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Meditation - Stimulate the Third Eye

31 minutes

o Music - Guru Ram Das (Crimson Collection Vol. 1 by Singh Kaur & Kim
o Guroo Guroo Waahay Guroo, Guroo Raam Daas Guroo
o Sit in Easy Pose, elbows on ribs, forearms and hands up, a little in front of body.
o Open the hands, fingers together pointing up, palms toward you.
o Look at the tip of the nose. When you are stable, feel like you have put your eyes at the back of your head and
look at the tip of the nose as if you had two holes through your skull. Your eyes should start looking from the
bones at the base of the back of the cranium, on either side of your head.
o Conscious breathing. Listen to music.
o End:
o Inhale - press the hands against the chest and hold. Exhale.
o Inhale - press the hands on the navel point and hold. Exhale
o Inhale - put hands in prayer pose and push them, squish them and hold. Exhale

When you look from these points at the back of the head to the tip of the nose, it produces a “special pressure.”

This meditation balances the heart/fourth chakra and the second chakra. When you do this, when
you stimulate

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