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Molluscan Mariculture in the

Greater Caribbean: An Overview


Introduction In many areas, however, seafood de- with total seafood consumption rates
mand exceeds both the current catch and (local residents and tourists), permitted
This paper reviews the history and potentially available resources. A recent a comparison between island-shelf
current status of both experimental and review of eastern Caribbean fisheries by potential yield and demand for marine
commercial molluscan mariculture in Olsen et al. (1984) incorporated land protein in the Caribbean which revealed
the greater Caribbean area (Fig. 1). Sea- area, human population, shelf area, that:
food is and has been a staple for Carib- number of tourists, and fish landings by
bean people since pre-Columbian times. island/nation. These figures, together 1) Only a few of the eastern island na-
tions are currently supplying their own
seafood demand,
2) The current demand for seafood in
ABSIRACF-Marine mollusks suitable for for rock mussels, Perna perna, in f.-enezuela. the area is about 775,000 metric tons (t),
mariculture in the Caribbean area have Extensive research has been carried out on which greatly exceeds both current
received increased attention in recent years the mariculture potential ofthe queen conch, landings of about 87,000 t and the
in an effort to produce more seafood for in- Strombus gigas, with experimental hatch-
habitants of the area. However, molluscan eries in some countries (more are under con- 200,000 t potential yield, and
mariculture in the Caribbean is still, with struction or planned), and a commercial 3) The shelf area of many islands is
a few exceptions, in its infancy when com- hatchery is already operating in Turks and
pared with these activities elsewhere. Pilot Caicos. The culture potential of several
Darryl E. lory and E. S. Iversen are with the Divi-
and commercial culture operations for mollusks in the Caribbean, including native sion of Biology and Living Resources, Rosenstiel
American oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and and exotic species, and several problems im- School of Marine and Atmospheric Science,
mangrove oysters, C. rhyzophorae, exist in peding increase in molluscan culture in the University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Cause-
Jamaica, Cuba, J.i'?nezuela, and Mexico, and Caribbean are discussed. way, Miami, FL 33149.

95'W 85'W

PrOVJ(Jenctales I





Figure I.-Map of greater Caribbean region.

47(4), 1985 1
Figure 2.-Mangrove oyster culture system in coastal region.

generally too small to support additional Caribbean nations, as well as provide increasing food production in the Carib-
fishing effort, and although there are needed employment. Finally, cultured bean is every bit as important as it is in
some areas that can support additional mollusks, in particular cephalopods the Pacific, and perhaps even more so
exploitation, increased seafood produc- (Hanlon, In press) and the sea hare, considering the large human population
tion must come from resources not Aplysia spp. (Fay, 1971), can and have and the relative lack of other food
already exploited. been used extensively in neuroscience sources in many Caribbean island
Although almost all island nations and behavioral research. nations.
presently have this serious seafood pro- However, despite these incentives, Present molluscan mariculture activ-
duction deficit, some nations are in molluscan culture in the greater Carib- ities in the Caribbean can be divided in-
more trouble than others. For example, bean is, with few exceptions, in its in- to three categories: Semi-intensive
the Dominican Republic, which current- fancy when compared with the status of culture, extensive culture, and research.
ly lands about 6,435 t of finfish and these activities in such countries as
Semi-intensive Culture
shellfish, has a seafood demand of Japan, Australia, France, Spain, the
137,000 t and a potential yield from its Netherlands, and others. In addition, In the Caribbean, semi-intensive cul-
shelf of only 864 t. available information on the molluscan ture of mangrove oysters, Crassostrea
Mollusk culture could increase sea- culture in the Caribbean is limited. In rhizophorae, is presently practiced in
food production in many Caribbean contrast, the journal Aquaculture Cuba and Jamaica, while American
island nations and reduce the difference (Morse et al., 1984) devoted over 400 oysters, C. virginica, are raised in Mex-
between present production and de- pages to "Recent innovations in cultiva- ico and Venezuela, and the South Amer-
mand. Another reason for culturing tion of Pacific mollusks." Possibly ican rock mussel, Perna perna, is
mollusks in the Caribbean is that as ex- because of the vastness of the Pacific cultured only in Venezuela.
port products (for food or the aquarium Ocean and variety of marine habitats
and molluscan species, the research ef-
or ornamental shell trade) they generate
hard currency to help alleviate serious fort is more extensive than in the Carib- Over a 12-year period (1963-74), bio-
trade deficits that characterize many bean. Nonetheless, the importance of logical and ecological studies and breed-

