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Journal of Pediatric Urology (xxxx) xxx xxx

Adults with previous hypospadias surgery

during childhood: Beware of bulbar
Chirurgie infantile, CHU de
Nantes, Nantes, France
Sebastien Faraj a,*, Thomas Loubersac a,b, Olivier Bouchot b,
Yves Heloury c, Marc-David Leclair a
Urologie, CHU de Nantes,
Nantes, France Summary childhood, 13/28 boys had required multiple surgical
revision procedures, including six of them for post-
Chirurgie infantile, Hopital Background operative urethral strictures. During adulthood,
Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, Urethral strictures represent the most frequent initial urethral assessment revealed 29 urethral
long-term complication in men after history of strictures in 28 patients (penile urethra 23/29,
hypospadias surgery. bulbar urethra 8/29). The early initial success rate
* Correspondence to: Sebastien of stricture treatment was 50% (median follow-up: 4
Faraj, Chirurgie infantile, CHU
Objectives years [1e7]). Additional surgical procedures were
de Nantes, 7 Quai Moncousu,
44000 Nantes, France
To better define the spectrum of men previously needed and performed in 11 patients. Eight patients
Sebastien.faraj@chu-nantes. treated for hypospadias during childhood, present- were eventually diagnosed with a bulbar stricture,
fr (S. Faraj) ing at an adult urology clinic with persistent urethral either isolated (n Z 5) or combined with a distal
Thomas.loubersac@chu- complications. stricture (n Z 3), without significant relationship (T. Loubersac) with initial position of meatus.
Olivier.bouchot@chu-nantes. Study design
fr (O. Bouchot) Retrospective review of the records of 42 consecu- Discussion
tive adult patients with a personal history of hypo-
(Y. Heloury) Predictive factors for bulbar strictures locations
spadias repair during childhood referred at one adult
Marcdavid.leclair@chu- could not be identified. It was however observed (M.-D. Leclair)
tertiary urology center between 2004 and 2017.
that symptomatic bulbar strictures do exist in
Those with persistent urethral strictures were
adults, in the long term after penile hypospadias
Keywords included: 28 patients (median age 28yr [17e81]).
repair during childhood, independently of the initial
Hypospadias; Stricture; Bulbar Residual chordee, aesthetic concerns, isolated fis-
site of hypospadias, initial success of primary repair,
stricture; Transitional urology; tulas, and motives of consultation unrelated to
Pediatric urology
and the type of surgical reconstructions performed
hypospadias were excluded. Early initial success
during childhood.
rate and location of urethral stricture were studied.
Statistical Analysis was done by non-parametric
Abbreviations tests. Conclusion
BMG, Buccal Mucosa Graft; GA, Bulbar strictures represent more than 25% of the
General Anesthesia; TIP, Tubu- Results overall strictures diagnosed in adult patients treated
larized Incised Plate; UTI, Uri-
On the 42 consecutive adults eligible, a total of 28 for hypospadias during childhood, independently of
nary Tract Infection
patients had a persistent urethral stricture. During the original site of urethral reconstruction.
Received 18 February 2021
Revised 12 October 2021
Accepted 1 November 2021
Available online xxx
1477-5131/ª 2021 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal
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January 31, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1.e2 S. Faraj et al.

Summary Table Characteristics of patients according to stricture location.

DISTAL Stricture only BULBAR Stricture pZ

n[ 20 8
Initial position of meatus
Anterior 10 6 0.48
Penile 8 2 0,94
Posterior 2 0 0,7
Hypospadias first repair
MAGPI 0 1 0,57
TIP 7 2 0,77
Mathieu 5 2 1
Onlay 0 1 1
Duckett 6 2 1
Cecil-Leveuf 2 0 0,98
Late initial surgery (>3 years) 4 0 0,38
Staged primary surgery 3 0 0,7
Childhood complications after initial surgery
None 13 4 0,26
Stenosis 3 3 0,32
Fistula 4 0 0,28
Dehiscence 1 1 1
Other interventions during childhood
None 9 2 0,61
Non-urethral redo-surgery 3 1 1
Redo-urethroplasty and multiple surgeries 8 5 0,46
MAGPI: Meatal Advancement and GlanuloPlasty Intervention.
TIP: Tubularized Incised Plate.

