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Implement a name resolution system for This maps to the subnet.

This must include exampl

Student ID Number s00000000 ** Sample only, DO NOT HAND IN **

Server Systems
Development Project - Individual User Requirements

Please refer to the assignment brief on Moodle for further details of this assignmen
Remember: this is an individual assignment.
Unless specified, provide your own suitable device names, MAC and IP addresses as appropriate. Credit will be aw
brief is sensibly and logically exceeded. Inappropriate configuration will be penalised.

1 Implement a name resolution system for This maps to the subnet. This must include exam
mail server and ten clients. Ensure that the server can convert from names to IP addresses and back again.

Create a script to perform a variety of DNS lookups


Set up a network based authentication system for the domain Create three network users, Buzz, L
add them to a group. Ensure that the users are assigned the program 7zip to their machines.

NOTE: all books for requirement 4 can be obtained free from

Extract all lines where the first character of the first word of every line in the book 'On the various forces of nature and their re
4 each other’ by Michael Faraday, is capital ‘N’ and the word ‘the’ does not appear anywhere on the line.
V 1.0
31 Aug 18


of this assignment.
iate. Credit will be awarded where the

This must include example records for a

k again.

network users, Buzz, Leika and Yuri and

es of nature and their relations to


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