2 Marine Fisheries Review

ing experiments supervised by United
Nations Development Program/Food
and Agriculture Organization (UNDP/
FAO) experts, were conducted on man-
grove oysters in Cuba, and many loca-
tions were found suitable for culture. A
mangrove oyster culture system was
developed during the study period,
based on known methods and the use of
inexpensive and readily available local
materials (Nikolic et al., 1976).
Farming facilities, generally located
in estuarine areas, consist of stockades
of palm posts driven into muddy or
sandy bottoms, arranged in line or in a
quadrangle (Fig. 2). Posts extend about
1-1.5 m above the surface of the water
and are placed 2.5 m apart, supporting
6 m long, wooden traverse beams. Red
mangrove terminal branches, suspended
from the traverse beams with tarred
ropes or monofIlament nylon thread, are
used as spat collectors. The collectors
are checked at least once a month (Fig.
3) to make certain that the binding ropes
are securely fastened, that collectors are
favorably located in terms of tidal cycles,
and to remove fouling organisms and
predators. The oysters are harvested 5-6
months after placing the collectors. Sub-
sequent harvests take place each month
thereafter, when the largest oysters are
collected during monthly cleaning oper-
ations. (Nikolic et al., 1976).
The first commercial oyster farm in
Cuba, located on the northeastern shore,
began operating in 1975. About 30 farms
were initially planned by Cuban of-
ficials, with an estimated potential pro-
duction between 6,500 and 7,500 t. Figure 3.-Mangrove oyster culture system in Cuba.
However, because of industrial pollution
in the culture areas, only about 20 per-
cent of the area could be used. Presently
there are 19 farms in operation, with an Jamaica feasibility in arresting the loss in natural
estimated potential production between oyster populations to land reclamation,
900 and 1,100 t of unshucked oysters. In In July 1977, a joint mangrove oyster particularly in the Kingston Harbor
the last 3 years, wide fluctuations in culture project was set up by the Inter- area, and to ensure a constant or in-
seasonality and abundance of spat settle- national Development Research Center creased supply of oysters. After 4 years
ment have adversely affected growout (IDRC) of Canada and the Government the culture system was considered viable
schemes. To optimize oyster growout, of Jamaica (through the Fisheries Divi- so in 1980 an "Oyster Culture Unit" was
it is necessary to have an adequate, con- sion of the Ministry of Agriculture and set up within the Ministry of Agriculture
sistent source of spat. A hatchery under the University of the West Indies' to operate pilot farms and provide exten-
construction and supervision of FAO ex- Department of Zoology) to determine its sion services 2•
perts, combined with ongoing pilot scale
research on controlled reproduction and
'Frias-Lepoureau, 1. A. Mariculture Section, 2MooYoung, R. R. Inland Fisheries Project, Min-
oyster larval maintenance, is expected Ministry of the Fishing Industry, Cuba. Personal istry of Agriculture, Jamaica. Personal comrnun.,
to produce sufficient spat consistently I. comrnun., I October 1984. 8 November 1984.

