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PRACTICE TEST You may use this space to make notes or an outline for the writing task. In the actual exam, you must write your composition on the separate lined paper provided. 288 | Practice Test 7 ~ WRITING PRACTICE TEST 7 — WRITING Think about it, write about it! MSU-CELP Test of English Writing Ability Instructions Write as much as you can, as well as you can, in an original composition on one of the two topics below. You have 35 minutes to complete the composition. 1. More and more people are using the Intemet on a regulor basis. Not only do they watch the news, ‘weather, television shows and movies, but also do their grocery shopping, Is this a good thing? Be sure to support your opinion with reasons, examples and explanations. on 2. Imagine that you have been given the opportunity to either travel back in time to a particular historical period or to travel ten years into the future, Which would you choose and why? Be sure to support your answer with reasons, examples and explanations. 267 Practice Test 7 - LISTENIN PRACTICE TEST 7 — LISTENING _ Listen to this! MSU-CELP Test of English Listening Ability Instructions This section has three main parts. Part 1 consists of several short conversations, and Part 2 has longer conversations. Part 3 contains an extended monologue and an extended dialogue. * There are 40 questions on the listening test. For each question, choose the one best answer. * Ifyou are not sure of the answer, take your best guess. Unanswered items will be scored as incorrect. + In the exam, you are allowed to write in the test booklet. 268 Part 1 - Short conversations For each question, you will hear short conversation. Each conversation has a short title to tell you what itis about. Listen to the conversation and choose the letter of the choice that best answers the question. Practice Test 7 — LISTENING You will not hear the question; you will see it and read it. You will read it quietly to yourself Now look at Example X, and listen to the following conversation. Getting home The man is planning to travel _. a. by cob b, by train © on foot Class schedule 1, What does the woman say about her classes? a. She doesn't like sociology. b, She wants to take sociology and psychology. c. They meet for two hours each day. Succeeding in business 2. What do they say about tenacity? 4, Itis essential to business success. b, Itis not a character thing, c. It should be taught at business school. Building maintenance 3. What's happening this evening? , There is a meeting. b, Sandra is working overtime. ¢. Technicians will be working, Anew job 4, What is the problem? . The woman has been late for work. b. The woman's bus was 15 minutes late, & The woman can't find her purse. Contacting the printers 5. What do they say about the brochures? . They are left over from Friday's exhibition. . They are needed for the exhibition, ©. They will be given to the printers. Exam time 6 What do the speakers do for a living? a. They're students. b. They're parents. © They're teachers, A traffic offense 7. Why did the officer stop the woman? ©. She was speeding b. She had no valid registration She had parked in a no-parking zone, Weather-related problems 8. What are the two people discussing? @. Going on vacation. b, A hurricane approaching, ©. Transport problems in the city 269 Part 2- Longer conversations In this section you will hear longer conversations. ote 5 questions, Dating 9. What does the man think of Billy? a. He hardly knows him. b, He likes him a lot. ©. He has ¢ pleasant voice. 10. What do we discover about Billy? a. He isa happy child. b. He once lived on the coast. c. Hehas left the country. 11. Why did the date go badly? ‘a. The woman was nervous. b. Billy never stopped talking The woman was insulting, 12. What's wrong with Tim, according to the woman? a, Hes always depressed, b, He is very much like Billy. ©. He's very uncommunicative. Lining up for concert tickets 13. How long has the woman been waiting in line? a. 15 minutes b, 50 minutes ©. more than an hour 14. What possible reason does the woman give for the delay? a. Customers are being uncooperative, b. The ticket office is understaffed There aren't enough tickets for everyone. 15. What is the woman's attitude toward what's happening? ‘0. She's prepared to wait in line, b. it would have been better to come eatliet. <. She's annoyed with the ticket sellers. 16, When does the conversation take place? 