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1. Answer the following activities as vividly and intelligently as possible.

Activity 1:
a. Please pause for a while. Look for experiences in your personal lives, situation, and culture.

On one of my recent experiences was when I got enrolled in my first-choice University, not only
affecting my personal life of having to be away from my family and friends but to also having to
make new ones for my college life, but as well as my situation about how I will approach this,
and how I will be able to adapt to a more city-like behavior as I have grown up in a more rural
part of the nation. When I had to say goodbye to my family that I will now, for the first time, be
living independently from my family, it never really hit me but the moment I sat in the bus at
dead of the night for my new dorm, It suddenly dawned on me that I was taking things for
granted and had to make drastic changes to my situation now, it also doesn’t help that a lot of
my new roommates are not the outgoing types which at times made me feel lonely and miss
my hometown with my friends, that even if we would be doing nothing for the day, we would
still hang out. Another is one I fondly cherish is when I still not know the layout of the town and
were frolicking around the mountains with my newly found friends, a few of which has been
taken from me by time but it was nevertheless a great and significant change in my life.

b. Give 3 examples showing that…

- many of our ingrained habits, attitudes, culture, common sense defies logic and unscientific
A rather unbecoming habit of mine is that I would beat my chest whenever something cringey
happens, although I am fortunate I haven’t displayed this behavior out in public, without a
doubt that whenever I am alone, I would undeniably do this.
Another example is, in my town, there is a saying that black cats bring bad luck, so we would
sometimes catch black cats and drop it in front of children and scare them while running away.
Last one I can think of is that people believe if someone is a foreigner means that they possess a
mass of wealth and look to them as gateways for a comfortable life.

Activity 2:
a. Look into the culture where you grow:
• What is it’s impact in your personality, in your behavior, the way you think, the way you feel,
the manner by which you say things or make comment on things around you?

The culture I have grew up is one in the rural mountains, as such we have a practical outlook on
life and prioritizes the maximum amount of food we would be able to acquire. It also focuses on
alleviating the poverty of families by incentivizing families to move into the urban areas for
more better paying jobs and opportunities for growth. The way it has influenced my way of
things is that I am now looking at things pragmatically by envisioning one of the most sought
after jobs in the coming future as foreign investments comes in, a person with knowledge on an
engineering will be a valuable position to have. I have longed to raise my family and siblings out
of debt and of the things I can see that realized is by choosing the most well played jobs and at
the same time at an attainable and realistic one that I can handle. In my behavior, it has
certainly changed me to be more outgoing and make lots of friiends as knowing people leads to
better opportunities down the line. However, It hasn’t affected my feelings as it was because of
my parent raising me with great affection and taught me to be more empathetic to others more
so than others. Same goes for my manner of speaking and behavior as I was largely using the
internet at an early age which shaped my way of articulating things, needless to say, I stood out
among my friends as the “English guy”.

Activity 3:
a. Reflect on the following questions on your own or discuss them with your chatmates:
a.1. What is/are the value/s most important to you?
The most important for me is my family living comfortably and in tranquility as they have
worked so hard for us that I would want to reward their effort with my own even if they don’t
obligate me to. Another is being able to buy my own house by the time I start my own family, I
would want them to not experience the hardships I had to endure as much as I can possibly

a.2. Why is this important to you?

It is important for me as these people are my family, they have loved me unconditionally and
through trying times, have persevered. As for the other one, I would want my future family to
not to worry anymore of putting food on the table and instead focus on them being happy and
focusing on finding the careers they want with no need to consider me.

• When doing this with your chatmates, please take note of the common values you may already
sharing together.
Good day Sir Cunanan
I would like to apologize for the late passing of my activity, as a tree has hit an
electric post, severing our electricity so I had to conserve my phone battery and
did not look at the MS teams. If possible, deduce my score in exchange for
accepting a late turn in of my activity.

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