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H 7

The Internally
'I'l'3der Part 1

o you know what n"",1s to he don~ \t, he sn~~f'SSful, but cannot seem

D to force yourself to do it? In"tead , do you find reasons and excuses

to shift responsibility and blame? Do you feel worn"", angry, and
fr",mated? Why do you f('{'1 badly about ,'oUf"dr? What IS happe"i,,": here?
If you arc Iwving trouble n,"intaining your trading success, you may
not be (rad i!lg from th~ right set of motivatiO!lS. I~k~ ,"OSI (n>d~rs, you
nlay n04 ""en be awa .... of 110" foret'S (hal propel you eact, day 10 snCCtOCd
or fail.
Are you siuing at your computer from 6:30 a.m. W1til 11:30 p,m. moti-
vated by;

• ~'ear (hal yon will not be able w make your nl' >1 n'ortgage pay",,'nt?
o A bun'ing tlt'Sire w buy a n~w house ," ncw "~pcn~i,',, toy"
• The need t" sh"w your in_laws lhat you a,.,. able to ,nake it a.. a 1ra,le'"
o The ,,,,.,d
to move illlo your OW)) omce down\t,wn"

If one of these sounds like your molh'ation, you arc not moth'ating
yourself for long·tenn succe>ls. When your n'o(i"aho)) con'~'S fro'" fOTC ....
uutside of yourself, your life will be spent sol"ing short-knll probl,'nlS or
n_Is. It could be satl~fying the desi,.,. to own or I)(>S..""S.~ a partkular thing,
meeting tlw eXpPCtaW>IIs uf uthers, ,>T responding t" external c"ndili,)(c<.
Dut, once the external and/or short-term goals are met , your level uf mUII-
vatiun will evaporate like fog in a hot sun lea\;ng yuu motivatiunally adrift
w,til another emergency occu", or you find another problem to solve or
yean,jng to satisry.

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