4, in the morning b, atnoon ©. inthe afternoon 270 Before listening to each conversation, you will read 3 to Listen to each conversation ‘and answer the questions, 17. What will the man do next? «@. Stay in the line, b, Get the tickets later. . Order tickets on his phone. Working for a small company 18, What does the man say about small companies? ‘a. The work is not very demanding, b. They require more details «. It's more of a challenge. 19, What does the man mean when he says "too many cooks spoil the broth"? a. The food served at the cafeteria is not the best. ‘, Small companies have too many managers. « Ajob will not be done well if too many people are involved, 20. What do they both agree on? 4. All companies have problems. b, It's preferable to work for a small company. . You learn many aspects of the job in a small company. In abike store 21. Why is Emma at the store? ‘a, She's waiting for her uncle. b. She's having her bicycle repaired, . She is working there. 22, Why does Brion want to buy a bike? ‘a. He waints freedom of movement. b. The bus service is irregular. He wants to get some exercise 23. What is Brian looking for in a bicycle? 4. It must be a top-quality brand, b, It must be within his budget. . Itmust be a racing bike. 24. What does Emma suggest Brian do? ‘a. Buy a second-hand bicycle, b, Adjust the height of his old bicycle. ¢. Get one with good gears and tires. Part 3 - Extended discourse In this section you will hear an extended monologue and an extended dialogue. A tour of the Everglades 25. What is the main purpose of the talk? @. to inform visitors of the park's importance b, to describe the park's main attractions ©. to provide an overview of the tour's activities 26. What does the man say about Taylor Slough? 4. The birds are the most famous inhabitants. b. The alligators do not pose a threat. Its the busiest part of the park. 27. Whats the main advantage of using kayaks? 1. They get you close to the wildlife b. No previous paddling experience is required. ¢. Visitors do not have to paddle far. 28. What are visitors assured of on the tour? co. seeing the same types of birds b. seaing a wide variety of wildlife . having their photos taken with wildlife Before listening to the passage, you will read questions. 29. 30, a 32, Practice Test 7 ~ LISTENING You will listen to the passage twice, and then you will answer a series of questions Which onimal is not often seen? 4, the otter b, the bald eagle ©. the panther What does the man NOT say about the istand beach? a, It has a magnificent view of the wetlands. b. You can see dolphins in the wild. «. ttis normally inaccessible. ‘What does the speaker imply about renting a canoe? a. It's easy to get lost. b, People shouldn't do it in the winter. . It requires a high level of physical fitness, ‘Why is it good to visit the Everglades in the winter? a. There are fewer tourists. b. There are fewer insects. <. The animals are more visible. art LISTENING Practice Test 7 Vacation in ttaly 33, How will the man travel to the airport? a, by bus b. by taxi . bycar 34, What time will Jim arrive at the airport? a. 7am. b. 8am. « 9am. 35. Which of the following is the man most likely to do in Italy? a. Lie on the beach. b, Visit art galleries. c. Learn to cook italian cuisine. 36, What does the woman say about his trip to Florence? a. All he needs is four days. b, He should spend six doys there. . Six days is more than enough. mm. 38, 39. 40, What other advice does the woman give the man? «©. Take time to see things. b. Visit as many places as possible. Hiring « car makes it easier. ‘What does the woman soy about her vacation in New York? a, The lifestyle there is fast-paced. . She had a relaxing time there. c. She learned a valuable lesson there, ‘What does the man say about the church of Santa Croce? a, He wants to do research there. b. It contains works of art by Michelangelo. c. Agreat artist is buried there. How does the man feel about visting during the peak season? «. perfectly hoppy b. not overly worried quite anxious ice Test 7~ GRAMMAR PRACTICE TEST 7 - GRAMMAR Grammar you can use! MSU-CELP Test of English Grammar Instructions + This grammar test has 40 questions. * You have 25 minutes to answer all 40 questions. For each question, choose the one best answer. + Ifyou are not sure of the answer, take your best guess. Unanswered items will be scored as incorrect. + Inthe exam, you are allowed to write in the test booklet, Example Bob is a good student. He «a. to study b. is study © studies 4. studying every oy, | | ' i : The correct answer is ¢. You would mark °C" on your answer sheet, Practice Test 7 — GRAMMAR 41 42, 43, 45, 46. 