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-XULTRAMILITANCEX Re CREE RSD IR er a “Fuelled by the fires of compassion and justice we will strike back at those who see themselves as above the Laws of nature. Man has raped and tortured the Earth for too Long and wow we have no choice but to SAU ares gtane sMosz heeeN M Lea ee necessary we have to and we will win this war.” peor ea Piste Sey LORY ART BOTs REE ST TTT re Perty PER | of the Garth and the genacide inflicted upon ile animal nations. ne rea ene ae ‘Lying aes hiding: ap H tet full moon she Smiled..: shee failed thiem... become ‘another cog in ine, failed to ae putes 9 worker drone.. ah \ OM i a shé had failed the eo: the animals and the Ba; , she} s@ cou Toted i * Ghe stepped Forwara oO tay waste +o the. pProRes ty, ee N |} abusers... ‘ another night loser ‘to victory. : = ‘ pee? te yiclager <0 freedom! : 30, COMPRC ASE." No (0 RETREAT, an 5NO ENDER. ‘HE TIME FOR ACTION IS HERB! AltnGugh being XveganX greatly reduces our reliance on the worlds resources, we must always remember that we are not choosing to live more simply. in order to free up. more of these resources to be used by mankind as we do not support the continuing increase in the human populagioy... there,are too many of us already... instead we are treading on { tne marth os lightly as possible to try and restore some form of balance to our world, to give the other non-human inhabitants a chance once again to live and grow where and how they chose... The Earth ng due to mans desire tc conquer and control all. We fight to wound and restore Gaia to her former Glory. We must defeat th he'Earth, but we must also defeat apathy and the ingrained, ral ‘that despite man having as much right to ful Earthas all other species, the earth was not solely fe are not at the top of some hierarchal evGlutionary tree - merely one of many. Unless we break free from this ded idea that we own’ ‘1d/an idea enforced by religion and the ‘stories we are taught from h. then human civilisation will come crashing down inte the dusty’ ess rnins of our planet. Sey ee for thinking hoy they do;! blame people for nog changing’ ey have to hear that.400's of Bpecies are made running out of fossil fuels, that the rain 'f that climate change tp. well advanced:... before we crisis is upon us. i a each year, that we are fast disappearing, how much of a ‘The time for ‘is over, action must be taken, a dramatic shift in aur culture is required, a return to sustainable Earth—friendly living. We do not have all the answers. but we feel that being XveganXis part of this initial shift, and datimportant part, one we would encourage others tomake. A dramatic change in'gur matérialistic self-centered lifestyles, combined with militant direct action is the only way we feel we can start te pull man back from the of thé abyss towards which he is walking. We must halt this apparently tless ‘conquest of the Earth, which is supported by the majority of human kind. if : As our war against the Earth destroy the spirits of the great animal—nationsa and wiped out by men of our culture w: : affirm the principal that they followed, that the Earth rather than against it. mtinues, we hope that enous tribes decimated Was we once:again™ noma be uprane. With 1 % + ! VaR EPORT FROM THE FRONTLINES| } me majority of militant direct action is pre~planned, hovever occasionally spontaneous orgaome of Feveliion occur, the unpredictable and impalaive nature of euch actiona makes then cutotanding Examples of Just hov adaptable and creative the liberation movoment can be. Here ve have a report of I, fuse suck an action sont by a UX activist who attended the September 200) Animal. Iiberation dethering in Molland Read and be inopired "The Gathering was billed as a weekend of action, not words, but ue one expected the action to kick of as soon and as spectacularly, as it did! On the first day, about 200 activists from across the Globe paid a Visit to a mink farm in Putten. The action that followed was unplanned, uncoordinated, and bloody effective! As activists approached the farm, the group split in two. Half descending upon the farmer's house, the other half running towards the imprisoned mink. The determined activists charging at the farmer's house picked up stones, and a number of his windows were smashed in the first volley. The farmer, who was in his Zarden entertaining Guests, decided it would be a Good idea to run after people with a camera. This however was duly smashed, and the farmer forced to retreat