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Case Series of Guillain-Barré Syndrome After the

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Oxford–AstraZeneca) Vaccine
Miranda Mengyuan Wan, MD, Angela Lee, MD, Ronak Kapadia, MD, FRCPC, and Christopher Hahn, MD, FRCPC Correspondence
Dr. Hahn
Neurology: Clinical Practice April 2022 vol. 12 no. 2 149-153 doi:10.1212/CPJ.0000000000001148

Purpose of Review
Vaccination has been associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS).
Amid a global vaccination campaign to stop the spread of COVID-19,
fears of GBS can contribute to vaccine hesitancy. We describe 3 cases
of GBS in Calgary, Canada, presenting within 2 weeks of receiving
the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (COVISHIELD) Oxford–AstraZeneca vac-
cination and review the available literature.

Recent Findings
All 3 patients presented to the hospital in Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
within a one-month time frame with GBS. Their clinical courses
ranged from mild to severe impairment, all requiring immunomodulatory treatment.

There is currently little evidence to support a causal relationship between vaccination and GBS. MORE ONLINE
Furthermore, there is limited evidence to support recurrent GBS in patients with GBS tem-
COVID-19 Resources
porally associated with vaccination. Neurologists should approach discussions with patients
For the latest articles,
regarding GBS after vaccination carefully so as not to misrepresent this relationship and to
invited commentaries, and
educate patients that the risk of COVID-19 infection outweighs the small individual risk of a
blogs from physicians
vaccine-associated adverse event. around the world

Amid a global vaccination campaign against SARS-CoV-2 to control the COVID-19 pandemic,
vaccine safety is monitored through the reporting of potential adverse events following immu-
nization (AEFI) to public health authorities. One such event is Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), a
rare acute inflammatory disorder affecting the peripheral nervous system. Fears of GBS not only
halted the 1976-1977 Swine Flu vaccination campaign but have created harmful long-term as-
sociations between vaccinations and GBS and public caution regarding disease recurrence after
further vaccinations.1,2 However, a causal relationship remains equivocal because temporal as-
sociation or geographic clustering of events are to be expected if large populations are vacci-
nated.3 We report 3 cases of GBS who presented after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (COVISHIELD)
Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccination within a 1-month time frame. We discuss the relationship
between vaccinations and GBS, the role of subsequent vaccinations in this population, and the
importance of continued surveillance of AEFI and education surrounding vaccinations.

Case 1
A 40-year-old man with a history of nocturnal second-degree A-V block, but otherwise healthy,
presented to the emergency department with ascending paresthesias from his feet to fingertips

From the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Funding information and disclosures are provided at the end of the article. Full disclosure form information provided by the authors is available with the full text of this article at

Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Neurology 149

Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
10 days after receiving dose 1 of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 tendon reflexes. Lumbar puncture was normal, including
vaccine. He was initially discharged home as neurologic ex- WBC and protein. Rapid CoVID-19 nasopharyngeal PCR
amination was normal but returned the same day with pro- swab was negative. All basic bloodwork was normal.
gression to bilateral leg weakness and difficulty ambulating.
He was hypertensive at 154/95 mm Hg and had symmetric A preliminary diagnosis of GBS was made based on her
4/5 Medical Research Council (MRC) grade weakness in clinical presentation; she was promptly admitted to a general
shoulder abduction, hip flexion, knee flexion, and ankle medicine unit, and treatment with IVIg was initiated. Her
dorsiflexion. Reflexes were decreased diffusely and absent in respiratory and motor status deteriorated rapidly, and less
the right arm and at the ankles. Pinprick sensation showed than 12 hours after presentation, she was intubated for
patchy loss to the bilateral shins. neuromuscular respiratory failure.