214 All competition entries _by May 15th. @. are to hand in are handing in are being handed in are to be handed in ans We had been married for ten years, _ that he ‘would walk out on me, 4, [thought a little b, {thought little . Little did I think d. Little I thought 1'm sure things will soon change _ a, toward better b. even better . forthe better d. tothe better Tomorrow, we are having a beach party, weather @. permitted b. Is permitting <. permitting d, to permit on Saturday morning. «. go for to swim b. goto swimming © go for swimming 4. go for a swim fwe paint the room ourselves, it would save time, _money. a. on top of b, in contrast to c. not to mention d. as faras 47. 48, 49, 50, 51. 52 'm____ about asking her to go out with me. a. hardly think b. hard thinking . thinking hardly 4. thinking hard He was pulled over for__and was found to have been drinking. a. speed b. the speed. © speeding d. to speed Regardless of what you myself 4, do think b. can think c. would think d. may think , Lreally did write it fm bit late becouse it___me a ong time to get here on account of the traffic. a, took b, got ©. needed 4, required This knife is a. by cutting b. in cutting . forcutting 4. tocutting meat. fwe __a camera, we would have taken a lot of pictures. a. were having b. would have . had had d. would have had Practice Test 7 - GRAMMAR 53, 54. 56. 56. s7. 58, When planning the meal, Iwill keep ____ the fact that he is a vegetarian, ‘a. on mind b. on my mind « inmind d. inmy mind He changed his mind and isn’t going to help us ‘after all. | knew his promise was __ to be true! «a. very good b, good enough c. too good d. so.good This is the second time my apartment _ this month, a. was broken in b, has been broken into has broken into d. broke in His new movie__be a box-office hit. a. will probably to ». is probable ¢. is bound to d, will bound | can’t make Phil understand what she’s really like, so if he wants to ask her out then __ a. soitis b. sobeit © solet him di. so he will We went to the __ information office for further information. 9, tour b. tourist . tourism d. touristy There was hardly __ at the party last night. a, someone , anyone « noone d, none 61 62. 63 64. 65, 66, Why ___ the police arrest them if they know they're guilty? a. isn't b. don’t c. aren't d. doesn’t With so much rain, delays __ ‘a. won't be helped b. can't be helped «. couldn’thelp 4. can't help Lexplained the recipe in detail; she still couldnt follow it,_ @. while b, besides «. though d, much __ your misbehaving - go to your room now! a, Enough for b, Enough of & Toomuch dd, Enough Unfortunately, the diagnosis is_. @, absolutely surely b, absolute sure c. absolutely certain d. for absolutely sure I think you spend too much time __ football playing b. play «. toploy d, onplaying The Eiffel Tower looks amazing when it__at night. «@. islitup b. belitup . islighted up 275 | } | Practice Test 7 - GRAMMAR 67. He was so tall that even Neill looked short_. 74, Ican’t decide _Jim or not. a. tocompare a. to invite b. os compared b. iftoinvite . in comparison c. whether to invite d, by comparing d. should invite 68. ____moussoka, | don't know if like it 75. ‘The jury had to decide if he went to the house _ ‘a. Never had tried tokil b. Never having tried 4. inintent . Nevertrying b. with intention 4. Not to have tried . with the intention 4. with intent 69, How __treat my daughter lke that! «a. dare you 76. Lucy said she will buy the present provided __ b. dare you to . she will remember | c. dareto b. she would remember 4d, todare you . she is remembering d. she remembers 70. My bestfriend is indian __ birth a. by 77. {call a plumber. We have a problem with the b. at faucet___. « to a. leaks 4. from b. is leaking ©. leak 4. leaking 71, ___her age, she is still extremely cheeky. 4. No matter b. No matter about 78 With a wife and four children to provide___, . Despite of Simon works very hard. d. Never minding ©. on b. for with 72. He wore jeans and a sweater__ to find outit din wos a formal dinner a. only b. even 79. He soid she isa difficult child, but | don't find her . hardly __ otal 4. yet a. tiring b, tiresome ©. tired 73, ___me ond let me know how you are settling in. d, tiredly a. Let you write b, Do write | <. You do write 80. My father prides himself __ his punctuality d. Do you write in b. at | con to 276 Saini aiaaini aati PRACTICE TEST 7 — Reading Read about it! MSU-CELP Test of English Reading Ability Instructions ia This reading test has four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. * You have 60 minutes to answer all 40 questions. For each question, choose the one best answer. + Ifyou are not sure of the answer, take your best guess. Unanswered items will be scored as incorrect. + In the exam, you are allowed to write in the test booklet. an Practice Test 7 - READING Reading Passage 1 You are doing some research for a psychology project and find this article. Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow. False hope syndrome In modern-day society, people are constantly looking for o magic bullet which will make them healthier, fitter or thinner. There is a part of us which is wildly optimistic and persuades us that in the future we are going to achieve our goals (even if we have failed miserably time and time again) since we believe we will be better-organized and more self disciplined the next time. ‘A fomous example of over-optimism in planning is that of the Oxford English Dictionary. in 1860, plans were drawn up to complete it within three years, which were adjusted in 1879 with a new target to publish it within the following decade. It was finaly completed in 1928, by which time it was considered out of date and revisions began at once. The fact is that over-optimistic calculations based on producing @ certain number of pages per day is a flawed concept when it comes to something cocademic or educational that requires thorough analysis and reappraisal. The same principle applies when it comes to changing your lifestyle, You read about « new diet or exercise regime and that optimism comes to the fore again. There is « hope and belief that this time it will work. At the University of Toronto, researchers have been studying what they call “false hope syndrome”. They found that when people set themselves unrealistic targets, they unsurprisingly fall to achieve them, which results in disillusionment. Some of the students taking part in the study had tried and failed for 10 consecutive years to make virtually the same changes, yet each year they were certain that this time it would work. When it came to dieting, some were starting up to 15 new diet plans a year. Their optimism was not only about their chances of success, but about the changes in 278 their lives that would result from their weight loss. Some believed they would not only have a new partner, but also find a good job or achieve higher grades. Consequentiy, even in the event that they met thelr weight loss goals, disappointment followed due to the fact that other areas of their lives had not been transformed. ‘The researchers also noted that the targets people set are often too ambitious. For instance, if an individual aims to go to the gym three times a ‘week, but only goes twice, they would see this as a failure, even though this would denote a significant improvement on their old lifestyle. When a more rational weight loss program was set up to test their theories, ‘the researchers discovered that if they set reasonable goals, many of the subjects di succeed in losing weight and felt satisfied with the results. Thete is a major dificulty in predicting the long-term, results of people's efforts. The recent trend for footstep counting is a case in point. A new set of experiments conducted by Duke University demonstrated that counting steps does result in people walking further. However, in the study, half of the subjects wearing a pedometer were instructed to check it frequently while the other half had the display covered. Analysis of the data from the whole group showed that those who knew how many steps they had taken covered a greater distance, although they did not gain as much satisfaction. The suspicion is that if you start to see walking as work, rather than pleasure, then over time you'll start doing less of it. It seems that setting achievable goals and making slight adjustments to your dally habits, without entertaining delusions of transforming yourself, are recommended for making real changes. ~81 What does the writer say about exaggerated ‘optimism in the opening paragraph? «, It should be included in our modern way of opproaching problems. bs, It can lead to our believing something unlikely will happen, C. Itallows us to lear from past mistakes and succeed in the future. d, It can result in greater discipline and organization. ~ 82. What was the problern with early targets set for the Oxford Dictionary? . Those in charge worked too hard. b. They were set by people suffering from a syndrome. c. They were not remotely realistic. d. The complexity of the task was fully understood. ~ 83 Which of the following is closest in meaning to comes to the fore in paragraph 3? «@. becomes simple b. becomes prominent c. becomes negative d. becomes dangerous ‘84 What emotional effect of not achieving goals was observed