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Go Bananas Food for Thought

Meaning: To be irrational/wild, Meaning: Something that is

to lose control (due to anger). worth thinking about.

Examples: Mum will go Examples: “Thanks for telling

bananas when she sees the us about global warming -
mess we’ve made. you’ve really given us food for
thought,” said the manager.
He went bananas when he
heard his car was stolen. “I’m going to read from this
new textbook. I think you’ll
find it food for thought,” said
the teacher.

Spice Things Up As Easy as Pie

Meaning: To make things more Meaning: Something that is very
exciting/interesting. easy to do.

Examples: “I think these new Examples: This homework was

maths resources will really spice easy as pie!
up my lessons,” said the teacher.
I find swimming easy as pie.
Let’s go skydiving this weekend.
That’ll spice things up.
Keen as Mustard Eat out of Someone’s Hand
Meaning: To be extremely eager Meaning: To always do exactly
or enthusiastic. as someone says; to grovel to
Examples: The new student
is as keen as mustard to Examples: “Wilson will do it;
learn Spanish. I’ve got him eating out of my
hand,” said Lisa.
Kate and Ronnie were as
keen as mustard to get their I’ve got her eating out of my
project finished. hand; she’ll do anything I ask.

Bad Egg To Take Something with a Pinch of Salt

Meaning: A bad person. Meaning: To view something
with doubt; you do not
Examples: Be wary of Cathy; completely believe it.
she’s a bad egg and she’s always
Examples: “I’m not sure I
getting in trouble at school!
believe your reasons for not
doing the homework,” said
Tyrone is a bad egg; he never
the teacher, “I’ll take it with a
seems to care about anything.
pinch of salt.”

Don’t believe everything you

read on the internet - take it
with a pinch of salt.
Don’t Cry over Spilt Milk Egg on Your Face
Meaning: Don’t cry/complain Meaning: To be humiliated or
about something that has embarrassed.
already happened.
Examples: I know you don’t Examples: She had egg on
like your hair cut but don’t cry her face when we realised she
over spilt milk. We can’t change was lying.
it now.
When he tripped up in front of
Petra was complaining about
everyone, he looked like he had
the new paint on the walls.
egg on his face.
I told her it’s no use crying
over spilt milk; the walls have
already been painted!

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