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Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Composition of Forces
Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Learning Competency 2

Learning Objectives 2

Warm-Up 2

Learn about It 3
Calculating Resultant Force on the Same Line of Action 5
Case 1: Component Forces in the Same Direction 5
Case 2: Component Forces in Different Directions 7
Case 3: Three or More Component Forces in Different Directions 8
Balanced Forces 12
Case 1: An Object at Rest 13
Case 2: An Object That Does Not Move 14
Case 3: An Object Moving at Constant Velocity 15
Unbalanced Forces 16

Worked Examples 17

Key Points 26

Check Your Understanding 27

Bibliography 29

Answer to Let’s Practice 30


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Lesson 1.2
Composition of Forces

A notebook resting on top of a table

When two or more forces act on an object, it is assumed to be affected by a single force: the
sum of all the forces that tells whether the object will move or not. Imagine a notebook that
rests on the table. Although the book is at rest, it does not mean that no force acts on it. In
this case, the forces on the book balance each other. When the book is pulled out of the
table, an external force acts on it. The forces acting on the book are unbalanced. In this
lesson, you will determine what forces are currently acting on an object and what it exactly
means for forces to be balanced or unbalanced.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Learning Competency
At the end of this lesson, the given enabling or enrichment competency should
be met by the students.
● Describe situations involving balanced and unbalanced forces.

Learning Objectives
In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Differentiate balanced from unbalanced force.
● Define translational equilibrium.
● Identify the situations for balanced and unbalanced forces to exist.
● Solve for the unknown force from the given component forces acting on
an object in translational equilibrium.


Cool Water

● a glass with water (half-filled)
● a cardboard (size of a page of notebook)
1. Half fill an empty glass with water.
2. Place the board on top of the glass.
3. Put your hands on top of the board and then slowly put the glass upside down.
4. Hold the board for a few seconds, then slowly take away your hands.
5. Observe what happens.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Guide Questions
1. Why did the water not spill over?



2. What forces act on the board?




3. Are the forces acting balanced or unbalanced?




Learn about It
Forces acting on an object are called component forces. Two or more component forces
acting on an object produce a combined effect of a single effective force. This single force is
called the resultant force. The resultant force (Fr) is the sum of all forces acting on an
object. There are three cases in which the resultant force is produced from component
forces acting on an object along the same line of action.
1. Component forces in the same direction produce a stronger resultant force
compared to any of the component forces.
2. Component forces in the opposite direction produce a weaker resultant force
compared to any of the component forces.
3. Component forces with equal magnitudes but in opposite directions cancel one
another and produce a zero resultant force.
For example, two boys are exerting forces on the box. The first boy pulls it with a rope while
the second boy pushes it on the other side.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Fig. 1. Each boy is exerting a force in the same direction.

Although the two boys are exerting forces on different parts of the box, the directions of
their forces are the same. Tension is directed to the left, while the applied force is also
directed to the left. Thus, the box is experiencing a stronger resultant force compared to
any of the component forces.

When two people push a box in opposite directions, the resultant force may be zero or
weaker than the component forces.

Fig. 2. Each boy is exerting a force in the opposite direction.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

If two people exert an equal amount of force in opposite directions, then it will have the
same effect as if no force is being exerted on the box. Thus, the resultant force is zero. If
one of the component forces is stronger, the resultant force is equal to the stronger force
minus the weaker force, with the same direction as the stronger force. Thus, the resultant
force is weaker compared to the component forces.

Calculating Resultant Force on the Same Line of Action

A free-body diagram is first drawn to properly determine the resultant force from the forces
acting on an object. A free-body diagram allows us to determine the directions of the
forces. Resultant force can be solved by combining or getting the summation of all the
forces. Remember that force is a vector, thus, we have to consider its direction. If the force
is directed to the left (or downward), it is negative; if it is to the right (or upward), it is

Component forces acting on an object along the same line of action can be added or
subtracted using simple arithmetic to obtain the resultant force.

Case 1: Component Forces in the Same Direction

To calculate the resultant force of two or more forces in the same direction, simply add their
magnitudes. The direction of the resultant force is the same as the direction of the two

Fig. 3. The free-body diagram at the right shows the forces acting on the box when two
people push it in the same direction.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

In the diagram, the box is being pushed by two forces. Each component force is 100 N to the
right. To calculate the resultant force, simply add the component forces.

Thus, the resultant force of two 100-N component forces is 200 N, directed to the right. This
resultant force is the same as the force exerted by a man using a single 200-N force to the

Fig. 4. The free-body diagram at the right shows the force acting on the box when a single
person pushes it to the right.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Case 2: Component Forces in Different Directions

To calculate the resultant force of two forces in opposite directions, the weaker (lower
magnitude) force is subtracted from the stronger force. The direction of the resultant force
is the same as the direction of the stronger force.