as a torrent of stones flew in his direction. The front door of the farm was Kicked in, more windows were smashed, and the cars parked on his drive trashed. other activists the fragile wall mink sheds. Once smashed, several | | sheds, whick stank bodies and faeces mink. The cages ‘ design, and were open. 4 dozen “ the aisles of the % hundreds or | The sight of the | Meanwhile, were tearing down that enclosed the the wall had been people entered the trom the rotting of thousands of were of — poor easily flipped activists ran down sheds, releasing imprisoned mink. mink peering’ out c% of their cages, before jumping Gf {6 fiige free from their captivity, and running out of the compound was truly beautiful. As most the activists began to leave the farm, nearly all of those remainin§ in the sheds decided it was time to leave. 2 brave warriors however continued to open cages for another quarter of an hour - enough time to Liberate every mink on the farm! As everyone returned to their vehicles, one of the farmer's inbred friends tried to rum people down in his tractor. He was stalled for a few moments as a brick flew through his windscreen, but was soon back to his psychopathic rampage and unfortunately although many activists fled the scene, the tractor careered into the one remaining coach, preventing it from leaving the area. The 4 people on the coach were soon arrested by the Jutch police, who hijacked the vehicle and had it driven to a local police station. Here the activists were crudely tied up, lined against a wall and after several hours were dragged one by one to be interviewed, fingerprinted, and photographed. Activists have reported disgusting levels of police brutality, as the filth attempted to extract information. Lespite frequent requests no one was allowed to speak to a solicitor « &some were withheld this basic right for over two days. After 4 days of violent - interrogations most prisoners were bailed to return for their court case. Ten | prisoners were kept on remand until the trial a month later, however at the trial only one person was found guilty, and they had already served their time on remand. The other forty-seven were found not guilty, despite the Dutch, A Government calling for harsh sentencing and wanting the ALF classified asa sae TL ERE terrorist organisation. The case is due'to’ bélappealed by thé police’ in’ six months, but it seems unlikely that the verdict will be any different This action was truly inspirational. It could not have been planned, as its brilliance was its spontaneity. The way people acted in this situation vas a true measure of their character, the majority of people present demonstrated that they were yilling’ to lay down their freedom, and their lives in defence of CTE Pea E ELIT BLESS Bios Pee IETE tool of property destruction. Two of its founders were arrested in 19/4 and released a year later. One turned Snitch and left the movement, the other, Ronnie Lee, deepened his convictions and began a new ultra—militant Sroup he called the Animal Liberation Front that would forever change the face of direct action struggle. The ALF migrated to the U.S. in the early: 1960s and is now an international movement in over twenty countries, ‘The ALP breaks into and enters animal prison compounds to rescue animals, they zeveal the horrors committed behind locked doors, and destroys property, to prevent further harm te animals and to weaken exploitation industries economically. The ALF are Guided by the belief that however righteous their anger, no human being must ever be harmed in the struggle for liberation of others. bespite the incriminations of animal exploitation industries, the state, and mass media, the ALF is not a terrorist organization, rather they are a counter— fexzorist outfit, They are best understood nat by comparing them to Al Qaeda oF Saddam Hussein's republican guard, but instead to Gandhi and the Indica There are indeed real terrorists in today’s world, but they are not the ALF. The most violent and dangerous criminals accupy the tep positions ef U.S. corporate and state office, they are the ones most responsible for the exploitation of people, the massacre of animals, and the rape of the planet. Anyone quick to condemn the tactics of the ALF needs a lesson in history as many key struggles and movements have employed illegal direct action tactics +o advance human rights and freedoms, Dur indirect system of representative democracy is irredeemably corrupted by Bene: Power, cronyism. and privilege. Appealing