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Are you planning to modify the lighting plan of your commercial premises?

If yes, then it is essential to

have a clear understanding of lux levels. Measuring the lux level is highly important when purchasing
LED light bulbs for industrial and commercial environments.

Using LED luminaires with appropriate lux levels will not only enhance the visibility of the space but will
also help in completing jobs seamlessly.

Before discussing the correct lux level requirements as per the industrial environment and tasks, let's
understand what exactly the lux level is and how it is measured.

The standard unit for measuring the light level intensity is termed as LUX level. It is also known as
illumination or illuminance. It calculates the intensity of light that falls on the surface like - floors or walls
in the lighting design.

How to calculate lux levels?

One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter, and they vary from lumens, which calculates the
brightness of the source of light. Therefore, 1 LUX = 1 Lumen / m2

Enough light should be provided in the area so that people perform their tasks without any mishaps and
hassles. But the light should not be so bright that it creates difficulties in seeing and doing intricate tasks.
Excess lighting is equally harmful as under lighting. We need more light for performing detailed tasks like
- stitching, drafting, etc., and general work like - eating, and walking can be done under nominal lighting

How many Lux are required for commercial lighting?

If you are looking for a variety of options for lighting levels, you need to consider the intensity of light
depending on the space as well. The intensity of light will be different for a storeroom and a workshop.
Low light levels do not affect the working in the storage space, while high illumination levels are
required in the textile, electronic, automobile, and industries where detailed tasks are done. But, before
choosing the number of LED luminaires needed in your commercial area, you need to understand these
two pointers below-mentioned.

 In areas where we do tasks like reading, it is recommended to increase the LUX to 200.
 To light open office areas and conference rooms adequately, 300-500 lux level lighting is sufficient.

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