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Worksheet 1A
1 Read this text, which presents some arguments about the benefits of cooking.
The conjunctions and connective words and multiple-word phrases are missing.
Choose an appropriate word or multiple-word from the word box below to go in each gap.

The benefits of cooking

In order that we kill bacteria in food we need to cook it, but some research has shown harmful
effects of overcooking.

we cook certain very fatty foods (such as battered foods) in

the same oil again and again, this can lead to the production of a special form of fat called trans-
fatty acids, are dangerous as they deposit in the wall of the
arteries, leading to their clogging and blocking. If trans-fatty acids get deposited in the arteries
of the heart, this can lead to heart attacks. trans-fatty acids get
deposited in the arteries of the brain, it can lead to strokes.

On the other hand, cooking but not overcooking can have many advantages. Although it can
destroy some of the nutrients, cooking has many benefits.
we cook food it softens and breaks down the hard and tough

skins which cover many vegetables, making their protein,

carbohydrates and vitamins available to us. Some nutrients, are less

easily reached in raw food, are released when the food is heated.
, cooking eliminates harmful substances in some foods and
makes other foods more pleasant which we may otherwise not want to eat.

we don’t overcook, the benefits of cooking are hard

to ignore.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 8 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021

As long as  On the other hand  If  Finally  which  In order that  

which  When   Whenever  while at the same time  Although  If  which

2 Write two or three sentences explaining which connectives were easy to place and which were
more difficult.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 8 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021

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