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Presented by :
1. M AKMAL EFFENDI (10040022217)
2. HARIS ABDULLAH (10040022248)
3. FAIRUZ ALIFA POETRI (100400222154)
4. GHEA NISSA AZ ZAHRA (100400222190)
5. RACHEL LAILA ISMIANTY (10040022224)
6. MARETA PUTRIAN (10040022244)
7. HANUM NABILA VASHA (10040022157)
8. NADYA RAISA PERDINATA (100400222142)
Argument 1
Urutan 1
Prime minister (Akmal)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Akmal
Effendi, the Prime Minister, presenting a motion for debate to both sides.
To save time, I will directly define the motion to be debated:
Supporting women who choose to be homemakers and respecting their rights to make
personal choices regarding their careers and lives. No one should be compelled to follow a
specific path in their lives, and if a woman chooses to focus on family and household, it is her
personal decision that deserves respect.
The motion to be presented for debate is as follows:
1. THW (this house would) actively encourage women to be housewives.
2. Encouraging women to become homemakers can benefit the overall well-being of the
family. By fully focusing on their role as mothers and wives, women can provide greater
emotional support and dedicate more time to other family members. This can create a stable
and supportive family environment, which can have a positive impact on the health and
development of children.

3. in certain situations, when the husband is unable to meet the family's financial needs,
choosing to be a homemaker can reduce the financial burden. By taking on domestic
responsibilities, homemakers can save on childcare costs and manage the family's finances
more efficiently. This can provide economic stability for the family and help achieve long-
term financial security.
the reason for choosing this argument is that women who are actively involved in
homemaking should have extensive knowledge and education in order to effectively educate
children and maintain a harmonious household. We will present the above argument for
"After this, the motion will be directed to the leader of the opposition."
Urutan 2
Leader opposition (GHEA)
I agree with the argument that the Prime Minister put forward, stating that women
being housewives provides overall benefits to the welfare of the family, particularly in terms
of emotional well-being.
It would be nice if a woman could stay at home when she already has a family, which
means that a career is not a woman's main goal, because basically in that household, a woman
must be able to become an all-rounder, the education they have so far also returned. To
educate their children.
Urutan 3
Deputy prime minister (HARIS)
As the Deputy Prime Minister, I fully support and echo the Prime Minister's argument
regarding the positive impact of women being housewives on the welfare of the family. It is
undeniable that the role of a homemaker contributes significantly to the emotional well-being
of the entire family.
Allowing women the choice to stay at home, especially when they already have a family,
recognizes that pursuing a career is not the sole ambition for every woman. In such
households, it is important to acknowledge the value of a woman's ability to be a versatile
caretaker, providing nurturing support in various aspects of family life.
Furthermore, the education and knowledge that women acquire throughout their lives
play a crucial role in the upbringing and education of their children. By dedicating their time
and efforts to their family, women are able to pass on their wisdom, skills, and values,
shaping the next generation.
It is essential that we create an environment where women can make informed
choices about their roles and aspirations. Recognizing and appreciating the contributions of
women as housewives is crucial for fostering a balanced society that values both career
pursuits and family life. As the Deputy Prime Minister, I will work towards creating policies
that support and empower women, ensuring that they have the freedom to make choices that
align with their individual circumstances and aspirations.
Urutan 4
Deputy leader opposition (RACHEL)
As the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, I would like to present a counter-argument
to the position of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister regarding actively
encouraging women to be housewives. While it is important to acknowledge the individual
choices and aspirations of women, it is equally crucial to promote gender equality and
provide equal opportunities for all individuals in society.
Economic Empowerment: Encouraging women to solely focus on the role of
housewives can limit their economic independence and potential. By promoting equal access
to education, employment opportunities, and career development, we can empower women to
contribute to the workforce and achieve financial stability, which benefits both individuals
and society as a whole.
Urutan 5
Member of gonverment (NADIA)
As a member of the government, it is essential to consider diverse perspectives and
ensure the well-being and progress of all individuals in society. While the discussion
surrounding actively encouraging women to be housewives raises valid points, it is crucial to
maintain a balanced approach that promotes gender equality and respects individual choices.
Choice and Agency: Women should have the freedom to choose their desired path,
whether it be pursuing a career or dedicating themselves to their families as housewives.
Government policies should focus on providing opportunities for women to exercise their
agency and make informed decisions about their lives, without imposing any particular role
on them.
Urutan 6
Member of opposition (ALIFA)
As a member of the opposition, I would like to present an alternative perspective to
the notion of actively encouraging women to be housewives. While acknowledging the
individual choices and aspirations of women, it is crucial to prioritize gender equality and
create an inclusive society that values and supports women's diverse roles and aspirations
Equal Opportunities: Encouraging women to pursue careers and actively participate in
the workforce promotes gender equality and ensures that women have equal access to
education, employment, and economic opportunities. It allows them to contribute to society,
develop their skills, and achieve financial independence, benefiting both individuals and
the overall economy
Urutan 7
Government whip (BILA)
As the Government Whip, I will present the first argument in support of actively
encouraging women to be housewives:
1. Strengthening Family Bonds: Actively encouraging women to be housewives can
strengthen family bonds and promote emotional well-being within the household. By
focusing on their roles as caregivers and homemakers, women can dedicate their time and
energy to nurturing their family members. This increased presence and emotional support
from the mother or wife can foster stronger relationships and create a harmonious family
Research has shown that children who have a strong emotional bond with their
mothers tend to have better social and emotional development, higher self-esteem, and
improved mental health outcomes. By prioritizing the role of a housewife, we can create an
environment where children and spouses feel supported, loved, and cared for.