47(4), 1985 3
The system adapted known oyster raft- scholarships. Finally, an experimental resulted in destruction of natural beds
culture methods to Jamaican conditions oyster hatchery is being planned 3• (Conrad, 1985).
(Wade et aI., 1981). Spat collectors are
Mexico Venezuela
made of pieces of old car tires, cut into
8 X 8 em squares and drilled in the In Mexico, commercial aquaculture Experimental culture of the American
center. These are strung together with activities involving oysters (and seven oyster began in 1974 in the canals of
monofilament line, (10-12 collectors per other groups of organisms which in- Guariquen, in the Gulf of Paria. The
string), aged in seawater for 2 weeks clude shrimp and lobsters) are reserved Center for Fisheries Research of Cu-
before use, and then hung from bamboo exclusively for aquaculture coopera- mana, under the Ministry of Agricul-
and mangrove racks in the intertidal tives. Although the most successful ture and Livestock, beginning in 1974,
zone to collect spat. When the preferred oyster farming cooperatives are located carried out several studies on the biol-
density of about 10 oysters per collec- along Mexico's Pacific coast (culturing ogy and culture potential of the Ameri-
tor has settled, the collectors are re- a local species, Crassostrea cortezien- can oyster (unpubl.) which stimulated
strung on long monofilament plastic sis), experimental oyster culture in Mex- the creation of two commercial ventures
lines, spaced with 10 em bamboo poles ico began in the lagoon of Tamiahua in in 1980. For spat collection and grow-
and tied to bamboo rafts. Flotation for 1957 (Conrad, 1985). American oysters out these operations used old tires cut
the rafts is provided by 44-gallon oil are also raised, and its most important in strips and hung from floating wooden
drums painted with antirust paint, and culture grounds are on Mexico's Gulf rafts. In November 1980, there were 120
anchored by nylon ropes tied to coast, in the lagoons of Pueblo Viejo, rafts: 100 rafts were 15 x 6 m with 420
80-pound concrete blocks. Market size Tamiahua, Tampamochoc, Machona- strips each and 20 rafts were 15 X 14
of 7-8 em is reached in 6 months. Only Carmen, Macoacan and others in the m with 800 strips each. Commercial
about 10 percent of production is States of Veracruz and Tabasco (Lizar- size, 8-12 em, is reached in 1 year.
suitable for marketing because of poach- raga, 1974). The marketed production in 1980,
ing, diseases, and fouling organisms, all Seed is commonly collected on col- 1981, and 1982 was 170, 176 and 132
major problems. In addition, some lars of oyster shell cultch, although roof tons, respectively. The estimated pro-
potential growout sites located near ur- tiles and wire-mesh or plastic bags are duction of a single operation in 1980 was
ban centers may give rise to health prob- also used. Spat collectors are placed in about 1,000 t, most of which could not
lems caused by pollution; therefore, the stockades, hung from traverse beams, be marketed because the marketing
Jamaican government is considering and after 2-3 months (when the seed is channels were inadequate to handle pro-
depuration plants and strict marketing 2-3 em) they are moved for growout. duction. Studies of the economic feasi-
regulations (ADCP, 1983). Two basic systems are used. In one the bility of smoking and canning oyster
Oyster spat is presently collected at collectors are placed on the bottom in meats, possibly for export, have been
the pilot farm of the Oyster Culture Unit areas consolidated with old oyster made (Cervigon, 1983). However, in a
in Bowden, Port Morant. Growout is shells, and in the other, a suspension recent visit to Venezuela, the senior
only carried out at this time in Port An- system is used with collectors strung on author was informed that marketing dif-
tonio, where local fishermen built and galvanized wire strings, separated by ficulties had apparently proved insur-
have maintained growout rafts since plastic tubing, and hung in stockades. mountable and that both commercial
January 1982. Growout was attempted Growout time to commercial size (about ventures would cease operations.
at Falmouth, but was discontinued due 8-10 em) is between 8 and 14 months, The mangrove oyster was also the
