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Lesson Plan

Induction program practicum

Subject: SCIENCE
Class: 5
Topic: Introduction to Microorganisms
Chapter #3 (Page: 22-23)
Duration: Single Class
Date: August 15, 2023

SLO: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss how microorganisms contribute to the
Interactions between organisms in ecosystems and their impact on overall ecosystem health.
 Define microorganisms and explain their significance.
 Identify different types of microorganisms.
 Understand the roles of microorganisms in various ecosystems.

 Whiteboard and markers
 Visual aids (images of microorganisms)
 Microscopes (optional)
 Handouts with information about microorganisms

Types of Microorganisms (15 minutes)

 Present information about different types of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.
 Use visual aids to help students understand what each type looks like and where they can be found.
 Discuss their characteristics and differences.

Microorganisms in Everyday Life (10 minutes)

 Explain how microorganisms are present all around us, including on our skin, in the air, and in food.
 Highlight their roles in food production, decomposition, and disease.

Microorganisms and Ecosystems (10 minutes)

 Discuss the importance of microorganisms in various ecosystems, such as their role in nutrient
cycling and helping plants absorb nutrients.
 Explain how microorganisms contribute to maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Microorganisms and Health (5 minutes)

 Briefly touch upon the positive and negative impacts of microorganisms on human health.
 Mention how some microorganisms are beneficial, such as those used in probiotics, while others can
cause diseases.
Activity: Observing Microorganisms ( 10 minutes)
 If microscopes are available, allow students to observe prepared slides of different microorganisms.
 Guide them through the process and help them identify the different types they've learned about.

Wrap-up and Discussion (5 minutes)

 Summarize the main points of the lesson.
 Encourage students to ask questions and share any insights they've gained.

Homework Assignment
 Draw the diagram of microorganism from page no 23 neatly in your notebook.

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