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Ad techniques 1. Association Using images (like a cartoon character or the American flag), in the hope you'll transfer your good feelings about the image to the product 2. Call to action Telling you what to do — "Buy today!" or "Vote now” — removes all doubt about next steps. 3. Claim Informing you about how the product works or helps you. 4. Games and activities Putting a commercial into the form of a game can be a fun way for you to get to know more about a product and spend more time with it. 5. Humor Using ads that make you laugh can catch your attention and be memorable. 6. Hype Using words like amazing and incredible make products seem really exciting. 7. Must-have Suggesting that you must have the product to be happy, popular, or satisfied. 8. Fear Using a product to solve something you worry about, like bad breath 9. Prizes, sweepstakes, and gifts Using a chance to win a prize to attract attention. 10. Repetition Repeating a message or idea so you remember it. 41. Sales and price Showing or announcing a discounted price can make a product look better. 12. Sense appeal Using images and sounds to appeal to your senses: sight, touch, taste, etc. 13. Special ingredients Promoting a special ingredient may make you think the product works better than others. 14. Testimonials and endorsements Featuring someone, like a celebrity, saying how the product worked for them can be convincing. 15. Sex appeal - using innuendo or hints to suggest the item/object will make you more appealing 16. Black and white fallacy © Presenting a dilemma as a right-and-wrong situation. What are the textual features of persuasive texts? Hyperbole Present tense Emotive words Opinion as fact Strong adjectives Rule of three (Triples) e Rhetorical question e Personification e Direct mode of address Flattery Alliteration Repetition Facts and statistics Personal pronouns (we, us) e@ Sarcasm e Humour e Paragraphs (all structure) e Exclamation marks e Linking words e Catchy phrases (slogan) e One-sided argument e Imagery e Anecdote e Superlatives and comparatives e Metaphor e Call on higher powers e Cliches

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