to high coliform counts. Microbial and the reported yield from these areas subject of experimental and commercial
studies to institute preventive measures averages 25 tons/ha (Haro et aI., 1983; culture in Venezuela. Experimental
are under way in a joint project between Lizarraga, 1974). culture began in the early 1960's, and
the University of the West Indies and the The potential for increased oyster pro- there were two commercial attempts,
University of South Florida. duction in the Gulf of Mexico is con- both using wild spat and floating rafts:
Belmont-Bluefields is a proposed siderable, with over 100,000 ha having One, in 1969, in the Gulf of Cariaco and
growout site. There are plans to grow potential for utilizing intensive culture the other in 1971 in la Restinga lagoon,
the oysters in baskets and trays, which techniques (Haro et aI., 1983). Current Margarita Island. Both faced problems
produce single shells instead of clusters, production is about 40,000 t/year, but a of spat settling, competition, and shell
and which have more appeal for tourists. decline is predicted due to pollution in brittleness, and both failed due to mar-
There is a high demand for oysters from lagoons such as Tamiahua and others 4, keting difficulties (Mandelli and Acuna,
hotels and restaurants, and all present where oil exploitation activities have 1975; Cervigon, 1983).
production is readily sold in Kingston. Culture of rock mussels, Perna perna,
No reliable production figures are avail- began in 1960 in the Gulf of Cariaco in
able but the quantities sold are reported 3S essing,1. Jamaican aquaculturist, P.O. Box 642, northeastern Venezuela (Fig. 4) using
to be small. Three Jamaican workers Kingston 8, Jamaica. Personal commun., April slightly modified Spanish raft-culture
from the Project have recently com- 1985. techniques (Iversen, 1966). Presently,
'Orbe, A. Centro de investigacion y Estudios
pleted overseas training at Dalhousie Avanzados lPN, Unidad Merida, Merida, Yucatan, there are two private ventures with 20
University in Canada through IDRC Mexico. Personal commun., 6 November 1984. rafts and seven smaller ventures with a

4 Marine Fisheries Review

Figure 4.-Rock mussel rafts in Venezuela.

total of 45 rafts operated by fishermen's IfJ73; Mandelli and Acuna, lfJ75; Cer- Extensive Culture
cooperatives. The latter have not pro- vigon, 1983). Extensive research on the
duced any mussels in the last few years rearing of mussel larvae has been re- The queen conch, Strombus gigas, is
because of red tide problems in the area cently carried out at the Instituto Ocean- the only marine mollusk considered to
which, in August IfJ77, killed nine peo- ografico of Universidad de Oriente in be cultured extensively in the Carib-
ple who ate contaminated mussels. Cumana5. A project to set up a mussel bean. Increased demand for its meat,
Annual market production since IfJ72 depuration plant is being planned, and especially in u.s. markets, has resulted
has ranged from 42 to 650 t. In 1980, another project for a large-scale mussel in overfishing and the decline of stocks,
production was estimated at 650 to 920 farming operation was recently and has threatened its critical role as one
t, but only 30 t were marketed due to presented to the National Council for of the most important subsistence-level
red tide. In 1983, production was esti- Scientific Research of Venezuela fisheries of the area (Brownell and
mated at 182 t. This decrease is attrib- (CONICIT) and is presently being Stevely, 1981).
uted to the replacing of wooden spat col- evaluated 6• Concern over the decline of stocks led
lectors by tire strips to which mussel to extensive research on the mass-rear-
spat reportedly cannot attach securely. 'Cervigon, F. Fundacion Cientifica Los Rogues,
ing of juveniles in hatcheries and using
Besides red-tide-related problems, com- Caracas, Venezuela. Personal commun., May these juveniles to reestablish or replen-
mercially successful mussel culture in 1985. ish depleted natural populations. Such
6Robaina, G. Universidad de Oriente, Boca de Rio,
Venezuela faces marketing problems Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. Personal commun., research was carried on since about
similar to that of oysters (Salaya et al. , December 1985. 1980 in Bonaire, Puerto Rico, Los Ro-

