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Internet Scavenger Hunt Name:

1. What is the highest grossing film of all time?_______________________________________

2. Name 3 Oscar winning films in the last 10 year.
A. _________________________________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________________________________
3. How many players are on the field during a soccer game?_____________________________
4. What is the most commonly spoken language in the world?___________________________
5. List 3 songs that were released in the year you were born.
A. _________________________________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________________________________
6. What is the current time and weather in:

Toronto, Canada: _______________________________________________________________

Rome, Italy: _______________________________________________________________

London, England: _______________________________________________________________

7. Name 3 comic book series that belong to Marvel.

A. _________________________________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________________________________
8. What event started in 776BC?___________________________________________________
9. Why is Thomas Crapper famous?_________________________________________________
10. Name the person who won the first Nobel Peace Prize.______________________________
11. Name 3 people who have won Australian of the Year
A. _________________________________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________________________________
12. What is the definition of your name?_____________________________________________
13. Which book published in 2005-6 has more pages: Twilight or The Lightning Thief?
14. An anagram is when you take a word and mix up the letters (eg. Farm = mafr) try to solve
these anagrams of famous people. Try to work them out on the back.
A) Lives D) Beers Jib Unit
B) Heil, old fart! E) Old west action
C) I am a weakish speller.

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