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CCD Grade 7 Chapter 3: Creation


Grab Bag: Fill a bag (or box) with a conglomeration of objects related to the lesson (be creative!). At
the end of the lesson have students draw an object out of the bag and explain how it relates to the
lesson to assess comprehension and encourage critical thinking.

Possible grab bag objects:

1. miniature globe – God created the whole universe out of nothing

2. rock – lowest of God’s creation
3. stuffed animal – below man in the order of creation
4. picture (image) of God – man is made in God’s image and likeness
5. angel – pure spirits; above man in the order of creation
6. snake – the Devil appeared in the garden as a snake to tempt Adman and Eve
7. School book – after Original Sin, man has to study
8. Band-Aid – after Original Sin man suffers/gets hurt
9. Cross or Crucifix – God promised to send a Savior

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