by researchers studying false hope syndrome? «. rejection b. indifference c. disappointment d. acceptance ~ 85 What additional benefit of weight loss was expected by some subjects? ©, new career opportunities b. an increase in intelligence ©. greater popularity d. improved relationships Practice Test 7 ~ READING 86. Which of the following is closest in meaning to denote in paragraph 5? «a. represent ‘b. accept c. deny d. record 87. According to the article, what should be a feature ofa diet? a. specific, ambitious goals ». realistic, achievable targets . weight loss at any cost d. accepting good and bad results 88 How did the Duke University researchers divide subjects in their experiment? «a. Half wore pedometers, ». Half could not see the numbers on their pedometers. c. Half could check other participants’ pedometers. d. Half were only required to walk if they enjoyed it. 89 What do researchers at Duke University believe their experiment shows? a, Technology is effective in motivating people to exercise, b, Continually checking pedometers can become an obsession. . Taking away statistical information increases enjoyment, d. Enjoyment is not derived from something that is seen as a task, ~ 90 What is the message of this article? , Understand the psychology of making changes, b. Do not set unrealistic targets when planning, . Lifestyles cannot be altered without drastic changes. d. Only a minority of people will achieve the goals they set themselves. i Practice Test 7 - READING Reading Passage 2 You are reading a health magazine and come across this article. Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow. Breakfast: the most important meal of the day? In the 1950s, nutrition author Adelle Davis came up with the memorable saying “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper’ This advice was long regarded as fact, meaning that breakfast was deemed the most important meal of the day. However, recent examination of the merits of adults eating a king-sized breakfost questioned if this actually results in optimum health Firstly, the generalization of defining a specific meal as the most important may not be wise, although there are a few commonly held beliefs that may have contributed to breakfast receiving this lofty ttle, On assessing these ideas, it becomes ‘apparent that some are hardly supported by a weight of evidence. A consideration of the most common assumptions about breakfast and the evidence that supports them is warranted. SKIPPING BREAKFAST MAKES YOU EAT MORE: It has been shown that skipping breakfast causes the brain to be more responsive to highly palatable foods and that people often eat more at lunchtime if they missed out on breakfast. But in laboratory conditions and investigations conducted with people going about their normal routines, most studies show that skipping breakfast results in ower total energy intake over the course of a day. So, despite greater hunger during the morning and, some compensation during lunch, the effect of skipping breakfast does not indicate that overindulging is always the result, nor sit inevitable, BREAKFAST “KICK-STARTS” YOUR METABOLISM: The process of eating sets a variety of biological processes into action, particularly those associated with storing food and digestion. This requires increased energy expenditure known as Diet Induced Thermogenesis (DIT). In this respect, breakfast does start your metabolism. Be that as it may, new evidence suggests that those who eat breakfast use more energy through physical octivity (in particular during the morning) than those who have not had a morning meal, Therefore, skipping breakfast may make people feel less energetic, so they may reduce their levels of physical activity, without consciously deciding to oso. SKIPPING BREAKFAST MAKES YOU GAIN WEIGHT: Skipping breakfast is associated with increased weight and a build-up of fat over time. Yet it could be that eating breakfast is simply an indication of a healthy lifestyle ond that the meal itself does not offer protection against obesity. Several clinical trials (Where people are rondomly assigned to a certain behavior, such as eating breakfost or not) have not found any evidence to suggest that skipping breakfast causes you to put on weight. Having reviewed the common beliefs relating to breakfast and weight, itis important to recognize that there ore other aspects to the debate on breakfast. Breakfast can come in many different forms across different cultures and locations. It covers a vast array of foods fram the wholesome to sugary cereals and fried foods such as bacon and eggs in some