47(4), 1985 5
ques Archipelago in Venezuela, Quin- leases to grow conch to commercial European oysters and the species may
tana Roo in Mexico, Turks and Caicos, size l2. be abandoned, but growout of American
Miami, and the Berry Islands in the The release size for hatchery-reared oysters and hard clams continues. In
Bahamas (Iversen and Jory, 1985). conch discussed, and recommended addition, the company recently obtained
Preliminary results of many of these and/or used so far varies from 2 cm permission from Bahamian authorities
research programs were presented in a (Siddall, 1983), to 5 cm (Creswell, to import Manila clams, Iapes japon-
Conch Mariculture Session at the 35th 1984) to 12-15 cm (lory and Iversen, icus, from the Philippines, for growout
Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries 1983; Woon, 1983). The release size can trials l4.
Institute in Nassau, Bahamas, in Nov- have important consequences on the rate
ember 1982. What has happened since of survival to market size. There is good
Turks and Caicos
then? The projects at the University of scientific evidence that natural mortality The Smithsonian Institution's Marine
Miami, Los Roques and the Berry is greater for smaller individuals, and Systems Laboratory has recently sought
Islands have ended due to lack of finan- hatchery-reared mollusks are no excep- to determine the culture potential of the
cial support. The project in Puerto Rico tion (Jory et al., 1984), including queen topshell or magpie shell, Cittarium
might not receive further funding 7. conch (Appeldoorn and Ballantine, pica. Its life cycle has been closed (Hes-
However, there is also encouraging 1983; Jory and Iversen, 1983) as well linga and Hillmann, 1981), and prelim-
news. The Bonaire hatchery reported as other mollusks such as abalone13. Re- inary results indicate that juveniles
rearing and releasing 750,000 juveniles cent large-scale releases of small (2-5 placed in floating cages can reach
off Bonaire in 1984 in deep waters cm) hatchery-reared conchs in Bonaire, market size in 12-18 months. Similar
where they will not be easily accessible Mexico, Venezuela, and St. Croix research has also been carried out in the
to fishermen 8• This may be an example should provide an indication of the opti- Dominican Republic, Antigua, and St.
of technological success, but does not mum release size. Vincent 15. The Mariculture Team of the
imply economic feasibility. A hatchery Marine Systems Laboratory visited the
is being set up at the Hydrolab site at Pilot Projects and island of St. Lucia where they demon-
Salt River on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Research Activities strated topshell culture methods; these
Islands, mainly to obtain animals for Bahamas appeared to be easily adapted to local
further research9. And construction of conditions, and the feasibility of estab-
a hatchery is about to begin on the island Molluscan mariculture has been at- lishing a pilot project was indicated 16.
of Martinique, French West Indies 1o• tempted at three locations in the Baha- Topshells are widely consumed in the
The senior author recently visited the mas. In the middle 1970's a private com- Caribbean; the species has been over-
Puerto Morelos hatchery in Quintana pany conducted a pilot experiment with fished in many areas and several nations
Roo, Mexico, and was informed that it imported American oysters. In a pond are contemplating plans to regulate its
is preparing for its first field release of dredged out for a dock project in Rud- fisheries. Mariculture may be a viable
hatchery-reared juveniles. Finally, in der Cut Cay, Exuma, the water was fer- option to increase production since top-
1984 Trade Wind Industries, Inc. ll, con- tilized and imported oyster spat was shells appear to fulfill many of the
structed and started operating the first placed in rafts. The project was prompt- criteria for commercial culture.
commercial queen conch hatchery on ly abandoned due to very slow growth
the island of Providenciales, Turks and rates. St. Lucia
Caicos. During the 1984 spawning The second study, growing oysters In 1983 a joint "Experimental Oyster
season, 20 larviculture tanks were in and clams in rafts by the Wallace Groves Project" was started on St. Lucia be-
operation, and the juvenile conchs pro- Aquaculture Foundation of Freeport, tween a local yacht charter company and
duced were stocked in protective cages produced discouraging results. The third the Fisheries Management Unit of the
near the hatchery. The company re- study is by Worldwide Protein Bahamas Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fish-
portedly has also acquired sea-bottom Ltd., using imported spat of American eries, and Cooperatives. Imported
and European oysters and hard clams, Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas, spat
Mercenaria mercenaria, grown in dis- were placed in bamboo and plastic mesh
charge canals from company shrimp rafts at two sites. Unfortunately, the rafts
'Appeldorn, R. Department of Marine Sciences,
University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico. Personal ponds on Long Island. Preliminary at one site were destroyed but there are
commun., October 1984. results indicate that fouling by algae and
"Hensen, R. Department of Agriculture and Fish- particulate matter hinder production.
eries, Bonaire. Personal commun., October 1984.
·Coulston, M. L. Hydrolab Project West Indies Water temperatures were too high for I4Higgs, C. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Laboratory, Fairleigh Dickinson University, SI. Local Government, Nassau, Bahamas. Personal
Croix. Personal commun., 22 October 1984. commun., October 1984.
'OBazin, P. Association pour Ie Development de "Bernard, W. L. Marine Systems Laboratory,
I'Aquaculture a la Martinique, Martinique. Per- "Creswell, L. Center for Marine Biotechnology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Per-
sonal commun., September 1984. Harbor Branch Institution, Inc., Florida. Personal sonal commun., October 1985.
"Mention of trade names or commercial firms commun., November 1984. '6Walters, H. D. Ministry of Agriculture, Lands,
does not imply endorsement by the National I3Haaker, P. California Department of Fish and Fisheries, and Cooperatives, Castries, SI. Lucia.
Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA. Game. Personal commun. October 1983. Personal commun., 5 October 1984.