Additionally, when women have the opportunity to be housewives, they can provide crucial
emotional support to their partners, creating a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling
marriage. The availability of a supportive and nurturing spouse can reduce stress levels and
contribute to overall family happiness.
By actively encouraging women to be housewives, we recognize the vital role they
play in fostering emotional well-being, stability, and happiness within the family unit.
Urutan 8
Opposition whip (META)
As the Opposition Whip, I will present a counter-argument to the idea of actively
encouraging women to be housewives:
Pursuit of Individual Fulfillment: Encouraging women to solely be housewives can
limit their opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment outside the traditional domestic
sphere. Women have diverse talents, ambitions, and passions that can be pursued through
careers and other avenues. By promoting gender equality and providing equal opportunities,
we allow women to explore their potential and contribute to society in various fields.
It is important to recognize that women's aspirations extend beyond the household,
and they should have the freedom to pursue their career goals and make choices based on
their individual interests and talents. By providing support for women in the workforce, we
not only empower them but also benefit from their diverse perspectives, skills, and
contributions to the economy and society as a whole.
Furthermore, by encouraging women to pursue careers, we challenge gender
stereotypes and promote a society that values equality and diversity. This leads to a more
inclusive and dynamic society where individuals are valued for their abilities, irrespective of
their gender. In conclusion, as the Opposition Whip, I advocate for policies that promote
gender equality and provide women with equal opportunities to pursue their ambitions. By
empowering women in various spheres of life, we foster a society that values individual
fulfillment, diversity, and equal participation for all members.
Argument 2
Urutan 1
prime minister : akmal
Urutan 2
leader of opposition: Ghea
As Deputy Prime Minister, I fully support the idea of promoting women to become
housewives because it can significantly benefit the overall welfare of the family. When
women can fully focus on their roles as mothers and wives, they can provide greater
emotional support and more time to other family members.
Women as housewives have the opportunity to create a stable and supportive family
environment. With more time and attention, they can help meet the emotional needs of family
members, including spouses and children. Consistent emotional support can strengthen
family relationships, create peace, and enhance the mental health and development of
The role of a housewife also provides opportunities for women to actively engage in
the education and development of children. By focusing on family responsibilities, women
can have more time and energy to support their children's education. They can help oversee
school tasks, provide guidance, and instill important values in their children's lives.
However, it is important to note that encouraging women to become housewives does
not mean disregarding career aspirations or women's ability to contribute in various fields.
Every woman has the freedom to choose her own path, whether it is as a housewife or
choosing to pursue a professional career. It is important for us to create an environment that
supports and empowers women in making choices that align with their personal desires and
As Deputy Prime Minister, I will work to create policies that encourage the
empowerment of women, both as housewives and in other roles. I will ensure there is equal
opportunity for women to develop their potential, both within the household and outside. In
doing so, we can achieve a healthy balance between a strong family life and women's
opportunities to fully participate in society.
urutan 3
deputy prime minister : haris
Encouraging women to become housewives can provide overall benefits to the well-
being of the family. With a full focus on their roles as mothers and wives, women can
provide greater emotional support and time to other family members. This can create a stable
and supportive family environment, which can have a positive impact on the health and
development of children.
As Deputy Prime Minister, I fully support the idea of promoting women to become
housewives because it can significantly benefit the overall welfare of the family. When
women can fully focus on their roles as mothers and wives, they can provide greater
emotional support and more time to other family members.