parts of the world. Research examining how different breakfast types affect the body is still ongoing, so hard and fast conclusions cannot yet be drawn, Although the prevailing public wisdom suggests that we should eat breakfast, the current scientific evidence shows that it can depend on a range of variable factors. Whether you are a dedicated breakfast ecter or regularly skip morning meals, itis worth remembering that both sides might have some merit and the answer is probably not as clear- cut as it may seem. 91 What was a long-held belief concerning meals? «a. Large lunches and dinners are only for royalty. b. Big evening meals have negative effects on our health: ©. Breakfast is the meal people enjoy the most. 4. There are significant health benefits to eating a big breakfast. ~ 92. Which of the following is closest in meaning to lofty in paragraph 27 «. high in popularity », high in status . high in nutrients 4. high in price 93. What is a scientifically proven effect of not having breakfast? a. The brain wants more food that is rich in vitamins. b. The brain desires more appetizing dishes. c. The brain cannot function efficiently. 4. The body cannot deal with a larger meal at lunchtime, 94 What is the compensation mentioned in paragraph Es «a. Eating a large breakfast. . Eating mote snacks in the moming. c. Eating slightly more at lunch. d. Eating a little less at dinner. 95 Which of the following is closest in meaning to inevitable in paragraph 3? 4. certain b. permanent sensible desirable ‘actice Test 7 - READING 96 What may somebody who has not had breakfast do without realizing it? 4, increase their metabolism b. less physically demanding tasks ¢. more mentally demanding activities d, communicate less with others - 97 What have studies shown about fat and skipping breakfast? «a, There are some signs that it protects against obesity, b. Healthy people deny there is a connection between the two. . There is no indication that they are linked. d. There is only limited evidence to connect the two. 98 Whot does the writer state about breakfast? 4, It causes disagreement in families b, Itis popular among young children. . Itvaries widely in form. d, It has become healthier. -99 Which of the following is closest in meaning to hard, ‘and fast in paragraph 6? ‘@. undoubted b. improbable . fitegular d. unchangeable 100 What is the writer's conclusion about breakfast? «a. Recent research has helped resolve the issue. b. The public view on health issues has some basis in truth, ©. Scientific evidence does not prove the importance of breakfast, d. The arguments for and against breakfast ‘re equal at present. 281 Practice Test 7 ~ READING Reading Passage 3 Your family is going to hold a July 4th fireworks display and you find this safety information online. Read the information carefully and answer the questions that follow. Staying Safe on July 4th! Fireworks are synonymous with our celebration of independence Day, so your party wouldn't be complete without a dazzling display of your own. Yet the thrill of fireworks can also bring about serious injury. ‘According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 8,000 Americans end up in the hospital at this time of year due to firework-related accidents. The same report indicates that the majority of the injuries are to the hands and head, with eleven injuries proving fatal in 2015. In the same year, children below the age of fifteen accounted for over a quarter of the firework-related hospital visits. ' According to a June 2016 report frorh the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the majority of the injuries were due to either misuse or the malfunction of the fireworks. Therefore, the responsibility will ie with you, the homeowner, to make sure others not only keep their distance, but also that you do not make any of the more typical blunders while handling the fireworks. ‘The most common incidents of misuse are when somebody ignites fireworks too close to other fireworks ‘or to another individual, touching lit fireworks and, unbelievable as it may sound, actually lighting | fireworks in one’s own hand as some bright sparks tend to do. Typical malfunctions included incidents of early or late ignition (in the latter case, people may approach the firework assuming it will not [aunch), Other incidents can involve fireworks taking erratic flight paths, sometimes resulting in them colliding with vehicles or falling upon spectators. In addition, debris from fireworks contributed to some of the injuries. While sparklers are legal in most USS. states, they accounted for 26 percent of all