6 Marine Fisheries Review

plans for a second attempt. In addition, could be found. In 1983 the project was ficial Upwelling Project on the north
several local private concerns have con- redesigned into a Conch Management shore of the island produced phyto-
tacted the Fisheries Management Unit Program with a "red algae, Graci/aria plankton by pumping nutrient-rich sea-
for advice regarding oyster culture l6. spp., Research Project" as a subcom- water from 870 m depth into 100 m2
ponent, which continues 19• ponds. This was used to feed oysters,
Panama clams, and scallops which grew ade-
Between January and December 1979,
Nicaragua quately. A pilot-scale operation was
two pilot studies were conducted to In 1976, an oyster culture pilot study carried out between October 1976 and
determine culture potential of the man- was carried out with assistance from October 1978 in which Manila clams
grove oyster. Two experimental farms Japanese scientists, using strung scallop produced in the Project Hatchery were
were located in the Archipelago de shells separated by PVC spacers and successfully grown to determine yields
Bocas del Toro, using the Cuban culture hung from mangrove structures. Spat and production costs. Very encouraging
system described earlier in this paper. was successfully collected and grown results were also obtained culturing
Preliminary results were encouraging during the dry season (May-December) brine shrimp (Roels et al., 1979). The
but the project was not scaled-up to a but failed during the rainy season due Project apparently developed into The
commercial level 17. University of Pana- to depressed salinities and high sedi- Maritek Corporation in 1980 (Seafood
ma and University of Delaware scien- mentation in the estuarine site. Oysters Business Report, 1984), and is presently
tists are jointly experimenting with com- grew well up to 81 mm, but mortalities engaged in penaeid shrimp culture in the
mercially important bivalves with were more than 80 percent. Because Bahamas 22.
encouraging results at the University of most of the Nicaraguan coastline where
Panama's Centro de Ciencias del Mar oysters can be raised has similar estu- Other Candidates
y Limnologia laboratory on Panama's arine conditions, government officials
Pacific coast 18. are not inclined to conduct further oyster Caribbean Species
culture experiments2o. Milk Conch
Studies on mangrove oyster biology,
Puerto Rico The milk conch, Strombus costatus,
preparatory to culture, have been carried Experiments to determine the com- although considerably smaller than the
out at the Cienaga Grande de Santa mercial feasibility of mangrove oyster queen conch, is nevertheless of com-
Marta and in the Gulf of Uraba on the culture started in December 1972, with mercial value. Its biology has been
Caribbean coast of Colombia. Research the joint support of the Puerto Rico studied and it has been reared for possi-
has concentrated on basic biological Department of Agriculture and the U.S. ble use in the marine aquarium trade
aspects of the oysters and testing for the National Marine Fisheries Service. and for extensive mariculture. Hatchery
best methods of spat collection and These experiments consisted of moni- techniques, predation problems, and
growout. Results are very encouraging; toring growth of collected spat in bags, outlook are very similar to those for the
it may be possible to raise oysters in with frames made of concrete-coated queen conch (Appeldoorn and Ballan-
closed suspended baskets to commercial plywood and plastic sheeting suspended tine, 1983).
size (6-8 cm) in about 7 months. Bot- from 3 x 4 m rafts. Oysters reportedly
tom culturing methods are not suitable reached market size in 2 months (Wat- Great White Lucine
in the Gulf of Uraba due to the heavy ters and Prinslow, 1975). No commer- and Gaudy Asaphis
sedimentation coming from the Rio cial oyster culture presently exists in In many Caribbean areas, low pri-
Atrato (Wedler, 1980; Aguilera, 1984). Puerto Rico. The Commonwealth Gov- mary productivity generally precludes
No plans for commercial scale-up were ernment encourages such nondestruc- culturing suspension-feeding mollusks.
mentioned. tive uses of its coastal lagoons which are Recent research has shown two clam
coming under increasing development species, the great white lucine, Codakia
St. Kitts and Nevis pressure 21. orbicularis, and the gaudy asaphis, Asa-
In 1981 the Government of St. Kitts phis deflorata, to have possible chemo-
and Nevis and the IDRC tried unsuc-
U.S. Virgin Islands
autotrophic capabilities through a sym-
cessfully to establish a pilot project to Since May 1972, the St. Croix Arti- biotic relationship with sulphur-fixing
culture mussels. The project failed be- bacteria within their gill tissues; hence,
cause no suitable local species of mussel they have been suggested as viable mari-
"Wilkins, R. Department of Agriculture, St. Kitts culture candidates. Both species have
and Nevis. Personal commun., 2S September been reared in the laboratory, and
I7Arosemena, D. H. Departamento de Direccion 1984.
de Recursos Marinos, Panama. Personal com- 2°Martinez Casco, S. Centro de Investigaciones chemical analyses have shown that the
mun., 28 September 1984. Pesqueras, Instituto Nicaraguense de la Pesca. Per-
I8D'Croz, L., and 1. R. Villalaz. Centro de Cien- sonal commun., 4 October 1984.
cias del Mar y Limnologia, Facultad de Ciencias 2ITorres, F. Corporation for the Development and 22Higgs, C. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Naturales y Farmacia, Universidad de Panama. Administration of the Marine Resources, Puerto Local Government, Nassau, Bahamas. Personal
Personal commun., 29 October 1984. Rico. Personal commun., 7 November 1984. commun., July 1984.