Women as housewives have the opportunity to create a stable and supportive family
environment. With more time and attention, they can help meet the emotional needs of family
members, including spouses and children. Consistent emotional support can strengthen
family relationships, create peace, and enhance the mental health and development of
The role of a housewife also provides opportunities for women to actively engage in
the education and development of children. By focusing on family responsibilities, women
can have more time and energy to support their children's education. They can help oversee
school tasks, provide guidance, and instill important values in their children's lives.
However, it is important to note that encouraging women to become housewives does
not mean disregarding career aspirations or women's ability to contribute in various fields.
Every woman has the freedom to choose her own path, whether it is as a housewife or
choosing to pursue a professional career. It is important for us to create an environment that
supports and empowers women in making choices that align with their person al desires and
As Deputy Prime Minister, I will work to create policies that encourage the
empowerment of women, both as housewives and in other roles. I will ensure there is equal
opportunity for women to develop their potential, both within the household and outside. In
doing so, we can achieve a healthy balance between a strong family life and women's
opportunities to fully participate in society.
Urutan 4
deputy leader opposition : Rachel
s the deputy leader of the opposition, I would like to present a view that emphasizes
the benefits of encouraging women to become housewives for the well-being of the family as
a whole. While it is important to promote gender equality and respect individual choices, it is
also important to recognize the significant contribution women can make as dedicated
mothers and wives. Encouraging women to prioritize their roles as mothers and wives can
result in a more stable and supportive family environment. By focusing their time and energy
on educating and caring for children, women can provide the emotional support that is
important for children's well-being and development. Studies have shown that children who
receive strong emotional support from their mothers tend to have better mental health and do
better academically. In addition, when women take on the role of housewife, they can spend
more time taking care of household tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, and organizing, which
can improve the family's overall quality of life. A well-maintained and organized home can
create stability and reduce stress levels, as well as promote a positive atmosphere for other
family members. By actively encouraging women to become housewives, we do not ignore
their potential in the world of work or limit their choices. Instead, we recognize the unique
contribution they can make within the family unit. It is important to remember that becoming
a stay-at-home mom is a worthy and honorable choice that requires significant dedication,
skill and effort. Furthermore, it is also important to note that the decision to become a
housewife must be taken voluntarily and without social pressure. Women should have the
freedom to choose this path based on their personal preferences and the needs of their
families. Government policies should support and provide resources to assist women in
fulfilling their role as housewives, if they so choose. In conclusion, promoting choices for
women to become housewives can have a positive effect on overall family well-being. By
focusing on their roles as mother and wife, women can provide emotional support, create a
stable family environment, and contribute to the health and development of children. It is
important to recognize and respect the value of this choice and provide the necessary support
to those who choose to pursue this path.
Urutan 5
member of government: Nadya
As a member of the government, I recognize and appreciate the perspective that
encouraging women to become housewives can contribute to the overall well-being of the
family. When women choose to prioritize their roles as mothers and wives, they can provide
essential emotional and time support to their family members, creating a nurturing and stable
family environment. This, in turn, can positively impact the health and development of
By focusing on their roles as mothers and wives, women can dedicate their time and
energy to nurturing their children and fostering strong emotional bonds within the family.
The presence of a supportive and caring mother figure can greatly enhance a child's well-
being, providing them with a sense of security and love. Research has consistently shown that
children who receive emotional support from their mothers tend to have better overall health
outcomes and exhibit positive social and emotional development.
Furthermore, when women take on the responsibilities of managing the household,
they can create a structured and organized environment that promotes family harmony. By
efficiently managing tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and organizing, women can alleviate
stress for other family members, allowing them to focus on their own pursuits and
responsibilities. A stable and supportive family environment is crucial for the holistic
development and well-being of all family members, including children.
It is important to emphasize that encouraging women to become housewives should
not be seen as imposing a specific role on them or disregarding their potential in other areas
of life. Rather, it is about recognizing the value and significance of the role of a mother and
wife within the family unit. Government policies should aim to create an inclusive society
that respects and supports the choices made by women, whether they choose to pursue a
career or dedicate themselves to their family as housewives.
In conclusion, recognizing the benefits of encouraging women to become housewives
can contribute to the overall well-being of the family. By focusing on their roles as mothers
and wives, women can provide vital emotional and time support to their family members,
creating a stable and nurturing environment that positively impacts children's health and
development. It is important for the government to foster an environment that respects
individual choices and promotes gender equality, allowing women to make informed
decisions about their lives and the roles they wish to prioritize.
Urutan 6
member of opposition : Alifa
As a member of the opposition, I would like to provide an alternative perspective on
the notion of encouraging women to become housewives. While it is true that prioritizing the
roles of mother and wife can potentially bring certain benefits to the family's overall well-
being, it is essential to consider the broader implications and potential limitations of such a