to the lessons of history, direct activists insist that one cannot win liberation strufeles tee x ' education, moral persuasion, political campaigns, demonstrations, or legal _ action alone and instead directly confront the figures of social power and | oppression they are challenging. Moral progress does not work through gentle nudges or ethical persuasion alone. Society is inherently conservative, and change is blocked either by the corruption of the powerful or the apathy of the powerless. Sometimes society has to be pushed inte the future, and justice forced past the barricades of ignorance and complacency by the most enlightened people of the time. Withiv. “=, this framework, direct action and civil disobedience are key catalysts of progressive change. LUI EL IST BELTS EH TB Ta LETTS OLED TP eee e ALES ELIE Codie gasatr aerate et ese b iat ke bs st SEL IML Tia ee aT Sp tae T lin time. to stop that continued destruction of life is to by any means necessary tak Ere rT [epee COR ep a)ake Peer Pip AM St) BPA? ‘There are textbook cases where leGal codes violate codes of ethics and justice: Nazi Germany, U.S. slavery, and South African apartheid. In such situations, not only is it legitimate to break the law, it is obligatory, to fight suck oppressicn peaple had to break the law, destroy the enemy's property, or commit violence, in return they were beaten, jailed, killed, and denounced as oxtremists or something like terrorists. Yet who teday will argue that their actions were wrong? People forget that the Suffragettes in England and the U.S. used arson and bombs to help win the emancipation of women. The ALF believes there is a higher law than that created by and for the corperate-state, a moral law transcending the corrupt and biased statues of the current political system. When the law is wrong, the right thing te de is te break it. This is often how moral progress is made in history, from defiance of American slavery and Hitler's anti-Semitism to sit-ins at “whites only” lunch counters in Alabama. By destroying the property of animal oppressors, the ALF helps te prevent future destruction te life as it weakens — and in some cases, } eliminates industries by making their bloadletting more costly. Opponents of direct action believe that illegal actions undermine the rule of law and they view civil disobedience as a threat to social order. However this perspective assumes the system is legitimate and that it cannot be improved upon, It also misrepresents direct activists as people whe disrespect the law, when arguably they have a higher regard far the spirit of law and its relation to justice. Champions of direct action renounce uncritical allegiance to a } legal system. — Blind obedience to laws and social decorum led millions of 4 German Jews to their death with almost no resistance i We are witnessing the dawn of a new civil war between those who will kill every last living thing for power and profit, and those prepared to fight these * maniacs tooth and nail. This is a Guerilla war, fought by ecowarriers wha go underground, don masks and balaclavas, operate at night, and strike through sabotage. Through guerilla warfare, Javid can defeat Goliath The ALF ar@ues that animals have rights, and these rights trump property rights. Hence, the ALF does not “steal” animals from laboratories because they never were anyone's tc own. The ALF rescues, restores, and liberates, it dees not commit a wrong, it rights a wrong against life. For the ALF, whenever property is used to injure or take a life, it is legitimate te destroy that property. This is not vandalism or hooliganism because it has a high moral purpose ~ it is ethical sabotage. This idea that life has more value than property violently opposes capitalist world view that property is sacred and life is profane. ee eT ie Animal and Earth exploitation industries can massacre billions of animals and tear down the rainforests as respectable businessmen, yet anyone whe challenges their right to do this is vilified as a terrorist. BEIT OU ee ETE TST LT AAA Renee Ree LN) Tae Ee Sober tke ese How can one be “violent” toward a van or be a “terrorist” toward brick and mortar? How does one harm or terrorize a laboratory or fur farm with spray, defenseless, they are combatants in a’ just war. animal exploiters are Jegitimate military targets. Why ought the human “rigit” to kill be protected over an animal's right to live through a code of nenviclence? ! ah ALP victims such as a vivisectors, foie Gras chef's, or fur