Fig. 5. The free-body diagram at the right shows the forces acting on the box when the two
people push it in opposite directions.

In the diagram, the box is being pushed by two forces in opposite directions. The first
component force is 150 N to the right, while the second component force is 30 N to the left.
To calculate the resultant force, subtract 30 N from 150 N and follow the direction of the
larger force, which is to the right.

Thus, the resultant force is 120 N, directed to the right. This resultant force is the same as
the force exerted by a man using a single 120 N force to the right.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Fig. 6. The free-body diagram at the right shows the force acting on the box when a single
man is pushing it to the right.

Case 3: Three or More Component Forces in Different Directions

If more than two forces are acting on the object with some forces in one direction and
others in the opposite direction, follow the following steps below.

Step 1: Add all the forces in the same direction. For example, add all forces to the
right, all forces to the left, all upward forces, or all downward forces.

Step 2: You will end up with two resultant forces in opposite directions. Get the
resultant force similar to two forces in opposite directions. The weaker force is
subtracted from the stronger force. The direction of the stronger forces is the
direction of the resultant force.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

For example, five people are playing tug-of-war. The first group was composed of three men
pulling the rope to the right. The other group was composed of two men pulling the rope to
the left. The three men in the first group exert 10 N, 15 N, and 10 N of force, while the two
men in the second group exert 20 N each.

Fig. 7. Two groups of men are playing tug-of-war.

The free-body diagram is shown below.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Step 1: Let us combine forces in the same direction.

For forces directed to the right:

For forces directed to the left:

The free-body diagram now becomes the figure below.

Step 2: Add the resultant forces in opposite directions. Let 40 N be negative since it
is toward the negative direction.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

The resultant force of component forces that do not occur in the same line of action or
component forces will not be discussed at this grade level. It is not simply obtained by
adding or subtracting the component forces.

For example, in the diagram below, the applied force (Fa) and friction (Ff) do not act on the
same line of action as the normal force (Fn) and weight (Fw).

Fig. 8. The free-body diagram on the right shows all forces acting on a box when a man
pushes it to the right.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Fa and Ff lie on the horizontal line of action while Fn and Fw lie on the vertical line of action.
Since the component forces do not occur in both lines of actions, the resultant force is not
obtained by simple arithmetic.

In solving for unknown component forces, remember to do the following:
● Label the action of the force properly.
● Identify the direction and type of force acting on the object.
● The direction of the resultant force will be based on the direction of
the stronger force.

Essential Question
How can one know if the forces are balanced or unbalanced?

Balanced Forces
When the resultant force acting on an object is zero, the forces acting on it are said to be
balanced. The resultant force along the horizontal line of action (along the x-axis) is zero,
and the resultant force along the vertical line of action (along the y-axis) is also zero. When
the resultant forces along the horizontal and vertical lines of action are combined, the
forces cancel out. Hence,


where is the sum of all forces along the horizontal line of action (or x-axis) and

is the sum of all forces along the vertical line of action (or y-axis).

Balanced forces usually occur when there are two equal and opposite forces. The forces
have the same magnitude but in opposite directions along the same line of action.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

If the forces acting on an object are balanced, then the object is in translational equilibrium.
An object is in a state of translational equilibrium when the object is at rest or traveling at
constant velocity. We have to emphasize that an object moving at constant velocity is under
translational equilibrium.

Consider the following situations.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Fig. 9. Three situations that showcase balanced forces and their corresponding free-body

Case 1: An Object at Rest

The box rests on the floor and does not move. The net force acting on the box is its weight
and the normal force. Since it is not moving, it is in a state of translational equilibrium. The
forces along the vertical line of action (or y-axis) sum up to zero.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

The downward force (Fw) is negative, while the upward force (Fn) is positive. In this case, the
normal force is also equal to the weight.

There are no net forces along the horizontal line of action of (x-axis).

Case 2: An Object That Does Not Move

A person is trying to push the box, but it would not move. Since it will not move, there must
be friction that resists the attempt to move the box. The forces acting on it are applied force,
friction, weight, and normal force. Since it is not moving, it is also in a state of translational

The forces along the horizontal line of action (or x-axis) sum up to zero.

Take note that friction always acts opposite to the direction of the movement.

The force directed to the right (Fa) is positive, while the force directed to the left (Ff) is
negative. In this case, the applied force is equal to friction.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

The forces along the vertical line of action (or y-axis) also sum up to zero.

The downward force (Fw) is negative, while the upward force (Fn) is positive. In this case, the
normal force is also equal to the weight.