Introduction adult tertiary urology center between 2004 and 2017. Re-
quests were done on hospital software to combine hypo-
Hypospadias surgery is a challenge for paediatric urologists, spadias diagnosis and urethral intervention. The software
considering the wide range of clinical presentations and the used the ICD-10 (International Classification of Disease for
profusion of different surgical techniques. The long-term Mortality and Morbidity Statistics) and ICD-11 classification.
follow up of hypospadias is a challenging and understudied Asymptomatic patients with systematic routine follow-
topic [1,2]. It is also a challenge for transitional urologists up (n Z 8), patients referred for unrelated urologic con-
who deal with long-term complications. Among these, dition (n Z 3), and men with hypospadias-related penile
urethral strictures stand as the most frequent long-term complication without urethral stricture (persistent isolated
complications after history of hypospadias surgery during urethrocutaneous fistula, residual chordee, aesthetic con-
childhood [3,4]. Other complications include urethro- cerns, n Z 3) were excluded.
cutaneous fistulas, persistent chordee or aesthetic con- Patients with enduring urethral symptoms (i.e dysuria,
cerns. Urethral stricture management in adult men remains episodes of urinary retention, pain, recurrent urinary tract
challenging, with several available surgical strategies and infections suggestive of urethral stricture, persistent ure-
inconsistent results. This is especially true in men with a throcutaneous fistula proximal to urethral stricture) were
personal history of multiple stages of urethral reconstruc- included. Data regarding initial description of the malfor-
tion during childhood [5]. mation, demographic data, surgical procedures performed
Our hypothesis was that urethral strictures can be during childhood and adulthood were recorded. Data were
observed at any location along the urethra, and after any collected from pre-operative, per-operative and post-
technique of hypospadias repair, including in patients with operative reports. Childhood was defined as pre-pubertal
distal hypospadias repair. We conducted this retrospective period. We focused on postoperative outcomes of urethral
study to better define the spectrum of men previously stricture surgery during adulthood. Urethral stricture was
treated for hypospadias during childhood, presenting at an confirmed by the association of stricture-compatible
adult urology clinic with persistent urethral complications. symptoms and retrograde urethrogram or a flow-rate infe-
rior to 12 cc/sec [6]. Follow-up was calculated after the
last surgical procedure performed. Early success after
initial adult surgery was defined as absence of post-
Patients and method
operative urethral complication after a minimum follow-up
of 3 months. Redo-surgery was preceded by the persistence
We retrospectively reviewed the records of 42 consecutive
of clinical symptoms or the persistence of stricture on the
adult patients (Fig. 1) with a personal history of hypospa-
retrograde urethrogram.
dias repair during childhood (1933e2000), referred at one

Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal
of Pediatric Urology,
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January 31, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Adults with previous hypospadias surgery 1.e3

procedure in 9 children (including two with foreskin

reconstruction), Duckett island-flap urethroplasty in 8,
Mathieu meatal-based flap procedure in 7, Cecil-Leveuf
(n Z 2), Onlay preputial island-flap (n Z 1), or MAGPI
(n Z 1). During childhood, 18/28 boys (64%) had required at
least one additional surgical procedure after initial repair,
including 13 who had already undergone multiple surgical
revision procedures before adulthood for urethral strictures
(n Z 6), persistent urethrocutaneous fistula (n Z 5) or
urethral distal dehiscence (n Z 2).