Investigations, including an MRI of the brain to support an After intubation, she was unable to trigger the ventilator.
alternative diagnosis, were negative. His rapid COVID-19 na- Cranial nerve examination was normal, but she otherwise had
sopharyngeal PCR swab was negative. His lumbar puncture on flaccid quadriplegia, except for muscle twitches to fingers and
day 5 of symptoms showed normal white blood cell (WBC) toes. Reflexes were absent throughout.
count and a protein level. Electromyography and nerve con-
duction studies on day 5 of symptoms showed absent F-waves MRI of the spine with gadolinium contrast showed mild
in the right ulnar and peroneal nerve despite normal compound enhancement of the ventral roots in the cauda equina. Elec-
motor action potentials, as well as F-wave impersistence in the tromyography and nerve conduction studies showed evi-
tibial nerve, consistent with early acute inflammatory de- dence of a demyelinating polyneuropathy with features of
myelinating polyradiculopathy. temporal dispersion, conduction block, and F-wave pro-
longation consistent with a diagnosis of GBS.
He was diagnosed with GBS with autonomic dysfunction and
started on intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) with a dose of On day 2 of admission, she was started on therapeutic plasma
2 g/kg divided over the first 5 days of admission. After exchange for a total of 5 cycles over 10 days. Despite apheresis,
starting treatment, his clinical picture continued to evolve. her neurologic status continued to decline, and she had no gross
He had worsening autonomic dysfunction, consisting of movements to her bilateral upper or lower extremities on day 4.
urinary retention and new-onset refractory hypertension On day 9 of admission, she developed facial diplegia, and by day
(systolic pressures 170–190 mm Hg). One episode of non- 13 of admission, she could only communicate with her eyes
sustained ventricular tachycardia was also captured on bed- using a communication board. Given her prolonged respiratory
side telemetry. He developed severe headache thought to be failure, she underwent a percutaneous tracheostomy. Her
aseptic meningitis from IVIG that resolved spontaneously course in hospital was complicated by a Klebsiella pneumoniae
after IVIG was completed. On day 5 of admission, he was complex urinary tract infection, tracheitis, and conjunctivitis. At
diffusely areflexic and had progressive weakness in his bi- the time of submission 4 weeks from onset, her neurologic
lateral upper and lower extremities requiring 2-person as- status remains unchanged in the intensive care unit, and repeat
sistance while using a 2-wheeled-walker to ambulate. He EMG/nerve conduction study showed absent motor and sen-
developed a lower motor neuron left-sided facial weakness. sory responses in the arms and legs but no denervation po-
tentials on electromyography.
His neurologic symptoms began to improve around day 7 of
admission or 2 days post-IVIg. His urinary retention resolved,
and his blood pressure stabilized with 3 antihypertensive Case 3
agents. On day 15 of admission, he was able to walk in-
A 59-year-old man with a history of hypertension presented
dependently with the assistance of a 2-wheeled walker. He
to the urgent neurology clinic 5 weeks after receiving the
was discharged home on day 20 of admission with ongoing
ChAdOX1 nCoV-19 vaccine with sensory symptoms and
outpatient neurorehabilitation.
binocular diplopia. Two weeks after his vaccination, he de-
veloped symmetric numbness in the hands and lower ex-
tremities, up to his midthigh. Because of his symptoms, he
Case 2 required assistance with bathing and would use a wheelchair
A 53-year-old woman with a history of migraines developed when outside of the house. One week later, he developed
bilateral paresthesias in her feet 12 days after her first dose of binocular horizontal diplopia, worse with right gaze. He
the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. She awoke the next morning presented to the emergency department and was referred for
with ascending paresthesias to her knees and bilateral lower outpatient urgent neurology assessment. He was seen 4 days
extremity weakness and presented to the emergency de- later in out-patient neurology clinic.
partment. On initial examination, her slow vital capacity
(SVC) was 86% of predicted and motor power was 4/5 on Neurologic examination at that time showed persistent sinus
the MRC scale throughout with diffusely reduced deep tachycardia, right cranial nerve VI palsy, and predominantly