farmers whose homes, cars, or offices are damaged may suffer fear, anxiety, and trauma. Then business, livelihood, research. or careers may be ruined, and they are harmed psychologically. economically and professionally and none of this is food from their point of view. But surely that sabotage is the lesser violence compared to what it tries to prevent. Violence, including physical attacks against human persons, is acceptable and legitimate in a war against the yarmongers. Since animals are not only sentient, but also psychologically ana socially complex beings, every injury to an animal ought to be considered injury to a person, and hence violence. Cr TE EE eee EIS aS Will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of ore: TERED aS tod cb ed PSTN TTT ECE Sse Se eae Grimes of enormous proportion are committed against animals that the legal ALF are people who distrust the system, who hurt when life the urgency of the crisis and want immediate effect and chane. Would you be content to write letters ta your newspaper if your family members Were lacked up in a laboratory? Would you not break in and free them ir yeu could and destroy the property s¢ that others would not be tortured? Would you not liberate your neighbour's deg if it was being abused and the local police were indifferent? 2 Meaningful social change will nat result from the use of one or a few tactics alone ~ all strategies and tactics are needed. The animal rigints movement needs People te write letters, work with local and state ~representatives,” educate students, de vegan outreach. demonstrate and protest, and so on. But it cise needs underground direct action. If you care about animals, if you care about the ‘values of peace, freedom, and justice, if you care about human moca? progress, if you value logical consistency. you should support the ALF bridged vorsion of essay by ls Steven Boot, Professor of Philosophy and Humanities Unkversity of Texas tA @) Mvw.shac net ~Stop duntingdon Animal Cruelty www.arkangelweb.orf ~ Animal Liberation Resource Animal Liberation Resource Website ~ Prisoner Support Seww fuimeapige ~ Save The Newchurch Guinea Pigs . ¥ ~ Animal Liberation Resource ww. freebeaZles org Legal resource for activists wiv speakcampifins. ~ First it was the Cambridge monkey lab, now it's Oxford! x Iyeod " ae \ eae Art of War-Sun Tz Ancient wisdom of extreme relevance te the liberation strugéle... In war, the way is toaveid| |, . Inall fighting, the direct vhat is strong and to strike fy j# method may be used for joining at what is weak. partie, but indirect methods will ri ‘eneeded in order ta secure Hold out baits to entice, _ Victory. fyer combatant imposes his e enemy, but dees not ow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. march, then witha picked men you Lie in wagt/for ee {ld wap fare is based on deception. ¢ If he is secure at all points 7, prepared for him. If he isin 3 superior strength, evade kim. Attack him where hei} e unprepared, appear where you are not expected. ~> fn} Dojjodcepeat the tactics which haye ajned you one victory, but thods be refulated by é infinite variety of _circugtances. Dey If you kitqw neither the enemy To fight and conquer inall ipaunbattlos ic pee ane hor yoursé]f, you will succumb in every battle. excellence, supreme excellence =" consists in breaking the kis e oa bearn to be invisible and coon» ieee petateoit L foe hold the enemy's fate f in your hands. ; He will win who knows when to {y" = fight and when not to fight. Let'yohir plans be as darl. and He Will win who knows how tof impenetrable as night, and when _andle both superior andi/ ~ ~-yau move, fall Like a; ferior forces. He will pitt LA pauna eae te One army is animated bythe \\s,\ ser and dely ee betfore you ke a move. disciplined and Im, to awaif phe appearance of disorder e enemy — Ne thisis theart of retaini~g-self— oat NCAA fassession /” Beware of dangerous faults which may affect a wari pees Reckilessness — leads to ‘ aatea Ine she ce destruction. Cowardice — leads te provided by the enemy himself. Hence the skilfal fighter puts himself into osition, which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss Be Subtle! besybtle! and use your the moment for defeating the SPies for every kind of business, enemy. a eis hater Oe a igs ee ture. And a hasty temper can co irrational judgement. Je: ee SO This guide is for your entertainment, information, and general interest only. I's not meant to encourage the activities described within. We would never dream of