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Fənn: İngilis dili Sinif: 10 BSQ 1

Şagirdin soyadı və adı :_____________________________________

Choose the correct variant.

1. The old man was walking ... because of his ilness.

a) hardly b) fast c) hard d)fastly e) lately 12. She stood up and said: “ I saw him near our
2. She did all the exercises ... though all of them were ... than house last week.”
we expected. ______________________________________
a) lonely, much more difficult b) alone, much difficult ________________________________
c) alone, much more difficult d) lonely, more difficult 13. He said: “I am trying to solve this problem
e) alone, much difficultly now”
Choose the correct variant. ______________________________________
3. He is very reliable and faithful. ________________________________
a) so do I b) neither is me c) so is my friend d) so I am 14. The teacher explained: “The Sun rises in
e) neither is she the East and sets in the West.”
4. My friend always tries to commit her goal. ______________________________________
a) so is he b) neither does my friend c) so I do ________________________________
d) neither do we e) so do I 15. She added: “The Great Patriotic War began
5. A good teacher never developes ignorance in his pupils. in 1941.”
a) so does my teacher b) neither do good parents c)so is ______________________________________
my parents d)neither is mine e) neither my teacher does ________________________________
Choose the correct answers. Choose the correct meanings of the given
6. We had a great problem at school and the teacher gave us words
… 16. “loyal” means …
1) an advice 2) a piece of advice 3) two advice A) to remain faithful to smb B)to share
4) five advices 5) some good advice 6) any advices things with others
C) to have the same opinion D) to be
_____________________ reserved E) to be punctual
7. She likes to get … from newspapers. 17. “ignorant” means …
1) information 2) an information 3) these information A) educated B) uneducated C) reasonable
4) informations 5) a information 6) some information D) prudent E) reserved
18. “disappointed” means …
____________________ A) successful B) upset C) happy
8. Choose the correct sentences with the noun in the genitive D) unable E) reliable
1) Sue’s perfectly learned our traditions. Make up sentences.
2) Tom’s and Fred’s eyes are very alike. 19. miss/ to increase / never / a chance /
3) Ann’s spent her winter holidays at her uncle’s. knowledge / your
4) The White’s gardener is a stout man. ______________________________________
5) My granny’s bought these vegetables from the ______________________________________
greengrocer’s. ______________________________________
_________________________ 20. was / Ilham Zakiyev/ by a bullet/ wounded /
Use the verbs in the correct tense form by/ on the head/ sniper / an Armenian
9. Everywhere is wet. It ... since morning. ______________________________________
a) has been raining b) had been raining c) have been ________________________________
raining d) is raining e)has rained ______________________________________
10. We ... friends since we ... at the camp. ________________________________
a) have being, meet b) had been, met c) have been, met
d) have been being, met e) had been being, met Cavablandırılan sualların sayı:___
Düzgün cavabların sayı:___
Change the sentences into the reported speech. Səhv cavabların sayı:___
11. The teacher says: “Shakespear’s poems are read with
great pleasure” Qiymət________

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