47(4), 1985 7
great white lucine is relatively high in mercial culture of cephalopods is un- tent (Martinez, 1971), and a research
protein, carbohydrates, and calories but predictable, because it is predominant- proposal is currently being evaluated 27•
low in cholesterol compared with other ly an economic consideration. When
Pen Shells
clam species (Berg and Alatalo, 1982). and if the capture fishery cannot meet
It has also been speculated that in- the market demand, culture will receive The culture potential of pen shells,
dustrial sulfide wastes may be adapted emphasis" (Hanlon, In press). Finally, Pinna carnea and Atrina rigida, was
to a mariculture system involving these cephalopods may have much potential also reviewed by Berg (1984), who con-
clams (Berg and Alatalo, 1984). No in the aquarium trade, because of the cluded that they seem to have poor
pilot or commercial projects to rear spectacular color changes of many potential because of the possibly long
these clams are planned 23. species and because they can be easily planktonic development which would
maintained in aquariums (Hanlon, In make larval rearing difficult. He also
Cephalopods mentioned that they may be suitable as
Many cephalopod species are impor- an additional species in a polyculture
tant research subjects in neuroscience, Scallops system, since they seem to invest little
environmental toxicology, learning be- Scallops of the family Pectinidae are energy developing viscera and shell and
havior, and other areas. The highly the basis of several important commer- therefore might grow very fast. Pen
developed giant axon of squids, for ex- cial fisheries around the world. Com- shells are very valuable in several Carib-
ample, is used in numerous models of mercial scallop farming in Japan has bean countries, and in Mexico, where
visual experimentation (Hanlon and been very successful, and scientists else- they command higher prices than
Forsythe, In press). In addition, fish- where are trying to adapt Japanese tech- shrimp and as high as abalone (about
eries biologists have recently begun niques to their own countries (Wood, U.S.$IO.OO/kg as of early 1985)28. A
using cultured cephalopods for life-cycle 1978). Pilot research continues world- shellfish hatchery to produce larvae of
analyses (Hanlon, In press). The advan- wide, and in Latin America, Peru commercially important bivalves, in-
tages of laboratory-cultured cephalopods (Wolff, 1984), and Mexico (Kimbrough, cluding several species of oysters,
to the researcher include the consistent 1983) have recently reported commer- clams, scallops, and pen shells, recent-
availability of experimental animals of cial culture operations. Those, however, ly started operating in Bahia Kino, in the
known species, age, sex, and environ- are on the Pacific coast; no pilot- or Gulf of California (O'Sullivan, 1984).
mental background (Hanlon and For- commercial-scale scallop culture project No commercial or research projects are
sythe, In press). In the Western Atlan- is known in the Caribbean. Research on known in the Caribbean.
tic, cephalopods are presently being induced reproduction and larval rearing
cultured on an experimental scale at the is being carried on in Venezuela25. Berg Exotic Species
Marine Biomedical Institute of the Uni- (1984) recently suggested scallop culture Green Mussels
versity of Texas Medical Branch, as having potential in Bermuda. A species from the Indo-Pacific, the
Galveston, Tex.24, and at the Centro de green mussel, Perna viridis, is con-
Pearl Oysters
Investigaciones Cientificas de la Univer- sidered to be a good candidate for intro-
sidad de Oriente, on Margarita Island Pearl oysters have been successfully
duction into the Caribbean. Presently
off northeastern Venezuela (Robaina, cultured for many years in Japan,
there are over 5,000 ha under its culture
1983). Republic of Korea, China, Australia, In-
in Thailand and the Philippines. Re-
Roger Hanlon of the Texas Marine donesia, the Philippines, and other
search at the Harbor Branch Institution
Biomedical Institute reports 24 that the countries, and the techniques are well
in Florida has shown considerable
life cycles of several Octopus and Loligo known. Berg (1984), in reviewing the
potential for this species' culture in
species have been closed, and extensive culture potential of Bermudian bivalves,
localized Caribbean areas where pri-
information pertinent to their potential mentioned that there appears to be no
mary productivity is sufficient to sup-
commercial mariculture has been ac- reason why these techniques could not
port filter-feeding bivalves 29.
cumulated. He further reports receiving be successfully applied to Atlantic pearl
requests from people interested in cul- oysters, Pinctada spp. On Mexico's Giant Clams
turing cephalopods commercially in the Pacific coast the pearl oyster, P mazat- Species of giant clams, Tridacna
southern Caribbean. lanica, has been experimentally cul- spp., are being intensively studied at
The only known commercial culture tured 26. No information is available on various institutions in the Philippines,
operation of cephalopods is in Japan, present or recent research on pearl Australia, Micronesia, and California
where Octopus vulgaris is reared; pro- oyster culture in the Caribbean, al- for possible commercial culture. These
duction in recent years was about 50 t though in Venezuela aspects of its
annually (Boletzky and Hanlon, 1983). biology have been studied to some ex- "Robaina, G. Universidad de Oriente, Boca de
However, "the outlook for future com- Rio, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. Personal com-
mun., 4 December 1985.
"Padron, M. Universidad de Oriente. Boca de 28Reyes, C. Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios
Rio, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. Personal com- Superiores de Monterrey, Guaymas, Sonora, Mex.
23Berg, C. 1. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- mun., 5 December 1985. Personal commun., March 1985.
tion. Personal commun., 7 November 1984. 26Diaz, G. 1. J. 1969. Cultivo experimental de 2·Creswell, L. Center for Marine Biotechnology,
24R. Hanlon, Marine Biomedical Institute, Texas. madreperla, Pinc/aOO maza/tanica, en la Bahia de Harbor Branch Institution, R. Personal commun.,
Personal commun., 5 November 1984. La Paz, Baja Calif., Mex., (mimeogr.) 12 p. November 1984.