encouraging someone to use these proven-eltective metiods no ‘ree innocent beings trom the depths of hell, or to destroy the tools used to torture, mutilate, and murdes then co the Earth. We'd much prefer you sit at home watching TV and remain apathetic Wee ERS Sheesh era C eT ne enn ety hased by a police officer, could you outrun him? Could you scale a barbed wire constant stress of possible arrest can take its tol: This Guide is an abridged compilation of useful tips, tactics and knowledge, based ¢ upen information available in ber of ELF and ALF bogklets/guides (eg The ALP. Primer, The Power Is Ours: Final Nail, As Varkness Falls, Without 4 Trace # Interviews with A.L.F. id Ecevefense) as 1 as information freely available on the ing and Rese things ourselves ilitancex 2 iF secizity obviously isn't too Sood. = ie We ies mee @ Use the minimum number of peGplepeded™Fot each action, but don't forget the importance ef lock outs. ¥ 5 Progress as a Group, starting,with minor détions te get used te each other. Vebrief after each actif, what went well, what didn't, how can now you can rely Ewingwan existing one, since ¥ é PLANNING] ad ; After selecting your target bégdine totally familiar with it and the f study a-map. Plan escape routes ints, identify the locations of CCTV ards (inélyding their routine), guard surrounding area. Careful: rendezvous points, entrap security lighting, security dogs etc. ‘ how things will be onthe, +. Don't visit’ often though! . Plan fer things to go wrong. Make sure @veryghe is well aware their role in the operation. f REPERATIC Stem i Consider leaving HoH; repeatedly working close tw hoje can be a tip off te police. vis. Do not keep a régu: Aifoneiie of days and times. ew Weekday, overcast Btdrmy nights are good nights for action Have a story st if spopped by the police. If using youfiéar for actions, remove all bumper stickers. Alternatively rent a car specifically fer use on the night. rive . arefully and legally. a eS baie & ie Me squeesy bottle and off you go. The cream can be applied with a be | chops i EE a - © Cover tattoos and piercings. Wear dark colours with ne identifiable markings, all black can look suspicious, se keep it dark but not unusual. Balaclavas are useful but be ready to ditch them if need be — they can be very incriminating. A nocded sweatshirt, baseball cap, and scarf are a better idea in some locations. You may want to wear o shoes, socks over your-ghees or cover the soles in duct tape id leaving tell tale footprints. Buy clothes just for.tig + k¢hrow them away afterwards or wear - afieaeet BS veiler s outer Glothing; which ed quickly. e everything ‘e an action fingerprints, 01 may help. ever you take to pqpomrat home. Don't drop OU are” tak: eto scrub haxd, Bome Take as little as possible.with.. your body. Leave jewelry, keys, "cre anything! ee on be not have drugs, weapons, or anything plse aga on you. If using tools such as crowbays or polt cutterd file them after each use, slight markings on the +@02 can,leave traceable marks on what's opened. peteee Never keep tocls at your hoys byw clieap tools, your freedom and animal's lives are on the ling, so @eifor, the quality equipment. pi u Fuse ? ‘The Government actively moisitorg!¢ suspected members of the “ei al liberationists, particularly are opening mail & tapping phone inating ove? the phone, via mail, or e— patched. Your ouse may be searched at Lines, so never say anything mail. Always assume you are any time, never assume anythin action on a need~to—know bas: not absolutely need to knéw of 4 Keep in mind that homes; carg, At actions in secure areag; ta! = hd anywhere else cam, be bugged. Discuss e walk through the wogds, for instance. Bringing up old "war Ater: ‘6 an unnecessary risk. This may seem like 11 ge te any length to stopgctivists. é 4) . bigger things. Even the simplést aetioi c: paranoia, but the €ov¢snmes tactics in combination to really, arly an @ the quietest bits first). Gatling bela aid practice te get right, abusers day (be gure + continued in the next, by the ALF, hgyeve: need modificatign +, up with new ways harder te catel le of xultramilitancex) are general eds used locations and builds differ, these methods jay the specific area and target. Be creative & come damage! this will make you more effective and are less predictable. Windows - (probably t, + target available) 6 Glass etching fluid Available in arts and crafts stores. Put in a paintbrush, allowing slogans to be written. Be careful not to get it .