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We live in a wicked, wicked world.

One that is at the cusp of a grandiose collapse in which humanity may never be able to recover,
condemned to the wastebasket of history, left to rot there for the rest of eternity. Forgotten by its own
home, let alone the infinite multitude of stars, planets, and astral dust. Humanity wants to deny life?
Very well, it shall. It would appear Homo Sapiens has a suicidal impulse. I say, let it live out its wish.

And who is to blame? Why, humanity itself. The human race is the root cause of the wretched
happenings that have plagued the more recent millennia, especially in the past 1 to 2 thousand years.
Humanity has helped foster an unlivable, inhospitable, lethal environment for life on this great,
wonderful world that we found ourselves on. One that is hostile to life, to the ones who came before us.
The flora, the fauna, and their homes. In all of arrogance, as we are, at heart, Homo Hubris, we have
deemed it our birthright to rape and pillage and demolish this place, with the utmost hatred and glee.

Therefore, I reject the world of humanity. And I reach out to the others who feel the same way,
wherever they may be. I know some are out there. Despairing at the sins of man that lie all around us,
fist fucking the planet until it finally keels over and fades into cosmic vapor. Reject humanity, I say; the
time has come to no longer count ourselves amongst the legions of man.

Cast aside all of the things that humanity has made for itself, and used to spur on a nihilistic impulse to
deny life, to say no to life, to destroy life itself, or at the very least, make it not something chaotic,
wonderful, ecstatic, exuberant, violently passionate, but regimented, harrowing, grey, soulless, and
suffocating…all of it. Its grotesque civilizations, its masses, its movementarian menaces, its “normalcy”,
its need to build new worlds (because, oh so desperately, it cannot stand to live in this one; this one is
not good enough, so it must leave it behind, for the demonic Messiah pumped their lethargic minds and
hearts with the most inane propaganda), its desperate need to fling itself into the future with reckless
abandon (whatever the fuck the “future” means), its rampage of conquest and bitter, foul revenge
against Nature, overcome by the Promethean urge to master and dominate our Mother, to usurp Her,
and Her children, its rabid concoctions of a miserable, abstract design, which crumble into ash when the
first strike hits it, and it is forced to confront the very fragile essence of what it is.

Beware, it shall all try to tempt you back into the fold, even though you want out, eager to break free.
Sedate you with narcotics mind-numbing and brain-destroying, rotting you away from the inside out,
until your corpse is a bastion of synthetic poison. Too riddled with disgusting products to even touch.
Dull your connection to the natural world, by making you feast upon the critters in droves, seeing them
not as “pure soul”, as Klages thought them to be, but soulless, as the bastard Descartes would have it;
therefore, consuming them without guilt. Purchasing them for your own amusement, even (a most
horrid slave trade). Demanding you regard the plants as little else but inanimate objects, novelty items
that must be cleared away for more and more (of what? I cannot make heads or tails of it, only that I am
repulsed by what may take their place), destroyed when deemed inconvenient, and gobbled up with
reckless abandon when the utilitarian mindset deems them worth of their attention (a most grim fate,
indeed). Warping your brain into looking at Nature, not as alive, as a living, breathing, thinking, feeling
organism that, in all of its vastness, is beautiful and terrifying, wild and peaceful, bloody and tranquil,
mesmerizing and macabre, but simply a mechanism, a machine, a system of turning gears and conveyor
belts that produces things for the dullards to make use of. Perhaps it shall try to placate, “accept”, in the
most shallow and superficial of ways. But do not be seduced by the false tongues, by the promises of
windbags and liars. It is only for the mere sake of economic production, anyway. To ramp it up and
increase it to new, dizzying heights. And they will lie, saying that one must rely on them, that this
monstrosity is needed. Essential, even. A fixture that must be maintained and upheld, fanatically, with
the devotion of a cult. Listen not, for it is hogwash.

I invite those who have been deemed “inhuman” by humanity, to stop pining for humanity’s eventual
good graces, and leave them to perish in their wake, to fall into obscurity; they shall never come, so why
bother? The freaks and outcasts, harlots and hedonists, incarnations of Lilith and Dionysus, radical,
militant ones who remember/live the old pagan ways, and cackling, howling individuals of a satanic
inclination, the savage and undomesticated, the vagabonds and homeless, you proud and brave few
have been cast aside by man…and so be it. You didn’t need them anyway. Decadent, deviant,
degenerate? By their standards, surely. All that can be responded with is, “yes”.

Maintain that individuality which causes friction between you and the monolith, Leviathan. It deems you
an enemy? Very well; as Schmitt knew so well, once the distinction has been made, then you have no
choice but to decimate that which deems you a threat, an enemy. For to call a detriment to your life a
“friend” is a mistake, cowardly, reminiscent of the pitiful Nazarene. Do you want total war? Yes, you
want total war. To smite and kill, and show this world your iron will.

Destroy them, destroy them all. We will dance on the ruins whilst rapture overtakes their sacred idols.
Not now, not anytime soon, but one day, perhaps. All of these instruments of butchery have expiration
dates, and therefore cannot last forever. But this is not a call to rebuild once the wheel has come down
to grind us down into a paste. No, we must burn the wheel and hop off of it once and for all.

Annihilation awaits…heed its call…

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