8 Marine Fisheries Review

clams have a thin layer of tissue in their exotic species with phototrophic capa- To depend on natural spat settlement
mantle where zooxanthellae live and bilities, such as giant clams, which may as a source of seed for commercial
provide food (Munro and Heslinga, be suitable for introduction in those growout is generally not advisable be-
1983). This aspect of their biology is areas where the naturally low primary cause of the wide fluctuations in spat
unique and actually is a strong plus for productivity precludes the culture of abundance and settlement due to biotic
the species' introduction to the Carib- filter-feeding species. However, much and abiotic factors. Cuba, for example,
bean, particularly in areas of low pro- care should be exercised if these or any has reported such problems for their
ductivity that cannot support filter- other exotic species is introduced into oyster culture operations, and is inves-
feeding bivalves such as oysters or the Caribbean, and guidelines such as tigating controlled reproduction and
mussels. Cultured tridacnids from Palau those recommended by the International oyster larval maintenance as well as con-
may soon be introduced to the island of Council for the Exploration of the Sea struction of a hatchery. Other countries
Guadaloupe, pending approval of import should be followed (ICES, 1972). such as Mexico, Jamaica, Panama, and
permits 30. However, as with any other Several problems still hamper Carib- Venezuela are operating or planning
exotic species, the possible ecological bean molluscan culture. These include hatcheries and/or are involved in active
consequences of introducing any new insufficient biological information on research for this purpose.
species into a new environment must potential candidate species, dependency Economic problems also hamper
first be carefully considered, as is on wild spat, lack of economic informa- development of Caribbean molluscan
strongly urged by Munro and Heslinga tion, few trained technicians, inadequate culture (as well as culture of most other
(1983). marketing channels, low primary pro- marine species), particularly the dis-
ductivity in many areas, and pollution tribution channels and availability of the
Discussion and Conclusions and public health considerations. products. Acceptability of seafood is not
Molluscan mariculture is nonexistent The FAa Species Identification Sheets a problem: Most Caribbean islands and
in several Caribbean countries; in a few for Fishery Purposes of the Western countries bordering the Caribbean have
it is at an experimental or incipient stage Central Atlantic (Fischer, 1978) list 37 high rates of seafood consumption (>20
of development while only a handful of bivalves and 24 gastropods which are g/person per day), and in some of these
commercial molluscan culture opera- large, edible, and common enough to countries fish constitutes almost 20 per-
tions presently exist anywhere in the serve as human food. Several of these cent of the total protein source (Olsen
area. Three species of bivalves (Ameri- species of oysters, clams, scallops, arks, et aI., 1984). Adequate distribution
can and mangrove oysters and rock mussels, and pen shells, as well as channels and product availability prob-
mussels) are raised in semi-intensive others not included in the FAa sheets, lems must be viewed in terms of the
facilities; one gastropod, the queen may meet the criteria for culture candi- added technological and economic bur-
conch, is raised in extensive culture dates proposed by Bardach et al. (1972) den involved in processing and market-
(mass-reared in hatcheries and released and Webber and Riordan (1975). ing highly perishable products in places
to augment natural populations). However, adequate biological infor- where refrigeration may be unavailable
Techniques for oyster and mussel cul- mation on which to judge the feasibil- or inadequate (May, 1978). That inade-
ture are very similar, involving wild spat ity of culture projects for many species quate marketing channels are a problem
collection on different substrates (i.e., is lacking, particularly concerning today is exemplified by the Venezuelan
from mangrove branches to synthetic reproductive aspects (spawning season, oyster culture operations discussed
ropes) and growout with the collectors larval stage requirements) and growth previously.
suspended from floating rafts or wooden rates and factors which affect it. Re- Another problem is pollution and re-
stockades. These techniques have search in progress at several Caribbean lated public health considerations. Since
proven successful in some Caribbean institutions will help alleviate this. How- the Caribbean is generally a developing
countries and have potential in several ever, economic support for research region with relatively modest industrial-
others. Queen conch culture involves sometimes may end prematurely, as in ization and urbanization, water pollution
mass-rearing juveniles in hatcheries and the case of the queen conch, whose from land-produced wastes has not
field growout to commercial size; the biology and culture potential (including reached the alarming levels of more in-
first has had limited success so far while hatchery techniques) was intensively in- dustrialized regions. However, there are
the second remains unproven. vestigated at several institutions for a localized areas where marine pollution
Introduction of exotic molluscan few years, until funding was discon- from industrial, domestic, and agricul-
species into the Caribbean must be care- tinued. UNDP/FAO has advocated es- tural wastes, and from oil production
fully considered. Several native species, tablishment of a Caribbean Regional and transport, is a problem (Rodriguez,
particularly filter-feeding bivalves, ap- Aquaculture Center, which has also 1981), and this is likely to become a
pear suitable and should be exhaustive- been strongly supported by countries in problem in other areas as industrializa-
ly studied before considering any intro- the region and may be approved and im- tion and urbanization occur.
duction. An exception may be that of plemented in the near future 3l. Estuarine areas are particularly af-
fected by pollution and urban develop-
ment. Besides being highly productive
30Heslinga, G. Micronesian Mariculture Demon- "Choudhury, P. C. Fishery Resources and En-
stration Center, Palau. Personal commun., vironment Division, FAO, Rome. Personal com- nursery grounds for many commercially
February 1985. mun., 28 September 1984. important animals, clean estuaries are

47(4), 1985 9
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culture in Bermuda, p. 77-89. Bermuda BioI. Martinez, E. R. 1971. Estado actual de la biologia
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Stn., Ferry Reach, St. George's.
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In conclusion, molluscan mariculture In 1. D. Sleeter (editor), Assessment of the begins production in Mexico. ICLARM Newsl.
in the Caribbean has a long way to go potential for aquaculture in Bermuda, p. 7(3):21-22.
133-141. Bermuda BioI. Stn., Ferry Reach, St. Robaina, G. 0. 1983. Algunos aspectos sobre el
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Acknowledgments Science. del mejillon, Perna perna, en Venezuela.
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This report is based on a search of the A. Landin. 1983. The development and per- Agricultura y Cria, Republica de Venezuela.
available literature and on personal com- spective of oyster culture in Mexico. In K. K. Informe Tecnico 62, 53 p.
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activities throughout the Caribbean, niloticus, in Palau, Caroline Islands. Aqua- Annu. GulfCaribb. Fish. Inst., Nassau, Baha-
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/0 Marine Fisheries Review

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