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Topic - Leisure time

I have a number of hobbies, and I enjoy doing them depending on my mood and time. These hobbies
include watching movies, reading storybooks, playing badminton and going fishing on a bright sunny day.

I became interested in reading storybooks since the day my high school gave me a “storyteller” award for
writing the best essay. My mother first introduced me to the idea of watching movies in order to keep me
busy when she needed to finish some important house works. I became interested in fishing after
watching a really interesting documentary on fishing on the National Geographic TV channel a while ago.
As for badminton, I became interested in it when one of my uncles gave me one badminton racket as a
“gift” some years.

I live in a very lively and vibrant town where one can do plenty of things to enjoy his or her free time. It
has a few top-class movie theatres where people can always watch the latest movies. If somebody is into
enjoying a boat ride, he/she can always do so at a big lake in our hometown. Besides, there are a couple of
large shopping malls where one can enjoy shopping for the whole day. Finally, one can also visit a number
of restaurants that offer some great dishes at a really affordable price.

I usually spend on holidays. The way I do it depends on what time of the year. If it is during the summer, I
spend most of my holiday time hanging out with my friends at my favourite café or restaurant, fishing or
swimming at a lake, or playing badminton. If it is during the winter time, I spend my holidays mostly
indoor either by watching movies or reading books.

Free - writing about your leisure time -

Activities you really like to do when you have
free time.

Make a video to share all what you wrote.

Make a video and read aloud the model speech

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