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Böyük summativ qiymətləndirmə - 1 6-cı sinif B variantı


1. Choose the correct variant. (3 p.)

She ... the house two days ago. 11. Underline the correct degree of the
A) cleaned B) clean C) cleans D) cleaning adjectives. ( 10 p.)
2. Choose the correct variant. (3 p.) 1. Dogs are faster / the fastest than cats.
Tim went to the park with his friends ... . 2. Snakes are more dangerous / the most
A) yesterday B) today C) now D) every day dangerous animals in the world.
3. Choose the correct variant. (3 p.)
When ... she ... her granny? Read the text and answer the questions 12-
A) does, visits B) did, visit 15.
C) did, to visit D) do, visited I have a pet. It’s a dog. His name is Rex. He is
4. Choose Past Simple adverbs. (4 p.) very playful and he likes playing with me. He
A) yesterday, last year is also a well trained dog. He does everything
B) last year, every week what I say. Rex saved my life last year. He is
C) every day, yesterday very brave. I think that dogs are the most loyal
5. Choose the correct variant. (3 p.) animals in the world. Rex is a very friendly
Kate has a dog ... she loves it very much. dog. He never barks at my family members.
A) and B) because C) but D) so
6. Choose the correct variant. (6 p.) 12. Choose the best title for the text. (6 p.)
He is a ... sportsman and he runs ... . A) My favourite pet B) A brave dog
A) quickly, quick B) quick, quick C) Loyal animals D) A friendly dog
C) quickly, quickly D) quick, quickly
7. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. (6 p.) 13. Choose four adjectives from the text.
A) When you come? B) When did you come? (10 p.)
C) When did you came? D) When does you come? ____________________________________
8. Put the words in the correct order. (10 p.) ____________________________________
1. broke / he / yesterday / leg / unluckily / his .
___________________________________________ 14. Write the antonym of the word
“ friendly” (6 p.)_______________________
2. she / tall / is / as /grandmother /as / her.

___________________________________________ 15. Give questions to the underlined words.

(20 p.)
9. Choose the correct question word. ( 4 p.) 1. His name is Rex.
... ... milk does her kitten drink every day? ____________________________________
A) How much B) How many 2. Rex saved my life last year.
C) Why D) When ____________________________________
3. Rex is a very friendly dog.
10. Choose the line of regular verbs. (6 p.) ____________________________________
A) go, do, see, read 4. He likes playing with me.
B) play, do, let, clean _____________________________________
C) write, like, show, give ___
D) dance, open, live, help
Şagirdin yığdığı bal _____
Qiymət _____

Yoxladı __________________

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