firework-related injuries in 2015. Another culprit was homemade or customized fireworks, which accounted for 21 percent of firework injuries. By comparison, firecrackers were blamed for 16 percent of injuries and bottle rockets caused 11 percent. ‘The Consumer Product Safety Commission has compiled its top safety pointers to help you and your guests avoid the emergency room this July 4: + Only allow responsible adults to handle fireworks as the dangers to young children are more ‘apparent and even teenagers may engage in risky behavior, especially when with peers, + Always have adults supervise fireworks activities. This applies when you ore lighting fireworks as someone else must keep people back. Also, a high proportion of young ' children suffer injuries from sparklers. Little do most adults realize that these burn at | temperatures of about 2,000 degrees - hot enough to melt some metals. | + You should avoid buying fireworks that are packaged in brown paper as this is often a sign. that the fireworks were made for professional displays, so they may be considerably more | powerful and dangerous for consumers * Light firework fuses one at a time, then move back quickly to a safe distance without placing any part of your body directly over a fireworks device. Never attempt to relight or pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully + Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishaps. These can later be used to thoroughly douse spent devices before they are discarded to prevent a fire inthe trash can, 282 SS SS Sa ae “ Practice Test 7 ~ READING 101 What does the report say about fireworktelated 106 According to the report, what was involved in injuries? approximately one-fifth of accidents? 4, They are unavoidable on July ath, a. sparklers b. About 25% involved young children, b, homemade fireworks c. About eleven percent are fatal . bottle rockets 4d, They normally happen at large public 4. firecrackers displays. 107 Whot can be inferred about teenagers? 102. Which of the following is closest in meaning to 1 They face identical risks to young children. blunders in paragraph 2? b. Thay tend to show off infront of other teens. a. damage c. They should supervise younger children. b. injuries 4. They can be trusted to ignite fireworks. mistakes d. misconceptions 108 What is something unknown to the majority of grown-ups? 103 How does the writer fee! about common incidents 4. The temperatures that sparklers produce. cnn ', More thon one person should light the «a, People get 100 close to firework displays, fireworks. b, Itis easy to accidentally misuse fireworks. That children are sometimes injured at . Itis foolish to set off a firework you are displays. holding. d. That fireworks must not be transported in 4, There are many hot sparks released at brown packages firework displays. 109 According to the safety information, what should 104 Why could a delay in the firework igniting cause aihose or bucket of water be used for? injury? a extinguishing fires 4. The spectators may move closer to see what b. dosing fireworks before ignition ishappening. . treating burns b. The person may approach the firework, 4d, dousing used fireworks ‘wrongfully assuming it has malfunctioned, c. Itcould create a bigger explosion. d. It could cause the firework to change direction. “110 Who is this leaflet aimed at? ‘a, Those who have been injured on July 4th. b. Those attending public fireworks events. . Those arranging their own displays 4, Those organizing professional displays. 105 Which of the following is closest in meaning to erratic in paragraph 4? a. low b. circular . vertical d. irregular 283 Practice Test 7 ~ READI Reading Passage 4 You are interested in environmental conservation and find this article on a website. Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow. Saving our Water For those in the developed world, water seems to be as plentiful as the air we breathe. But fresh, potable water has long been a precious commodity in many drier parts of the world, and as it becomes rarer, its cost rises, Still, since water shortages rarely impact us directly, it s ikely that this liquid resource will continue to be poorly managed. We are still in the habit of wasting water and our cavalier attitude to its use has led to unnecessary waste. Yet a few simple steps would allow us to save a significant amount of water in our day-to-day lives. 