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Kiçik summativ qiymətləndirmə №-1

İngilis dili-VIII sinif


1.Düzgün cavabı seçin. a) To make b) to do c) to ruin

Flexibility means........ . d) to change e) to build.
a) The willingness to accept opinions
b) a duty to deal with smth 6.Səhv variantları tapın.
b) c) The position of being leader enter to a school
d) the ability to think logically answer the questions
c) e) the ability of changing smth to new attend to a prestigious school
situations go to college prepare for an exam
2.Cümləni tamamlayın. accept of opinions
A student who frightens other students
is…….. . 7.Düzgün cavabı seçin.
a) Brave b) bully c) strong d) fair Exams in all subjects…..…. at 16 in Great
e) honest Britain.
a)Is taken b) was taken c) are taken d)
3.A period of time when you study a are took e) were took
subject in class is….. .
a) a test b) an exam c) a quiz d) a 8.Playing computer games …… my
subject e) a lesson hobby.
a) am b) is c) are
4.Düzgün cavabı seçin.
1.Knowing English always help me in my 9.The furniture in our classroom …….
career. New
2.Writing control tests make me worry. a) am b) is c) are
3.Attending a prestigious school is great.
10.Computer games ……. Interesting.
5.Find the correct synonym of the word. a) am b) is c)are
To spoil-

Düz cavablar_____________
Səhv cavablar____________

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