While women providing emotional and time support as mothers and wives can
contribute to a stable and supportive family environment, it is crucial to recognize that
women possess diverse skills, talents, and aspirations beyond these roles. Encouraging
women to become housewives may inadvertently limit their opportunities for personal and
professional growth, as well as their economic independence.
Moreover, promoting the idea of women primarily fulfilling the roles of mothers and
wives perpetuates traditional gender roles and reinforces gender inequalities. It is essential to
strive for a society that values gender equality and provides equal opportunities for both men
and women to pursue their chosen paths, whether that includes family responsibilities or
professional pursuits.
Additionally, it is important to consider the potential negative consequences of solely
relying on women for emotional and time support within the family. Placing the entire burden
of emotional labor and domestic responsibilities on women can lead to increased stress,
limited personal fulfillment, and an imbalance in power dynamics within relationships. A
more equitable distribution of responsibilities between partners can foster healthier family
dynamics and promote the well-being of all family members.
urutan 7
government whip : bila
As the government whip, I strongly support the notion that encouraging women to
become housewives can indeed benefit the overall well-being of the family. By prioritizing
their roles as mothers and wives, women can provide invaluable emotional and time support
to their family members, fostering a stable and nurturing family environment. This, in turn,
can have a profound positive impact on the health and development of children.
When women choose to focus on their roles as mothers and wives, they can dedicate
their time and energy to nurturing their children and creating strong emotional bonds within
the family. The presence of a loving and caring mother figure can greatly contribute to a
child's sense of security and well-being. Research consistently demonstrates that children
who receive consistent emotional support from their mothers tend to have better overall
health outcomes and exhibit positive social and emotional development.
Furthermore, when women take on the responsibilities of managing the household,
they contribute to the creation of a structured and organized environment. By efficiently
managing tasks such as meal preparation, cleaning, and organization, women can alleviate
stress for other family members, allowing them to focus on their own pursuits and
responsibilities. A stable and supportive family environment is essential for the holistic well-
being of all family members, especially children who thrive in a nurturing and harmonious
It is important to emphasize that encouraging women to become housewives does not
imply dismissing their potential in other areas of life or limiting their choices. Rather, it
recognizes the significant value of the roles of mother and wife within the family unit.
Government policies should aim to create a supportive environment that respects and
acknowledges the choices made by women, whether they choose to pursue a career or
prioritize their family as housewives.
In conclusion, encouraging women to become housewives can undeniably contribute
to the overall well-being of the family. By focusing on their roles as mothers and wives,
women provide essential emotional and time support to their family members, creating a
stable and nurturing environment that positively impacts children's health and development.
It is crucial for the government to promote an inclusive society that respects individual
choices and fosters gender equality, allowing women to make informed decisions about their
lives and the roles they wish to embrace.