150 Neurology: Clinical Practice | Volume 12, Number 2 | April 2022

Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
large fiber sensory loss in the hands and lower extremities. He Currently, there is no evidence to suggest a causal relationship
was diffusely areflexic. He was subsequently admitted to the between vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 and GBS. Case re-
neurology inpatient service for further monitoring, investigations, ports of GBS have been described after both adenovirus vectors
and treatment. Lumbar puncture showed normal WBC with and synthetic messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccines, including
elevated protein level of 1.46 g/L (normal 0.15–0.45 g/L), the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine.16-18 The incidence of GBS
consistent with albuminocytologic dissociation. Electrophysio- was equal in the placebo and vaccine arm of the Johnson &
logic studies were consistent with demyelinating poly- Johnson COVID-19 vaccine trial, supporting that this re-
neuropathy. They showed mild prolongation of right median lationship was temporal and likely coincidental, rather than
distal motor latency without median sensory peak latency pro- causal.19 Our patients with GBS were geographically clustered
longation, prolonged F-waves in 4 of 5 nerves studied, and de- and temporally associated with receiving the ChAdOX1 nCoV-
creased median sensory nerve action potential amplitudes with 19 vaccine, but this is not unexpected in mass vaccination
sural sparing. Testing for antiganglioside antibodies was negative. campaigns and does not imply causation.3,20-22 In a large
population-based study of GBS in North America and Europe,
Correlating his clinical history and investigations, including the crude incidence of GBS was 0.81–1.89 cases per 100,000
electrophysiologic studies, a diagnosis of variant GBS (distal person-years.23 At the time of writing, approximately 2 million
paresthesias and cranial nerve VI palsy) was made. Investi- Albertans have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine,
gations did not reveal an alternative cause for his symptoms. and therefore, we would expect 16–38 cases of GBS by chance
He was treated with 2 g/kg of IVIg over 5 days, which was alone. There are fewer than 5 reports of GBS in Alberta as an
well tolerated. He remained clinically stable and was dis- AEFI in the Alberta COVID-19 vaccination campaign.24 Our
charged home. At the time of discharge, he was independent case series illustrates 3 cases of GBS, temporally associated with
with mobility, although not back to his premorbid baseline. CoVID-19 vaccination; however, based on the current available
At the time of writing, his vision has improved, and his am- data, the incidence of GBS is not higher after initiation of the
bulation continues to slowly improve. CoVID-19 vaccination campaign compared with previously
reported rates. This supports the previous literature suggesting
An AEFI report was completed and sent to the local health that these cases may be coincidental events.20-22
authority for all 3 cases.
Current guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease
Based on the clinical history, laboratory investigations, imaging, Control (CDC) and Prevention and Health Canada suggest
and electrophysiologic studies, alternative diagnoses involving the that in patients with a history of GBS that developed <6
central or peripheral nervous system were considered unlikely. weeks in a temporal relation to a vaccine, recurrent vacci-
There were no symptoms or signs to suggest preceding systemic nation must be approached with caution.25,26 However,
infection such as GI symptoms, chest infections, influenza-like there is little evidence to support these recommendations. In
illness, or fever. COVID-19 testing was negative and therefore those with a history of GBS that developed in temporal
thought to be unlikely as a possible trigger of GBS. The PCR test relation to a vaccination, there have been case reports of GBS
used had 100% analytic specificity in the validation study of the recurrence after receiving the same vaccination for tetanus
assay.4 Because there is no gold standard, the performance of this and influenza.27-29 One case report describes one patient
test is not entirely known, but in a large retrospective cohort who, despite developing GBS after an influenza vaccine,
study, the sensitivity of this assay was found to be 90.7%.5 continued to receive the influenza vaccine for 15 consecutive
Noninfectious triggers of GBS such as preceding surgery, auto- years without recurrence.30 In one study surveying the
immune disease, or immunosuppression were not identified. British patient organization, the Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Support Group, 29 respondents received a vaccine <6 weeks
before developing GBS. Two of these 29 patients had a
recurrence of symptoms after a different vaccine was ad-
Discussion ministered.31 In a large case control study of 550 patients
GBS remains the most common cause of acute flaccid pa- with GBS in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California
ralysis worldwide. The underlying pathophysiology remains database, 18 patients were confirmed to have GBS <6 weeks
unclear but is thought to be related to molecular mimicry of after receiving the influenza vaccine. Of the 18 patients, 2
antigenic agents triggering immune phenomena attacking patients received subsequent influenza vaccination with no
peripheral nerve myelin sheaths.6,7 This mechanism is also recurrence of GBS. In addition, in all patients previously
thought to be the underlying pathophysiology in cases of diagnosed with GBS who subsequently received multiple
GBS associated with vaccination.2,8-10 However, despite the vaccines of various types, there was no recurrent case of GBS
association of GBS with multiple vaccines, there is no clear that would be associated with the vaccine, after nearly 1000
evidence to suggest a causal relationship.11,12 We describe 3 subsequent vaccinations.32 A subsequent nested case-
cases of GBS following the first dose of the ChAdOx1 nCoV- control study over 3 cities in Jiangsu, China, including 1
19 vaccine. These cases highlight the development of GBS in 056 patients with GBS, concluded there was no significant
a temporal relation to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in the association between GBS recurrence and vaccinations for a
absence of previously described triggers of GBS.13-15 number of different vaccines.12 Neurology: Clinical Practice | Volume 12, Number 2 | April 2022 151

Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
It remains unclear if patients such as those reported here should
receive subsequent SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations and which vac- TAKE-HOME POINTS
cine should be given. Preliminary studies are emerging assessing
the efficacy of combining different SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.33,34 A Currently, there is little evidence to support a causal
shared decision must be made between the patient, health care relationship between vaccination and GBS. Neurol-
provider, and local health authorities, taking into account the ogists should educate patients that the risk of
potential risks and benefits. After discussion, given the partial COVID-19 infection outweighs a small individual risk
protection achieved from a single dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, of a vaccine-associated adverse event.
none of the patients in this case series have elected to obtain a
second dose of any SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. However, this de- Particularly amid a global vaccination campaign,
cision will need to be reconsidered in the future if booster doses temporal association and geographic proximity of
to address variants of concern become routine, similar to in- GBS cases after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination does
fluenza vaccination campaigns. not imply causation.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues to devastate the Large, long-term epidemiologic studies will continue
to study vaccine safety, including the incidence of
world. The development of successful and safe vaccines
GBS after vaccination and the risk of GBS recurrence
and mass immunization campaigns will assist in ending the
in patients who developed GBS in temporal associ-
pandemic. It is crucial to avoid misinterpretation of AEFI
ation with their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
as causally associated with vaccines because doing so will
threaten the success of immunization campaigns, the de-
velopment of future vaccines, and harm public trust in
vaccines. It is important to continue ongoing vaccine safety Disclosure
surveillance programs, relying on population models to The authors report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript.
establish background incidence of adverse health out- Full disclosure form information provided by the authors is
comes and comparing them to observed rates.3 These available with the full text of this article at
programs and further large scale epidemiologic studies will
provide further insight. In the meantime, neurologists Publication History
must continue to provide ongoing patient education that Received by Neurology: Clinical Practice June 21, 2021. Accepted in final
the individual risk of developing GBS postvaccination is form November 24, 2021.
very small compared with the benefits of COVID-19
Appendix Authors
Limitations of this case series include the inability to
completely rule out an asymptomatic infectious trigger of Name Location Contribution
GBS, and there is limited follow-up of the cases. Continued Miranda Department of Clinical Drafting/revision of the
surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines and potential ad- Mengyuan Wan, Neurosciences, Cumming manuscript for content,
MD School of Medicine, including medical writing
verse events remain crucial to further understanding this University of Calgary, for content, major role in
relationship. Alberta, Canada the acquisition of data,
study concept or design,
and analysis or
interpretation of data
Conclusion Angela Lee, MD Department of Clinical Drafting/revision of the
We report 3 cases of GBS after the first doses of ChAdOx1 Neurosciences, Cumming
School of Medicine,
manuscript for content,
including medical writing
nCoV-19 vaccination. The geographic proximity and tem- University of Calgary, for content, major role in
poral association of these cases with vaccination do not Alberta, Canada the acquisition of data,
and study concept or
imply causality from SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. There are no design
causal associations between vaccinations and the de-
Ronak Kapadia, Department of Clinical Drafting/revision of the
velopment of GBS or in the recurrence of GBS in patients MD, FRCPC Neurosciences, Cumming manuscript for content,
who initially developed GBS <6 weeks from a vaccination. School of Medicine, including medical writing
University of Calgary, for content, study concept
Large, long-term epidemiologic studies will continue to Alberta, Canada or design, and analysis or
monitor vaccine safety. We must continue to emphasize that interpretation of data

the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is far greater than the Christopher Department of Clinical Drafting/revision of the
theoretical risks of GBS associated with SARS-CoV-2 Hahn, MD, FRCPC Neurosciences, Cumming manuscript for content,
School of Medicine, including medical writing
vaccination. University of Calgary, for content, major role in
Alberta, Canada the acquisition of data,
study concept or design,
Study Funding and analysis or
interpretation of data
The authors report no targeted funding.

152 Neurology: Clinical Practice | Volume 12, Number 2 | April 2022

Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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