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Python Programs using Eulers method

Program 1

Find the value of y(0.4) by solving the given

differential equation using Eulers Method:
dy/dx = x+y

Given initial condition y(0)=0.

def f(x,y):
return x+y
x0=float(input("Enter x0 = "))
y0=float(input("Enter y0 = "))
h=float(input("Enter h = "))
n=int(input("Enter n = "))
for i in range(n):
y1=y0+h*f(x0,y0) #you can directly put y0 instead of y1 and remove
the further command of y0=y1
print("Value of y at x",x0,"is = ",y0)
print("Value of y at x",round(x0,2),"is = ",round(y0,2))
Now if we want to check the error between obtained and exact solution
The exact solution of the given differential equation is
Continue Program with the following
import math as mt
def f(x):
return -x-1+mt.exp(x)
print("Exact value = ",round(f(0.4),2))
To calculate the error between exact and obtained Continue Program
with the following
Err = abs(f(x0)-y0) #y0 is approx yn from eulers method and
f(x0) is exact value
print("Error = ",Err)
Program 2: Radioactivity
The initial mass of iodine isotope was 200g.
Determine the iodine mass after 30 days if the half
life of the isotope is 8 days.
Solve the differential equation using Euler’s method
(Take h=0.1).
lambda=log(2)/T, where T=8days.

def f(t,N):
return -0.0866*N0
N0=int(input("Enter N0 = "))
t0=int(input("Enter t0 = "))
h=float(input("Enter h = "))
n=int(input("Enter n = "))
for i in range(n):
print("Value of N at t",t0,"is = ",N0)
import math as mt
def f(t):
return 200*mt.exp(-0.0866*t)
print("Exact value = ",f(30))
Err = abs(f(30)-N0)
print("Error = ",Err)
Program 3:Newton Cooling Curve
A thermometer is taken from a room at
20oC outside where T =5oC. After 1 min, the
thermometer reads 12oC. Find out the
thermometer reading after 1 more min.
Solve the differential equation using Euler’s

def f(t,T):
return 0.7621*(5-T)
T0=int(input("Enter T0 = "))
t0=int(input("Enter t0 = "))
h=float(input("Enter h = "))
n=int(input("Enter n = "))
for i in range(n):
print("Value of T at t",t0,"is = ",T0)
import math as mt
def f(t):
return 5+15*mt.exp(-0.7621*t)
print("Exact value = ",f(2))
Err = abs(f(2)-T0)
print("Error = ",Err)
A coil having a resistance 15 ohms and an
inductance of 10 henries is connected to 90
volts supply. Determine the value of current
after 2 seconds.
By voltage law , Ri +L di/dt = E
Solve for the above differential equation
(Take h=0.01)

def f(t,i):
return 9-1.5*i
i0=int(input("Enter i0 = "))
t0=int(input("Enter t0 = "))
h=float(input("Enter h = "))
n=int(input("Enter n = "))
for i in range(n):
print("Value of current at t",t0,"is = ",i0)
import math as mt
def f(t):
return 6*(1-mt.exp(-1.5*t))
print("Exact value = ",f(2))
Err = abs(f(2)-i0)
print("Error = ",Err)
PROGRAM 5: Program 1 using Modified
Eulers method
def f(x,y):
return x+y
x0=float(input("Enter x0 = "))
y0=float(input("Enter y0 = "))
h=float(input("Enter h = "))
n=int(input("Enter n = "))
for i in range(n+1):
print("Value of y at x",round(x0,2),"is = ",y0)
import math as mt
def f(x):
return -x-1+mt.exp(x)
print("Exact value = ",f(0.4))

Check how to evaluate error again……….

Err = abs(f(x0)-y0) #y0 is approx yn
print("Error = ",Err)

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