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Sampling on white beans with a red bean population

Total beans: ?
Total red beans: 20

Sample 1: 31 Beans 5 Red

Sample 2: 46 Beans 6 Red

Sample 3: 57 Beans 9 Red

Sample 4: 41 Beans 6 Red

Sample 5: 38 Beans 5 Red

N= Total Population
n = Total Second Capture
M= First Capture
R= Red beans from the first capture

(20x31)/5=124.0 Sample 1

(20x46)/6=153.3 Sample 2

(20x57)/9=126.7 Sample 3

(20x41)/6=136.7 Sample 4

(20x38)/5=152.0 Sample 5

Total Population Estimate = 124.0+153.3+126.7+136.7+152.0 / 5

= 138.54

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