Urutan 8
opposition whip : meta
As the opposition whip, I respectfully challenge the notion that encouraging women
to become housewives inherently leads to the overall well-being of the family. While it is true
that focusing on the roles of mother and wife can potentially provide emotional and time
support, it is essential to consider the broader implications and the potential drawbacks of
promoting this approach.
Encouraging women to solely prioritize their roles as mothers and wives can
inadvertently perpetuate traditional gender stereotypes and limit their opportunities for
personal and professional growth. It is crucial to foster a society that values gender equality
and allows women to explore their full potential, whether that includes family responsibilities
or pursuing careers outside the home.
Moreover, relying solely on women for emotional and time support within the family
can place an immense burden on their shoulders. It can lead to increased stress, limited
personal fulfillment, and potential feelings of being undervalued or trapped within traditional
gender roles. A more equitable distribution of responsibilities and shared caregiving within
the family can create a healthier and more balanced environment for all members.
Furthermore, assuming that women's primary focus on family responsibilities
automatically creates a stable and supportive family environment overlooks the diverse
circumstances and dynamics that exist within families. Stability and supportiveness can be
achieved through various family arrangements, including dual-income households or
situations where both partners actively contribute to caregiving and household
In conclusion, while acknowledging that focusing on the roles of mother and wife can
provide certain benefits, it is essential to consider the potential limitations and drawbacks of
promoting women's sole engagement in these roles. Emphasizing gender equality, providing
support for work-life balance, and recognizing the diverse contributions that both men and
women can make within the family are crucial for fostering the overall well-being of
families. Government policies should aim to create an inclusive society that supports
individual choices and promotes equal opportunities for all, allowing women to define their
roles and aspirations based on their own preferences and abilities.

Argument 3
Urutan 1
prime minister : akmal
Urutan 2
leader of opposition: Ghea
As the leader of the opposition, I acknowledge that in certain situations, choosing to
become a housewife can alleviate financial burdens for families facing economic constraints.
When both partners are unable to meet the economic needs of the family, the decision to
prioritize domestic responsibilities can provide a viable solution.
By taking on the role of a housewife, women can manage the household and care for
children, thus eliminating the need for expensive childcare services. This can result in
significant cost savings for the family, allowing them to allocate their limited financial
resources more efficiently. Additionally, housewives can play a vital role in managing family
finances, budgeting, and ensuring financial stability. Their direct involvement in these
matters can contribute to better financial planning and long-term security.
Furthermore, when one partner, usually the husband, is the primary breadwinner, the
choice for the other partner to become a housewife can provide a sense of economic stability.
It allows the family to rely on a single income source, reducing the risk of financial instability
caused by fluctuations in the job market or other unforeseen circumstances. This stability can
offer peace of mind and contribute to the overall well-being of the family.
However, it is crucial to recognize that the decision for women to become housewives
due to economic reasons should not be seen as the ideal or the only solution. It is important to
promote gender equality and empower women to have opportunities for education, skills
development, and employment that can contribute to their personal growth and financial
independence. Government policies should focus on creating an inclusive society that
provides support systems and resources for families facing economic challenges, enabling
both partners to contribute to the family's financial well-being.
In conclusion, while acknowledging the potential benefits of choosing to become a
housewife to reduce financial burdens, it is important to promote a comprehensive approach
that addresses the underlying economic challenges faced by families. Emphasizing gender
equality and providing avenues for women's economic empowerment can help families
achieve financial security and stability in the long term. Government policies should focus on
creating a supportive environment that enables individuals to make informed choices about
their roles and provides necessary assistance to navigate economic hardships.
urutan 3
deputy prime minister : haris
As the Deputy Prime Minister, I acknowledge the validity of the argument that in
certain situations, choosing to become a housewife can alleviate the financial burden on
families. When couples face economic challenges and struggle to meet the needs of their
family, the decision for one partner to become a housewife can offer practical advantages.

By taking on domestic responsibilities, housewives can effectively manage the day-

to-day tasks of running a household, including child care, cooking, cleaning, and managing
family finances. This can lead to significant savings in childcare costs, as housewives can
personally attend to the needs of their children, ensuring their well-being while eliminating
the need for external childcare services.
In addition, the direct involvement of housewives in managing family finances can
contribute to more efficient budgeting and resource allocation. Their understanding of the
family's financial situation and their ability to make informed decisions can help optimize
expenses and ensure the optimal utilization of available resources. This can contribute to
economic stability for the family and lay the foundation for long-term financial security.
However, it is important to recognize that the choice for women to become
housewives due to financial reasons should not be the only solution or a perpetuated
expectation. It is crucial to promote gender equality and provide opportunities for women's
education, skills development, and economic empowerment. Government policies should
focus on creating an environment that supports the financial well-being of families through a
combination of initiatives, such as affordable childcare services, equal employment
opportunities, and flexible work arrangements for both men and women.
Moreover, it is essential to ensure that the decision to become a housewife remains a
voluntary choice, rather than a result of limited options or societal pressures. Women should
have the freedom to pursue their aspirations and contribute to society in various ways,
whether through careers, entrepreneurship, or other endeavors. It is the duty of the
government to foster an inclusive society that respects individual choices and provides
support systems to empower women and families to achieve their full potential.
In conclusion, while acknowledging the potential benefits of women choosing to
become housewives to alleviate financial burdens, it is important to approach this issue with a
comprehensive perspective. Government policies should aim to create an enabling
environment that addresses economic challenges, promotes gender equality, and provides
opportunities for women's empowerment. By doing so, we can support families in achieving
economic stability and long-term financial security while upholding individual choices and
societal progress.
Urutan 4
deputy leader opposition : Rachel
As the leader of the opposition, I acknowledge that in certain situations, choosing to
become a housewife can alleviate financial burdens for families facing economic constraints.
When both partners are unable to meet the economic needs of the family, the decision to
prioritize domestic responsibilities can provide a viable solution.
By taking on the role of a housewife, women can manage the household and care for
children, thus eliminating the need for expensive childcare services. This can result in
significant cost savings for the family, allowing them to allocate their limited financial
resources more efficiently. Additionally, housewives can play a vital role in managing family
finances, budgeting, and ensuring financial stability. Their direct involvement in these
matters can contribute to better financial planning and long-term security.

