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Chapter 7: Our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ
 PREPARATION – How to Get Ready

Teacher’s Manual: pp. 79-87

Materials: Computer, Smart Board


To redeem mankind God sent His Only Son into the world. Jesus Christ took on human flesh (the
Incarnation) while retaining His divinity. Jesus is a Divine Person with two natures: one human and one
divine – fully God and fully man. This truth has been upheld by the Catholic Church throughout the

 EXPLANATION – Content of Lesson

 The Fall and Need for Redemption

o Man had a debt to God that he couldn’t pay
o Prophets foretold the coming of a Messiah
o Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and became man, to take on our sin and
pay our debt that He didn’t owe.
 Jesus is true God and true man – the Incarnation.
o Jesus revealed His divinity in many ways: miracles, Baptism, Transfiguration, etc.
o Jesus has a body and a rational soul
o Jesus could suffer and die on the Cross
 Errors about Jesus
o Docetism: Jesus only seemed to be man
o Arianism: Jesus was not fully God – he was created
o Councils of the Church correct false teaching

 APPLICATION – Connecting it to Students

 Jesus understands every human struggle because He became one of us.

 Does Christmas celebrate what we just learned? What more could we do?
 Activity: Review game - PowerPoint
 Video: Odd Thomas – The Incarnation (Spoken Word)

 CELEBRATION - Conclusion

 Closing Prayer: The Angelus – with special explanation of “The Word was made flesh…and
dwelt among us.

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