& on your skin! You 11 probably make a mess with the bottle, so bring a \S, plastic bag to throw it in when you're done. Kite, Rea ome NEES ei. Smashing windowa It's loud, so get ready to run! Aside from throwing @ brick or rack, a popular ggthod io vith a sling shot. The advantage being that you don . hight nex} to the window to break it and can even ve ef¢@ e A es Glass lua Permanently stickggiass to Zlass. Attaching a piece of 1 @lass with a slogan painted. Gute inside will require them te ‘jf replace the whole windew. Pf aS Shuttera If dealing with shiltt fluid or sling shots will sti11 sledgehammer may both dai window if they are close ent padlock the shutter. or glue nat are a Grid, or bars, etching figrk fine. Hitting the shutter with a ne shutter, and possibly break the ogether. It's alse possible to simply locks. \. fe \ dés are all paintable. Spray paint is one (A container such\as plastic drinks is ray hole can be put ih the top. Paintbombs Christmas ornamentsof Right bulbs with /economic/swedish paint” attack/index.htm). nly quiet. Be positive they are print—free first! Transport them jn gelled plastic bags, in case one ruptures. Mix paint about 50:50 with watév or paint thinner so it splatters better. Paint on Glass is easy to get off so get it on wood, metal, or stone exteriors. Remember paint is a messy business and has a tendency to get everywhere! fi S . BR, KES tcamsorme Creag anit ae { A SINGLE PERSON ASKING tre superna AENON GETS RESULTS! Paint j Vehicles, billboards, and build ~. option, splashing paint fro; another. To get more range'a g U can be constructed by fillii i paint (www.directaction.infd = — Suck paint bombs are suxpr. continued next issuel! sonal decision, but we do not feel we can afford to indulge in selfish owhilstthere’s a world to\Saverstioe is running Bue Rg tlieve's far that weeds to be achieved before we can waste a precious second fi ea P mo other way to maintali the pressure ow esc drunk or ty the Garth E ruggle for total Liberation, as only with ¢ é ude the fight to the best of our abilittes. : AY, ¥ X vegan straightedge ‘til death. The flame will never go out. X Me es TPN OC Gas) sy, | Athough the international fight against animal abuse continues strongly on al fronts, ‘major focus for direct action attacks is of couresilun$ingdon Life Sciences. Because of i ‘this actions against cupp]ierg or cugtomere of AS are marked in £#a2ie. Let the fight con ator Yegiinning! ‘| February 25,2004 - Swbden & Furetore smashed February 8, 2 : Power poles catlown at Neyokurch Farm. February 24,2004 < Ss Gi Yamanouchi vprkei~eas "2." care Fevruary 12004. ‘stripped Ui Newchurch Farm phone lines cut on Ui Yamanouchi parte ‘tree separate occasions. - “These actions were carried out im the name of animal February, 23,2004 - UK { liberation in oug continued efforts to 22 chickens liberated. rid the world of the animal abusing f peychopatins the February 22,204 =f USA Constructi squipseat at X-acre UK: Wickham lab workerelzome trashed. evelopment site targeted, including Uh 2 Yamanouchi workers kave cars bulldozer set on fire. ‘lashed and stripped." 1 (eS Uk WIS worker and CBU director have cars February 5.2004 - ttaly ‘and houses trashed. + ‘For the Ianely, Two RBM viviee have car tyres tortured and dying im #15. We will avenge slasked and paint stripped. rou. ' February 4, 2004 ~ tk February 21,2004 | Wuitowe of fur shop dnd fur chop Uk 7 Wickham Lab vorkers cars rane during work hours, - ‘Never underestianage the ALF - yon Vian 5 ‘pay the price fowthe Febspary 5,200 lives of the s that you Rave UK: @ Bxpreso balty trucko“kave tyres killed’ slashed. UG 5 Wicklaps erg aye cars-slasked, UK Two attacks agaist Securicor, otripped and including windowsemé Sweden: Fur store oh We Sedtont ae ‘twice, tyres Sweden, 12 rabbite spitinghitias * Liberated. a eat, truck. - “The se ae ‘themselves, 80 we are February 14,2004-Uk + for them. We are Going to pizector of Newohurcle supplier, faption to destroy every tool has three cars stripped. ne i iolio ‘torture and abuse our brothers February 15, 2004 - USA Rugkelt frones thrown at 3 Butcher shope Animal control centre is etoganioea and “If you Blaughtor vo will attack. Lirect tyres slashed on animal catching action sgainst animal slaugkter..” ‘vekioles. : Italy: Two vivieectore from a lab using Morini nimals have their bouses February 12,2004- Sweden sloganined. vo) 4 attacks (broken windows, paintbombs, ; | locks glued against new fur skop: February 2, 2004 Finland 4 3 fur ehopd attacked with paint and cuper : | February