1. Doing the Dishes Ifyou wash plates in a way that involves turning the water on and off, you will go through about 20 gallons (75 liters) or so, whereas leaving the water running while wiping every mark off your dishes will probably use twicethat amount. In contrast, a survey by the American Water Works Association reported that modern electric dishwashers need less than 10 gallons (38 liters) per average load. 2. Washing the Car According to the management of Kaady Car Washes, « wash at one of its garages will use up about 30 to 45 gallons (115 to 170 liters) whereas ‘washing your carin the driveway can get through 80_to 140 gallons (300 to 530 liters) of water. Furthermore, professional car washes also recycle water as the US. Environmental Protection Agency mandates that wastewater be channeled to treatment plants to avoid contaminated water flowing into street drains. 3. Wasteful Pools The Hawaiian Department of Water Supply calculated that a swimming pool loses about 1,000 gallons (3,785 liters) a month to evaporation. This figure varies according to climate and the pool's overall surface area. Leaks, which often develop, are even more of a concem. They are typically from cracks in the foundations or pipe damage. Estimates on exactly how much is fost vary wildly, though the Arizona based National Leak Detection, puts the figure at 30 percent. Three hundred miles west in Paim Springs, Califomia, the American Leak Detection Inc, considers the pool leakage rate to be a less dramatic § percent. Whatever the case, due to most pools having automatic refill systems, owners often fail to notice the loss until their next ‘water bill lands in their mailbox. 4, Lawn Sprinklers Water sprinklers may keep grass green and flowers in bloom, but they can also consume @ whopping 265 gallons (1,000 liters) an hour, according to UK. water-conservation group, Waterwise. This ‘amount outstrips estimates of what an average US. household uses daily. If you can’t do without the sprinkler, activate it either early inthe morning or at dusk when the temperature is cooler. AS a result, not only is less water required but more will actually get to the plant roots. Drought-hit Los Angeles has introduced a new regulation that will permit automated sprinklers to run only 15 minutes a day during the summer. While major changes in industrial and agricultural practices are also required, the fact is that the average American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home. Cutting down on our daily use of this precious resource should be just as much a priority as energy-saving ‘measures and recycling. Isnt it time we all put our house in order? 111 Why does the writer believe people do not realize the seriousness of wasting water? a. Water bills are declining in rich countries. b. They do not suffer from a lack of water. They hear little about how people live in hot climates. d, They do not understand the management of the water supply. 112. Which of the following is closest in meaning to cavalier in paragroph 1? ©. coreless b. careful & necessary d. old-fashioned 113 Which would use the most water? ©. a dishwasher with an average load b. any modern dishwasher . hand washing with the tap constantly running d. hand washing while turning the tap on and off 114 How much water would be saved by taking your car to a professional car wash? {, about ten percent », at least half ©. 8010 140 gallons d, up to 530 liters 115 Which of the following is closest in meaning to mandates in paragraph 3? a. suggests b, demands ©. rejects di assists a) Practice Test 7 ~ READING ~116 What isthe biggest problem with swimming pools? a. They use almost 4,000 liters a month, b. evaporation c. leaks d. their location 117 What can be inferred about pools? ©. They are unaffected by evaporation. b. Their water loss is not visible. © Their leaks are automatically repaired. 4. Their owners cannot always afford water bills, 118 Which of the following is closest in meaning to outstrips in paragraph 5? a. adds b. equals ©. removes di. exceeds —119 When would it be more efficient to use @ water sprinkler? a. atdawn b, Just before midday . just after midday . just before sunset ~ 120 What does the author want people to do? (, Help change industry and agriculture. bb. Become more interested in ecology. ¢. Think about how they use water, d, Recycle most of the water used in their house. 285 Practice Test 7 — SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 7 — SPEAKING — Talk about it! vA Test of eae speak laa TASK 1 a ai ‘To make the Speaking Test more realistic, your teacher will play the role of the examiner. TASK 2 (1 minute) TASKS 3-6 (2-3 minutes per task) Do not forget to support your opinion with examples, reasons and explanations. 286

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