At adult age

Among the 28 patients, a majority of them (26/28, 93%)

presented with symptoms related to underlying outlet
obstruction (dysuria (n Z 19), episodes of acute urinary
retention (n Z 5), flank pain, recurrent febrile UTIs), or
urethra-cutaneous fistula (n Z 5). The reconstructed
meatus was described in hypospadiac position in 5 cases at
the first examination at adult age.
Initial endoscopic urethral assessment under anaes-
thesia revealed 29 urethral strictures in 28 patients (penile
urethra 23/29, bulbar urethra 6/29) associated with ure-
thral fistula upstream of the stricture in five cases and
urethral diverticulum in one patient. There were two pa-
tients with bulbar stricture not clearly identified at first
exploration but diagnosed later on, increasing the total
number of bulbar strictures to 8. No patient was diagnosed
with lichen sclerosus on physical examination.
First-line management of urethral stricture and imme-
diate outcomes are reported in Table 1, with a median
follow-up of 4 years [0e14]. Patients with bulbar stricture
were treated with internal urethrotomy (n Z 3), urethral
dilatation under GA (n Z 3), posterior skin flap ure-
throplasty (n Z 1) or direct end-to-end anastomotic repair
(n Z 1).
The early initial success rate of urethral strictures
treatment was 50%. Complication or recurrence was
observed in 14/28 patients, with a median delay of 4 years
Fig. 1 Flow-chart of the study.
[1e7], including 8 recurrent distal strictures and 5 bulbar
strictures in 11 men, fistulas (n Z 2), or stone on urethral
hair (n Z 1). Comparison between patients with early
Data were analyzed using R statistic software for non- successful versus failed stricture treatment showed no
parametric tests (Fisher exact test or Mann and Whitney
test), with p < 0.05 considered as significant.
Table 1 First line management of urethral stricture in
Results adulthood.
nZ Success Failure pZ
Twenty-eight men (median age 28 years [17e81]) with
Dilatation 9 4 5 ns
persistent urethral problems related to their hypospadias
Internal urethrotomy 4 3 1 ns
management during childhood were included.
Urethroplasty (flap) 9 4 5 ns
Posterior skin flap 5 2 3
During childhood De Sy meatal flap 4 2 2
Urethroplasty (graft) 4 2 2 ns
Among these 28 adult patients, initial hypospadias severity Buccal mucosa 1 1 e
could be retrospectively appreciated as distal in 16 (coronal Mesh graft 3 1 2
meatus without chordee), penile in 10 (mid-shaft meatus, Urethroplasty (other) 2 1 1 ns
with/without chordee), and proximal in two (peno-scrotal TIP 1 e 1
or perineal orifice). Urethrorrhaphy 1 1 e
Several different procedures had been performed as
TIP: Tubularized Incised Plate.
initial surgical repair: tubularized incised-plate (TIP)

Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal
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1.e4 S. Faraj et al.