Case 3: An Object Moving at Constant Velocity

A person is pushing the box, moving it at a constant velocity and along a straight path. Since
anything that slides on a floor encounters friction, the forces acting on the box are the
following: applied force, friction, weight, and normal force. Since it is moving at a constant
velocity, it is also in a state of translational equilibrium.

The forces along the horizontal line of action (or x-axis) sum up to zero.

The force directed to the right (Fa) is positive, while the force directed to the left (Ff) is
positive. In this case, the applied force is equal to friction.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

The forces along the vertical line of action (or y-axis) also sum up to zero.

The downward force (Fw) is negative, while the upward force (Fn) is positive. In this case, the
normal force is also equal to the weight.

Unbalanced Forces
The forces acting on an object are said to be unbalanced if the resultant of the forces acting
on it is not zero. It means that the resultant of all forces along the x-axis, the y-axis, or both
axes are not zero. If unbalanced forces act on an object, then the object is said to be in

When an unbalanced force acts on the object, the force causes the object to move. The
object will stop until another external force acts on its rest or in equilibrium.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

In solving for balanced and unbalanced forces, remember to do the
● Identify all forces acting on the object.
● Draw an accurate free-body diagram representing the force.
● Label the free-body diagram with the correct force(s) and its line of

Worked Examples
Example 1
In a tug-of-war, the ropes being pulled by the opposing teams are connected by an iron ring.
The team on the left is pulling their rope with a force of 112 N, while the team on the right is
pulling with a force of 135 N. Assume that the weights of the ring and the ropes are
negligible compared to the pulls they are experiencing. What is the resultant force acting on
the ring?


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the resultant force (Fr) acting on the ring.

Step 2: Draw, identify, and label all forces in the free-body diagram.
Since the weights of the ring and the ropes are negligible, we can consider them
zero and thus no longer include them in the FBD. The FBD of the iron ring is shown

The tension on the left is 112 N, while the tension on the right is 135

Step 3: Set up a working equation and substitute for the given values.
The two forces are in opposite directions (Case 2). Subtract 112 N from 135 N and
follow the larger force’s direction to the right.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Step 4: Find the answer.

Therefore, the resultant force acting on the right is 23 N to the right.

Let’s Practice
In a tug-of-peace, the ropes being pulled by the opposing teams are connected by an iron
ring. The team on the left is pulling their rope with a force of 120 N while the team on the
right is pulling with a force of 145 N. Assume that the weights of the ring and the ropes to
be negligible compared to the pulls they are experiencing. What is the resultant force
acting on the ring?

Example 2
A 5.0 kg box is being pulled upward by a cord. The tension on the
cord is 54 N. What is the resultant force acting on the box?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the resultant force (Fr)
acting on the box.

Step 2: Draw, identify, and label all forces in the free-body diagram.
The problem mentioned a tension (Ft) of 54 N as one of the forces acting on the
box and nothing else. However, considering that it has mass, we can deduce that it
also has weight (Fw). The FBD of the box is shown below.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

The tension (Ft) is 54 N upwards. Calculate the weight (Fw) using the formula,

The weight of the box is 49 N downwards.

Step 3: Set up a working equation and substitute for the given values.
The two forces are in opposite directions (Case 2). Subtract 54 N from 49 N and
follow the upward direction of the larger force.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Step 4: Find the answer.

Therefore, the resultant force acting on the box is 5.0 N, upward.

Let’s Practice
A 10.0 kg box is being pulled upward by a cord. The tension on the cord is 100 N. What is
the resultant force acting on the box?

Example 3
A boy is sitting on a swing (it is not swinging, just hanging) made of a
wooden platform and two ropes on the left and right. The rope on
the right has a tension of 117.6 N. If the boy and the wooden
platform on which he sits together have a mass of 24.0 kg, what is
the tension on the left rope?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
Let Ft1 be the tension on the left rope, Ft2 be the tension on
the right rope, and Fw be the weight of the boy. You are
asked to calculate the tension ( Ft1) on the left rope.

Step 2: Draw, identify, and label all forces in the free-body



Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

The tension (Ft2) on the right rope is 117.6 N, and the mass of the boy sitting on the

bench is 24 kg. Calculate the weight (Fw) using the formula, .

The weight of the boy is 235.2 N, downward.

Step 3: Set up a working equation and substitute for the given values.
Since the boy Is just sitting and not rocking the swing, the boy is in a state of
translational equilibrium.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

There is no net force acting on the horizontal line of action (or x-axis). Thus,

Along the vertical line of action (or y-axis), there are tension on the right rope,
tension on the left rope, and weight. Since weight is a downward force, it is
negative. It is also equal to zero.

Substitute the given values. Ft2 is 117.6 N, and Fw is 235.2 N.

Step 4: Find the answer.

Therefore, the tension on the left rope is 117.6 N, upward.