IT, 2004— Blue * New Zealand: 4 chickens Liberated. & Sweden: 4 fur and I leather shop:@lued and February 1,200 yi painted ‘Swedens7 fur shops painted. . ae Sweden: Lirector of Santen Pharma kas'* {February 10,2004 - Sweden Bouse spray painted @rabbite Liberated. ‘Finland: 6 fur shops attacked with Glass etching fluid. Holland: ABM AMRO bank whick supports ‘the BPKC primate lab kas cash mackines, Windows and doors attacked. January 28,2004 doors of animal canoen ratio across the world ~ ve wiT avenge fou" —" USA, Polluting Kummere.vandalized over several weeks, tires slashed and Yekicles spray-painted 4 January 26,2004 -olldnd ‘Arson attack on fur trddere car. - “This man kas the blood of 2.8 Aillion mink and 20000 foxes on inis hands. "( January 20, 2004 i Ui Main vindov broken at KFC. Ui Phenomenex as vindovs amached with hammers. G2 directors of Eme: attaoked. U6 2 more Energon Orit directors have careattacked Galland, (rreo slashed an Yamanouchi workers car ; Finland: fas ehopg attacked. S January 19, 2004 ‘ UG uiréctor of Fitker Scientitio, vieitea”~ ‘Byrreo elaaked an 3 cara, cara then" covered Orbit have care UG Lirector of ope baider for Yamanouchi building) "eqrered in paint and tyres slashedugh, carWhich was then covered in paint stripper. UG State Street director has'cars cé in acid and then the tyres slashed. Ui Lirector of Thorton Fi Management has car attacked vith, etripper. January 16, 2004 Ui Tyres of 7 vekicles at Sigma-Aldrich Ghemicals in lorset slashed and several building windows amasked. Italy: Week of chaos for Morini farns, including spraypainting, blockades, locks glued and plone & fax blockatles. January 16, 2004 UK Nevokurck farm home attacked. - ‘The front and back of the house wag painted and trasked inside and out. action was part of the ongoing campaign to destroy vavid Hall and Partners and Germann AL] Yamanouchi care in basement ~ tee carpark of their German HQ cov Paint stripper. "For the coun ven aninale that cutter Yobind 6h 1 - fap to have a hop ee a leave them floundering in financial ruin. Uk Vitech security director kas cam Paint | sbrippered, tyres | alasked anc rh bourkood epray—pain ted. Giskaft—Gakveraity researcher whe sa Pigs) from Newckurch has caz sm paint gtripper. 5, 20 4 7 Wee Foes Chat Breeding Centre has Svehiclesattacked Usk: KPC attacked with xocks, BB gun and spray paint. January 14,2004- Italy Windows of Mitsu bielli Bank amaahed. ei January 15, 2004— Uk 5000 badger trape degtroyed eince 16. January 2, 2004 USA: Burger King drive-thru monies pe se jacked ajlowing alterndtive response §3V% to food orders to be Riven. ~'You are too Swedem: 6 fur shops glued and painted. Janbary 11,2004 * Mew Ireland: 3 chickens Mberated. Uir-detting’ agents for laiicki’s UK has t-otrippered and locks Sued ~ ; pany ‘tat supports animal ‘apisiag companies are a legitimate target for us. * fe apy LO, 2 mA - Sweden jasked on fur chop. sy “AINT Russia: Hunting andfurskops painted UK Newchyrek Guinea pig farm owner eas vater gtop tap outeide house turned it off and sealed in place vith quick drying cement. Uk Tandtord of Yamanouchi has property damaged Uk; ssakt Clpes vorker kas house and car attackéd. — ‘Wo meroy for those vo work for puppy killers.’ January 7, 2004 Uk State Street virector has car attacked. - 'Midnigkt struck, and oo did we. As the Champaign popped, the tyres on bis cars did too. Aa 200 faded avay, the paint job on both his cars followed aut UG State street uirector kas street painted vith alog ans. : ik Yamanouchi director ad — attacked. “Come on Fodney rou plofier. do you vant 2004 to baa fresh nev on the beginning of so4r nightmare?” i January 6,2004 — Sweden: Animal abusing “shops ‘painted and glued. ‘ : Norway 1500 mink relehsed. January 5,2004-0K ORD bullding g2ued and painted. January 4,200f- Norway Fur farm arson and! more fur skops attacked Norvegian "ALP have caused million damage to the fur industry since lastsummer! January 3.2004 Norway 20 windove of-5 fur pope painted and smacked : January 2,2004- Spaih Slaugntter house;truck torched. Tay January 1,2 4 Hunters care attacked and circus trucks torched. - GBover. ALF". + December 31 Te USA; Attack on coutives home and car, as well ab “Sumitomo office. uy Cee or uevohusch eitabbe pis; farm owner attacked - "Farmhouse gront Windows all put through with Bottles of red paint were then ‘through the smashed windows.” oO December 30, 206 . Sweden, 2 fur shops attacked - "We intend to close down all of the furekope.. and ve will. Smash the fur trade! Swedish