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Zackary Jay B.

Origenes BA 24 A - Midterm Exam Flow Chart

Step 1:

The buyer will search an item of his/her choice in the Shopee and if he/she has chosen the item of
his/her choice then he/she will proceed to the purchase section in where the order is placed and Shopee
will verify payment.
Step 2:

Shopee will then notify the seller that the parcel is approved and ready to be shipped and there the
parcel is being prepared for shipping and ships the parcel until it arrives to the buyer. The shipping
duration will take 8 to 10 days till the parcel will be delivered to the buyer.

Step 3:

When the buyer receives his/her parcel he/she will then click the order received button and he/she will
then check the parcel and rate the parcel in its quality, suitability, and appearance, and stars.
Step 4:

If the buyer is not satisfied with the parcel that have arrived, he/she has the right to report and request
for a refund, Shopee then will mediate and give the buyer the refund if he/she is on the right thing.

Step 5:

If the parcel is successful and the buyer is satisfied, Shopee will then release the payment and give it
back to the seller.

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