Let’s Practice
Austin is sitting on a swing (the swing is not moving) being supported by two ropes. The
tension on the right rope is 107.8 N. If Austin has a mass of 22 kg, what is the tension on
the left rope?


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Example 4
A business signage is hanging on the wall.
Hypothetically, it is being held by two ropes with a
tension of 123.4 N (left) and 124. 6 N (right),
respectively. What is the weight of the signage being
supported by the two ropes?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
Let Ft1 be the tension on the left rope, Ft2 be the tension on the right rope, and Fw
be the weight of the signage. You are asked to calculate the weight (Fw) of the

Step 2: Draw, identify, and label all forces in the free-body diagram.

The tension on the left rope is (Ft1) 123.4 N, and the tension on the right rope (Ft2) is
124.6 N.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Step 3: Set up a working equation and substitute for the given values.
Since the signage is just hanging and not rocking, it is in a state of translational
equilibrium. There is no net force acting on the horizontal line of action (or x-axis).

Along the vertical line of action (or y-axis), there are tensions on both ropes and
the weight of the signage. Thus,

Substitute the given values. is 123.4 N and is 124.6 N.

Step 4: Find the answer.

Therefore, the weight of the signage is 248.0 N.

Let’s Practice
Lance wants to put up business signage in front of his shop. He uses two wires to support
it. The wires have a 100-N (left) and 105-N (right) tension, respectively. How much mass
can it hold?


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Key Points

● The resultant force is the sum of all forces acting on an object.

● The resultant force of component forces along the same line of action are added or
subtracted by simple arithmetic.
● Add the magnitudes of two or more forces in the same direction to obtain the
resultant force. The direction of the resultant force is the same as the direction of the
component forces.
● The weaker magnitude force is subtracted from the stronger force to obtain the
resultant force of two component forces in different directions. The direction of
the resultant force is the same as the direction of the stronger force.
● If more than two forces are acting on an object in different directions, the
component forces with the same direction are added. Then, the larger sum is
subtracted from the smaller sum of the component forces. The direction of the
resultant force is the direction of the larger sum.
● When the resultant force acting on an object is zero, the forces acting on it are said
to be balanced.
● If the forces acting on an object are balanced, then the object is in translational
equilibrium. An object is in a state of translational equilibrium when the object is not
moving or if it moves at a constant velocity.
● The forces acting on an object are said to be unbalanced if the resultant of the
forces acting on it is not zero. The object is said to be in inequilibrium.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Check Your Understanding

A. Complete the table below.

Force 1 Direction 1 Force 2 Direction 2

10 N downward 20 N upward

12 N upward 25 N downward

14 N left 30 N right

15 N right 27 N right

17 N upward 24 N upward

B. Solve for what is being asked for.

1. What is the resultant force of the following pairs of forces: F1 = 10 N (right); F2 = 10
N (left); F3 = 10 N (up); and F4 = 10 N (down)?
Solution and answer:

2. What is the resulting net force if Austin was able to push a 34-N refrigerator using
a 37-N force?
Solution and answer:


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

3. Steven removed a 24-N cabinet using a 27-N force. What will be the resulting net
Solution and answer:

4. A light fixture is supported by two wires. Tension on the right wire is at 49 N,

while the weight of the light fixture is at 100 N. What is the tension on the left
Solution and answer:

5. Matthew is holding a parol through a rope with a tension of 12 N. What is the

weight of the parol?
Solution and answer:


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces


Henderson, Tom. "Drawing Free-Body Diagrams." The Physics Classroom. Accessed 4 April

Henderson, Tom. "Equilibrium and Statics." The Physics Classroom. Accessed 6 April 2017.

Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics, 11th Edition. New York: Pearson Education, 2010.

Young, H. and Freedman, R. Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th
Edition. USA: Pearson Education, 2008.


Grade 8 • Unit 1: Forces

Answer to Let’s Practice

1. In a tug-of-peace, the ropes being pulled by the opposing teams are connected by an
iron ring. The team on the left is pulling their rope with a force of 120 N while the
team on the right is pulling with a force of 145 N. Assume that the weights of the ring
and the ropes to be negligible compared to the pulls they are experiencing. What is
the resultant force acting on the ring?
Answer: 25 N, right

2. A 10.0 kg box is being pulled upward by a cord. The tension on the cord is 100 N.
What is the resultant force acting on the box?
Answer: 2 N, upward

3. Austin is sitting on a swing (the swing is not moving) being supported by two ropes.
The tension on the right rope is 107.8 N. If Austin has a mass of 22 kg, what is the
tension on the left rope?
Answer: 107.8 N

4. Lance wants to put up business signage in front of his shop. He uses two wires to
support it. The wires have a 100-N (left) and 105-N (right) tension, respectively. How
much mass can it hold?
Answer: 20.9 kg


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