Furthermore, when one partner, usually the husband, is the primary breadwinner, the
choice for the other partner to become a housewife can provide a sense of economic stability.
It allows the family to rely on a single income source, reducing the risk of financial instability
caused by fluctuations in the job market or other unforeseen circumstances. This stability can
offer peace of mind and contribute to the overall well-being of the family.
However, it is crucial to recognize that the decision for women to become housewives
due to economic reasons should not be seen as the ideal or the only solution. It is important to
promote gender equality and empower women to have opportunities for education, skills
development, and employment that can contribute to their personal growth and financial
independence. Government policies should focus on creating an inclusive society that
provides support systems and resources for families facing economic challenges, enabling
both partners to contribute to the family's financial well-being.
In conclusion, while acknowledging the potential benefits of choosing to become a
housewife to reduce financial burdens, it is important to promote a comprehensive approach
that addresses the underlying economic challenges faced by families. Emphasizing gender
equality and providing avenues for women's economic empowerment can help families
achieve financial security and stability in the long term. Government policies should focus on
creating a supportive environment that enables individuals to make informed choices about
their roles and provides necessary assistance to navigate economic hardships.
urutan 5
member of government: Nadya
As a member of the government, I recognize that in certain situations, when both the
husband and wife are unable to meet the economic needs of the family, choosing to become a
housewife can alleviate the financial burden. By assuming domestic responsibilities,
housewives can effectively reduce childcare costs and manage family finances more
When a woman takes on the role of a housewife, it eliminates the need for external
childcare services, which can be a significant expense for families. By personally caring for
their children, housewives can provide a nurturing and loving environment without incurring
additional financial costs. This can significantly reduce the financial strain on the family and
allow resources to be allocated towards other essential needs.
Moreover, housewives often play a vital role in managing family finances. By closely
monitoring expenditures, finding cost-effective solutions, and maximizing available
resources, they contribute to the overall financial stability of the household. This can lead to
better budgeting, increased savings, and a more secure financial future for the family.
By choosing to become a housewife in situations where the economic needs of the
family are not being met, individuals can strategically reduce financial burdens and work
towards achieving long-term financial security. It is important for the government to support
and provide resources to families in these circumstances, offering assistance and guidance to
ensure that they can successfully navigate economic challenges and create a stable foundation
for their future.

