuality, especially when contrary to or not
established by law.
habeas corpus You have the body
ignorantia facti Ignorance of facts may be
excusat – ignorantia excused but not ignorance of
juris non excusat law.
in absentia "In absence," or more fully, in one's absence.
modus operandi Method of working.
mutatis mutandis The necessary changes.
quid pro quo What for what or Something for something.
ubi jus ibi remedium There is no wrong without a remedy. Wherever there is a right
there is a remedy.
volenti non-fit injuria To the consenting, no injury is done.

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