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Final Test

Esc. Sec. Gral. Venustiano Carranza #22

1st grade

Teacher Estefania Riojas

Name:__________________________________________ Grade:_____________ Date:_________

I. Circle the correct answer with a pen.

1. The car _____ red a) Am b) Is c) Are

a) Am b) Is c) Are 4. Miss Estefania _____ Mexican

2. I ______ a student a) Am b) Is c) Are

a) Am b) Is c) Are 5. The bike _____ pink

3. My mom and my dad ______ a) Am b) Is c) Are


II Complete the irregular verb chart.

Noº Infinitive Simple past Past participle

6 buy Bought
7 chose Chosen
8 drink Drunk
9 find found
10 hide Hid
You're doing great, you're already half way through the exam! breathe! You are almost
done :)

III Write the verbs in Simple past. (d / ed / ied)

11. Walk____ 14.Wait_____

12. Study____ 15. Like_____

13. Arrive____
D) Order the adjectives.

14. ________________________ box.

Square/ small/ empty

15._______________________ woman

Spanish /attractive/ young

16.______________________ boots

Black/ new/ leather

17._____________________ sweater

Old/ velvet/ red/ nice

18.___________________ man

Tall/ French/ fit

Write the verbs in Gerund form

19.To ask
20.To buy
21.To change
22.To eat
23.To go

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