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Choose a well-established digital business or e-commerce business in a B2B or B2C context.

The chosen business must have a well-developed website, where you can find information
about their strategies and operations. You are taking the role of an independent digital/e-
commerce business consultant tasked to evaluate the strategies that the chosen digital/ e-
commerce business is applying based on the tasks outlined below and complete these in a

Structure/ Template:
Title/ Cover page - NOT included in wordcount ( state the name of the chosen company in
the title)
Executive Summary/ Abstract (aim of the report, summary of the key points emerging from
your analysis ; one paragraph for each of the 4 parts) ( max. one page approx. max 400
words) (write past tense) ( no references) NOT included in wordcount
Table of contents (headings, sub-headings with numbering and page number) NOT included
in wordcount

Introduction (outlining the aim the report; overview to the chosen digital business
(reference the website); discuss/ overview of digital business (present the growth of digital
business globally/ nationally, supported with evidence such as statistics, news etc. ); outline
structure of report) ( Sources:- references to the website of the digital business / other
websites/ news/ magazines) (approx. 250 words)

1. Overview of Key Trends and Advantages

Provide an overview of key trends and advantages of digital technology and
implications for managing virtual business in the global environment by drawing on
your chosen business (approx. 900 words)

1.1. Definition of Digital/Virtual Business (Sources: books; journal article)

1.2. Advantages of Digital/Virtual Business (Sources: books; journal article)
1.3. Key Trends in Digital/Virtual Business (Sources: books; journal article)
1.4. Application to using digital business with advantages and key trends applied
to your chosen organisation (Sources: website of the chosen organisation; news;
magazines; other websites eg. BBC news, Harvard Business Review, Marketing
Week, The Drum etc.)
2. Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models in the context of key
business issues such as cyber security and ethics that your organisation uses or may
use (approx. 900 words) (
2.1. Defining new, emerging digital business models (Sources: books, journal
2.2. Discussion on new, emerging digital business models in the context of key
issues such as cyber security and ethics (Sources: based on book and article above
and other similar sources)
2.3. Apply how your chosen organisation is using / could use any of these new,
emerging business models (Sources: website of the organisation, other websites;
news; magazines; publications)

3. Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through
digital technology for your chosen organisation (approx. 900 words)
3.1. Definition of new collaborative relationship and definition of strategic
alliance/s (Sources: books; journal articles)
3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of new collaborative relationships and strategic
alliances through digital technology (Source: books; journal articles)
3.3. Application to your chosen organisation on how they use or could use new
collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology
(Source: organisation’s website, other websites, magazines, news, publications)

4. Identify and evaluate the push and pull supply chain concepts to chosen business and
identify current e-supply chain of your chosen business. (approx. 900 words)
4.1. Identify push and pull supply chain concepts in general and discuss/justify
which one is more suitable for your chosen business. (Sources: books, journal
4.2. Identify current e-supply chain of your chosen business. (Sources:
organisations’ websites, other websites, news, magazines, publications)

Conclusion (approx. 150 words)- summary of key points emerging from the evaluation
( no references )

References (min. 20 references, well balanced: academic (Sources: books and journal
articles from sources such as Ebsco, Emerald etc.) and non-academic sources (websites,
news, magazines, online publications) NOT included in wordcount


4000 words (+-10%)

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