ALP.” Finland: Arson at fur farm storage facility. Fire completely destroyed the STS equare metre building. : December 29, 2003 Thalys Arson at hunting facility. ‘Huntere if animals are your target, you are ours" — Sweden: Meat poisoning scare at 9 . ie | \wo UK Animal Rights sends threats ‘of violence 0 all, juoki & Daiichi workero” andy ‘tse’ : of their Jetyng onde. — “For the anim 5 cages killed by the ve.will use all means at our ' finial of f HIS." yer AT, 2005 Tealyi Mink faxm emptied! Ttaly: REM lab worker kas car slashed. strippedand mashed. December 20, 2005 - Italy Vivisector from RBM (a contract testing ” December 26, 2005 Us; Fur store in Wales (Annies Place) painted. {K, HIS eupplier Viteck ets windows and door gmashéd. - Decepbér 27, 2003 employes kas car Yananou ‘attacked. ~ “OS oud OF HIS Tamanouchs Get aut of the torturing business.” ik Cardis? Yananouth! employes has 2 care and howbenttacked vith paint {talr: RBM lab vorker has car clashed, stripped and smasieed. December 26, 2003 ‘Uk Yamanouchi ,employee has 2 care ‘stripped. Uk Director of Gregor Friar Associates ‘has 4care attacked, December 24,2003) + Canadas Turkey p@isoning scare, corpess focalled to Safewpye stare, This marke Gee fourth time LB 10 years suck claims have been madel! ‘ Austria: “Butyric{acid attack at fur atbre, (Peck & Cloppenburg’ is the target n and Austrian vide campaign i ts Decamber 23, 2003 : ew. Zealand: egal chicken directors Get carsotripped. i lab) Rascar attacked. December 12, 2003 Uk 21 goats Liberated from Water Farm Goat Gontre by the ALF. Ui, Inddctrial Supplies building ‘attacked with paint and bricks. December 18, 2005 ‘Secretary for security company AUT Bee, tere! ‘et amar mee ‘OP ——_ CE provided security for ‘Ausch vite too? ALF” UG Manager of Industrial Suppplies has car and home attacked - "Your time is up. We areon to you..ALF.” the camps of December I7, 2005- UK Cay (cambridge Export director has vekicleb attacked December 16, 2003 UK 100 mice Liberated fron WiclSpm taba - "Yeis io not an isplated“dncident, this is part of the muck’, wider “war for total aninal Liberation.” | . becember 15, 200 - Fibland Pur farm storage building burnt to the Ground. The fire cauked tens of thousands euros worth of" damage. December I, 208- deci ‘HIS website dismantled, employees receive T0000e-naliea day. ¢ December I2, 2005 — : 2 40S gupplierg Industrial Supplies and Oni Bet bricks through their vindove December I, 208 - Italy Stinky shit/ eft at the main en IMS Heal th. ~ December 10, 2003, UK Asahi Glass "Mloropols ner enitares ‘home painted. * te te December 9, 208. ecu Ree U& Yamanou sployees: home and care Painted and ot=tp ermany «Houses OP.Covance directors hit e vegetdhje militia! - "ext tine we'll : 2 prisoners and to oto walla) at we must speak for thi i -_ AAS smber 5, 2005 ~ Sweden pies Raat rire x stores painted and U-locked ~ "The "Ia literbof gasoline were placed'nder a refrigerated truck, proj of an industrial slaughter house. The flapiés did their work, re the yehicle te ashes. For us, sabotage Spd arson is the most pure anfi 2: ievable expressign of our 4 liberation and of our 80! ity With our brot! ng murdered, dominated, jai: ‘vohbured, guth poisoned, shot, struck, cut up and cooked. We a aiticls ‘$0 liberate animal come back wit harder vegetablea like Celery and Pumpkins!” rrr 8, 2005, I2 mink released from fur farm. “AURtEL ata cage ge open A mouse ‘Liberated from mouse trap. fs por Little potion helped Becenber 7,21 | ‘USA; Sumi and &1ued. Italy: Morkai supplier Seminoles Farm painted. “After titis jaction Seminolee severed their links with Morini! December 6,2003 7 UK CRU virector ‘and Pioneer Chemical: secretary have dares pain metrippered. December 5, 2005- Finland 500 foxes dyed with non-toxic henna & breeding Seer December 4,205 Mente 4200 aon UK gets 2 can stripped. ~ “Taig ia Sust the beginning Yamanaichi"” | Ui Aron attack ie aseeeias vans. Egle cont sues! Swedish ALP." vecémber 2, 2603 - Holand Tamanouckt director gets home paint- ‘Wedicated to Barry Horne. ALP.” MovenGer 30, 2005 - USA Home of Forest Pharms tical directo: yneir victims can't talk so one communiqué 2/01/04. N! | Patan Oe info cvhey Ril the Garth and its aninadis (or a living... We fight formnimal and Earth tiberation as away of Life. Our connuttment s infinitely more thav theirs, this is why we will win this war... Wewatoh, wewat. We enow their weaknesses andwé kenow where to strike. Ad dartowesc descends

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