statistically significant difference in recurrence risk ac- subgroup of adults (33%) presented with late failure during
cording to initial position of meatus, association with se- adulthood after an initially successful childhood repair [10].
vere initial chordee, type or timing of initial repair, or Half of the 28 patients of the present series reached
symptoms during adulthood. The outcome of adulthood adulthood with an impression of acceptable result of their
surgery was similar whether single or multiple urethral re- malformation surgical repair and presented with late
constructions had been performed during childhood (9/14 complication, regardless of the number of surgical pro-
vs 5/14, p Z 0.13). cedures required during childhood. It is also noteworthy
Among the 14/28 patients with complications, three did that several adult patients delayed the moment to seek
not need or consent to redo-surgery, including one treated management of a long ongoing problem. This could be
with auto dilatation (patient with double site strictures). related to the psychological consequences and psycho-
Additional surgical procedure was performed in 11 patients sexual burden of their personal surgical history, or in the
(Table 2): redo-urethroplasty in one stage (n Z 7, including unawareness of the need for urological support in the
four urethral reconstructions without graft or flap, two transition from adolescence to adulthood [11,12].
mesh grafts and one posterior skin flap), redo-urethroplasty Hypospadias complications leading to adult urologist
and multiple stage revisions (n Z 3, performed with buccal consultation typically include stricture, cosmesis dissatis-
mucosa grafts), or single urethrotomy (n Z 1). After failed faction, abnormal position of the meatus, urethrocuta-
repair of urethral stricture during adulthood and various neous fistula, and persistent penile curvature [11,13]. As
subsequent reconstruction procedures, 8/14 patients were expected, the main complication observed in the present
asymptomatic, but four had persistent symptomatic stric- study was persistent urethral strictures in more than 90% of
ture (2/4 performing urethral auto dilatation) and two had the patients. It is well known that in the adult population, a
urethrocutaneous fistula, after a median follow-up of 5 significant proportion of penile urethral strictures origi-
years [1e14]. nates from hypospadias surgery during childhood [14].
A total of 8 patients were eventually diagnosed with a Recruitment biases may explain the variable incidence of
bulbar stricture, isolated (n Z 5) or combined with a distal hypospadias patients among adults with urethral strictures.
stricture (n Z 3), either recognized at first examination or In a series of 125 adults with urethral strictures, V. Zum-
after failed initial management. Characteristics of these stein et al. reported 38% iatrogenic causes, 21% traumatic
patients and comparison with men with distal stricture are or inflammatory, but also 24% after hypospadias surgery
detailed in Table 3, without demonstrable features pre- [15]. Similarly, N. Lumen et al. identified hypospadias as a
dictive of the occurrence of a proximal stricture. The initial leading aetiology, accounting for 20% of strictures in men
position of meatus, presence of associated chordee and before 45 years [16]. However, urethral stricture aetiology
type and timing of primary urethroplasty did not seem to be remains unclear and classified as idiopathic/unknown in
associated with a higher risk of bulbar stricture. However, it approximatively 30%e50% of adult cases [16,17]. G. Bar-
appeared that 6/8 (75%) of patients presenting during bagli et al. showed that the vast majority of urethral
adulthood with a bulbar stricture had a history of multiple strictures occurred at the original site of primary hypo-
urethroplasty procedures during childhood. spadias surgery [18], and described bulbar location in less
than 10% of their cases. In the present series, we observed a
Discussion surprisingly high rate of bulbar strictures (8/28), including
three patients with bifocal bulbar and distal strictures. N.
The present study highlights the possibility of urethral Hoy reported two cases of bulbar location in a series of
stricture in adults in the long term after hypospadias repair adult men with urethral stricture after hypospadias recon-
during childhood, even in those who had undergone un- struction [19]. If distal urethral stricture can be viewed as a
eventful single primary repair. It also demonstrates an un- direct complication of urethral surgical reconstruction, it is
expected proportion of bulbar strictures as sequelae of more obscure to elucidate what drives the appearance of a
previous surgical procedures and stresses the technical bulbar stricture in a male urethra which underwent distal
challenge of stricture management during adulthood. urethral surgical interventions several years before. Several
It is widely accepted that hypospadias surgery remains a explanations have been proposed for so-called idiopathic
technical challenge [7,8]. Barbagli et al. reported a large bulbar stricture, including childhood unrecognized trauma,
series of 1176 failed hypospadias in adult patients, in whom congenital origin, infectious, or ischaemic. Adult men with
a median of three operations were required to achieve history of multiple surgery for hypospadias share several of
successful repair of a primary hypospadias [4]. The need for these predisposing factors. Hence, it appears that men with
long term follow-up after hypospadias repair has more history of hypospadias are indeed over-represented in se-
recently been recognized, considering the possible deteri- ries of patients with bulbar strictures [16]. Repeat tran-
oration of urethroplasty with time, even with apparently surethral manipulations, especially peri-operative stenting,
excellent outcome in childhood [1,9]. One hypothesis could or use of tourniquet may have played a role, although one
be that congenital lack of spongiosum may contribute to could expect these traumatic strictures to be diagnosed
urethral deterioration, especially as a consequence of sooner. Another hypothesis is that bulbar stricture could be
sexual activity and repeated erections [3,4]. CB Ching et al. a long term evolution of a subclinical outflow obstruction at
reported that adult patients requiring redo-urethroplasty the site of prior surgery and a subsequent urethritis. Our
after history of hypospadias represented a heterogenous data did not allow to isolate specific factors predictive of
group, and fell into two distinct categories: most patients bulbar location, beyond a trend to history of multiple ure-
(32/48, 67%), experienced a long and continuous history of thral reconstructive procedures. Even if unrelated to
failed multiple surgical reconstructions, but a significant hypospadias history, it is interesting to observe that bulbar

Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal
of Pediatric Urology,
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Adults with previous hypospadias surgery
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Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal

Table 2 Patients with early failure of stricture repair.

Initial type of Hypospadias Other Age at first Stricture Procedure Type of Complication Follow-up Outcome
hypospadias first interventions adult surgery location at first adult complication management (yrs)
procedure during surgery
January 31, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1 Anterior MAGPI None 22 Bulbar Dilatation Bulbar stricture Bulbar 4 Asymptomatic

2 Anterior Duckett Multiple 19 Bulbar Dilatation Bulbar stricture Buccal mucosa: 8 Asymptomatic
for Anonymous User (n/a) at Ankara Gulhane Egitim Arastırma Hastanesi from by Elsevier on

3 Anterior Matthieu Multiple 28 Bulbar Posterior skin Distal and Buccal mucosa 6 Asymptomatic
& Distal flap bulbar for bulbar and
urethroplasty strictures distal
4 Penile Duckett None 26 Distal Dilatation Distal stricture Observation 1 Asymptomatic

5 Penile TIP Multiple 33 Distal Dilatation Distal and Autodilatation 12 Dysuria
6 Anterior Matthieu None 81 Distal De Sy Distal stricture Observation 4 Asymptomatic
7 Penile Duckett Multiple 64 Distal Posterior skin Distal stricture Dilatation 1 Asymptomatic
flap under general
urethroplasty anesthesia
8 Anterior Matthieu Multiple 46 Distal Posterior skin Fistula De Sy 1 Fistula
flap urethroplasty
9 Anterior Matthieu Multiple 44 Distal Dilatation Stone on hairy Redo 1 Dysuria
urethra urethroplasty
with ablation of
stone on hairy
10 Anterior Matthieu Skin Z plasty 20 Distal TIP Fistula Posterior skin 2 Dysuria
for webbed flap
penis urethroplasty
11 Anterior Onlay Redo 67 Distal Internal Bulbar stricture Perineal 1 Asymptomatic
tubulization urethrotomy urethrostomy
12 Anterior TIP Multiple 23 Distal De Sy Distal stricture Meatoplasty 6 Dysuria

(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

of Pediatric Urology,
Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal


Initial type of Hypospadias Other Age at first Stricture Procedure Type of Complication Follow-up Outcome
hypospadias first interventions adult surgery location at first adult complication management (yrs)
procedure during surgery
January 31, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

13 Penile Cecil-Leveuf Dilatations 35 Distal Mesh Graft Distal stricture Posterior 9 Asymptomatic

sessions urethroplasty skinflap

for Anonymous User (n/a) at Ankara Gulhane Egitim Arastırma Hastanesi from by Elsevier on

Mesh graft
(two steps)
14 Posterior Duckett Multiple 39 Distal Mesh Graft Distal stricture Internal 14 Fistula
urethroplasty urethrotomies
Mesh graft
(two steps)

MAGPI: Meatal Advancement and GlanuloPlasty Intervention.
TIP: Tubularized Incised Plate.

