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Mathematics Name:

Class: Class No.:

CH.02 Using Algebra to Solve Problems (I)
Marks: Worksheet Set 12

1. There are three classes of tickets for a concert. The second class is $4 less than the first, and the third
class is $5 less than the second. The number of tickets sold is IOO first class, 300 second class, and 600
third class. The total receipt is $9400, what is the cost of each class of ticket?

2. The ∠s A, B, C of a pentagon are equal and so are the ∠s D and E. The ∠A is 20° greater than the LE.
Find the angles.

3. Twenty books cost $98. Some cost $7 each, and the rest cost 964 each. How many are there of the
latter price?

4. A man covers 130 km in 5 hours. For part of the way he travels at 40 km an hour, for the rest at 20 km
an hour. For how long does he travel at the former rate?

5. The ∠s A, C, E, F of a hexagon are equal, and so are the ∠s B and D. The ∠B is 12° greater than the ∠A.
Find the angles.

6. The price of oranges having risen 20 cents each, it costs $4 more to buy 32 oranges than it cost to buy
36 oranges before the increase. What was the original price of an orange?

7. A has $45 and B has $18; how much must A give B so that B may have six times as much as A?

8. A covers 182 km in 6 hours. For part of the way he travels at 35 km an hour, for the rest at 25 km an
hour. For how long does he travel at the latter rate?

9. A man is 23 years older than his son. In four years’ time his son's age plus two-fifths of his age will be
19 years. How old is he now?

10. Thirty books cost $164. Some cost $6 each, and the rest cost $4 each. How many are there of the
former price?




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