As a member of the government, I am committed to implementing policies and

initiatives that promote economic stability and support families in making informed choices.
This includes providing access to affordable childcare options, financial literacy programs,
and opportunities for career development, enabling individuals to balance their domestic
responsibilities while also pursuing economic well-being.
Urutan 6
member of opposition : Alifa
As a member of the opposition, I acknowledge that in certain situations, when the
husband and wife face challenges in meeting the economic needs of the family, opting for a
housewife role can alleviate the financial burden. When a woman takes on domestic
responsibilities, it can result in cost savings by eliminating or reducing childcare expenses,
which can be a significant financial strain for families.
Housewives often dedicate their time and efforts to managing household tasks,
including child-rearing, cooking, and cleaning. By assuming these responsibilities, they can
potentially save on childcare costs that would otherwise be incurred if external services were
utilized. This can provide some relief to the family's financial situation.
Additionally, when housewives take charge of family finances, they can often manage
resources more efficiently. They can monitor expenses, search for cost-effective solutions,
and make informed financial decisions that contribute to the overall stability of the
household. This prudent approach to managing family finances can lead to long-term
economic stability and the potential for financial security in the future.
While acknowledging the potential benefits, it is important to recognize that the
decision for a woman to become a housewife should be based on individual choice and
circumstances. It should not be imposed or regarded as the only option available to families
facing economic challenges. Supporting policies that promote flexible work arrangements,
affordable childcare services, and equal opportunities for both men and women in the
workforce is crucial to empower individuals to make choices that align with their aspirations
and financial goals.
As a member of the opposition, I advocate for policies that promote economic
empowerment and support for families. This includes initiatives aimed at reducing income
inequality, creating job opportunities, and providing accessible and affordable childcare
options. By addressing systemic economic challenges, we can ensure that families have the
necessary support and opportunities to achieve financial stability and security, irrespective of
their chosen roles within the household.
Urutan 7
government whip : bila
As the Government Whip, I understand that in certain circumstances, when a husband
and wife struggle to meet the economic needs of the family, opting for a housewife role can
alleviate the financial burden. By assuming domestic responsibilities, housewives can
effectively reduce child care costs and handle family finances more efficiently, leading to
economic stability and long-term financial security.

Housewives who take on the responsibility of managing household tasks, such as

child-rearing, housekeeping, and cooking, can save significantly on child care expenses. By
personally attending to the needs of their children, housewives can provide a nurturing and
caring environment while eliminating the need for costly external child care services. This
reduction in expenses can greatly alleviate the financial strain on the family, enabling them to
allocate their resources more effectively.
Furthermore, housewives often play a vital role in managing family finances. With
their increased involvement in day-to-day expenditures and financial planning, they can
implement budgeting strategies, identify areas of cost savings, and ensure resources are
allocated wisely. This proactive approach to managing family finances can contribute to
overall economic stability and pave the way for long-term financial security.
Recognizing the potential benefits of choosing to become a housewife in
circumstances where the family faces economic challenges is essential. However, it is crucial
to acknowledge that this decision should be based on individual choice and circumstances.
The government should focus on creating an enabling environment that offers diverse
opportunities for men and women in the workforce, promotes affordable child care options,
and supports flexible work arrangements. By doing so, we can empower families to make
informed choices that align with their unique needs and aspirations.
As the Government Whip, I will advocate for policies that foster economic stability
and provide support to families facing financial constraints. This includes initiatives to
enhance job opportunities, promote income equality, and ensure accessible and affordable
child care services. By addressing the underlying economic challenges, we can create a
society where families have the necessary tools and resources to achieve financial stability
and security, regardless of the roles they choose within their households.
Urutan 8
opposition whip : meta
As the Opposition Whip, I acknowledge that in certain circumstances, when a
husband and wife face challenges in meeting the economic needs of the family, opting for a
housewife role can help alleviate the financial burden. By assuming domestic responsibilities,
housewives can potentially save on child care expenses and manage family finances more
efficiently, leading to economic stability and the potential for long-term financial security.
When a woman chooses to become a housewife, it often eliminates the need for
external child care services, which can be a significant financial expense for families. By
personally attending to the care of their children, housewives can provide a nurturing and
loving environment without incurring additional costs. This can relieve some of the financial
strain experienced by the family.
Moreover, housewives who take on the responsibility of managing family finances
can contribute to greater efficiency in managing resources. They can monitor expenses,
explore cost-effective solutions, and make informed financial decisions that enhance the
overall stability of the household. This approach to managing family finances can potentially
lead to long-term economic stability and pave the way for financial security.
While recognizing the potential benefits, it is important to emphasize that the decision
for a woman to become a housewife should always be based on individual choice and
circumstances. It is essential to create an inclusive society that provides equal opportunities
and support for individuals to pursue their aspirations, whether as a housewife or in other
professional pursuits. This includes policies that promote affordable child care options,
flexible work arrangements, and measures to address income inequality.
As the Opposition Whip, I will advocate for policies that empower individuals and
families to overcome economic challenges. This includes initiatives aimed at creating job
opportunities, improving access to affordable child care, and ensuring fair wages. By
addressing the underlying economic issues and providing necessary support, we can create a
society where individuals have the freedom to make choices that align with their goals and
aspirations, without compromising their financial well-being.

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