S. Faraj et al.
Adults with previous hypospadias surgery 1.e7

previously treated for hypospadias repair, and identified

Table 3 Characteristics of patients according to stricture
the length of stricture and associated presence of lichen
sclerosus as independent factors for adverse outcom [18].
DISTAL BULBAR pZ In a similar study, JB Myers et al. reported a 50% initial
Stricture Stricture success rate, rising to 76% after multiple additional pro-
only cedures [5]. Endoscopic management seems to have
n[ 20 8 disappointing results as first-line treatment; however, it
Initial position of meatus offers the advantage of a complete urethral evaluation, to
Anterior 10 6 0.48 ascertain precise location of the stricture.
Penile 8 2 0,94 Limitations in this study included potential bias in the
Posterior 2 0 0,7 recruitment pattern of these adult patients [24], and the lack
Hypospadias first repair of knowledge of the denominator (namely the number of
MAGPI 0 1 0,57 hypospadias patients treated during childhood). Unavailable
TIP 7 2 0,77 medical detail in ancient operative records did not allow
Mathieu 5 2 1 drawing a detailed picture of the surgical history of some
Onlay 0 1 1 patients and prevented to identify predictive factors for
Duckett 6 2 1 bulbar strictures locations. Presence of catheter or use of the
Cecil-Leveuf 2 0 0,98 tourniquet would be two hypotheses for the occurrence of
Late initial 4 0 0,38 bulbar stricture after hypospadias repair, that would require
surgery animal experimental histological studies for validation.
(>3 years) Length and exact location of bulbar strictures were not dis-
Staged primary 3 0 0,7 cussed because of absence of data in some patients. It was
surgery however observed that symptomatic bulbar strictures do
Childhood complications after initial surgery exist in adults, in the long term after penile hypospadias
None 13 4 0,26 repair during childhood, independently of the initial site of
Stenosis 3 3 0,32 hypospadias, initial success of primary repair, and the type of
Fistula 4 0 0,28 surgical reconstructions performed during childhood.
Dehiscence 1 1 1
Other interventions during childhood
None 9 2 0,61 Conclusion
Non-urethral 3 1 1
redo-surgery Urethral stricture is the most common complication in men
Redo- 8 5 0,46 with history of hypospadias repair. Surgical management of
urethroplasty these strictures remains a challenge, with an initial
and multiple reconstruction success rate of 50%. More than 25% of these
surgeries strictures are located at the level of bulbar urethra, war-
MAGPI: Meatal Advancement and GlanuloPlasty Intervention. ranting a comprehensive examination of the whole urethra
TIP: Tubularized Incised Plate. in symptomatic men even after distal hypospadias surgery.

strictures can be overlooked in this context and belatedly

recognized. Funding
Various techniques of stricture repair have been
described in adult surgery, such as urethroplasty based on This research did not receive any specific grant from
penile skin flaps, primary excision and anastomosis, MESH funding agencies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit
and buccal mucosa grafts (BMG) in a single or staged repair. sectors.
A recent observational study of multi-institutional surgical
trends suggested a migration away from urethral transec-
tion and ventrally placed grafts toward nontransecting re- Availability of data and material
pairs whenever feasible and dorsal grafting [17]. In the
specific context of failed hypospadias surgery, the presence All data and material are available and in the possession of
of scarred penile skin and urethra and impaired vascular the corresponding author.
supply pushes to techniques importing supplementary
healthy tissue, typically a buccal mucosa graft in one or
two-stage strategies [20e22]. Meeks et al. achieved a 86%
success rate using a multi-stage approach with BMG [23]. In Ethics approval
the present series, the initial success rate of primary ure-
throplasty for urethral stricture was 50%. This is similar to This study was performed in line with the principles of the
previously reported results in larger series of adults: G. Declaration of Helsinki in lieu of formal ethics committee
Barbagli et al. showed a 5-yr failure-free survival rate of approval. This is a retrospective study and all the proced-
48% in a series of 408 adult patients with strictures ures being performed were part of the routine care.

Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal
of Pediatric Urology,Downloaded
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January 31, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Please cite this article as: Faraj S et al., Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood: Beware of bulbar strictures, Journal
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