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İngilis dili 6-cı sinif BSQ1

Ad:_______________ Soyad: ____________ Tarix:____________

1.Choose the correct variant.

We should say …. when we meet our friends.

A) Goodbye B) Glad to see you C) It was nice D) Bye… E) See you later

2. Translate the sentence.

You should respect your teachers!

A) Sən müəllimlərinə hörmət etməlisən.

B) Sən müəllimlərinə cavab verməlisən.

C) Mən müəllimimi çox sevirəm.

D) Sən müəllimin tapşırıqlarına əməl etməlisən.

E) Mən müəllimlərimi çox sevirəm.

3. Complete the dialogue.

What hobbies do you like?

A) Nice to meet you,too.

B) You can find it in the second row.

C) I like playing chess and reading books.

D) I also want to buy some vegetables.

E) I want to be a doctor.

4. Choose the correct noun.

A) apricots B) girles C) boxes D) ladys E) oxs

5. Choose the verb in the Past Simple. (Keçmiş zamanda olan feili seçin)

William … e-mails to his friends last Monday.

A) sing B) danced C) playing D) sent E) bought

6. Choose the correct variant. (Düzgün variantı seçin)

Finish your letter with …

A) theatre B) best wishes C)cartoon D) cinema E) people

7. Complete the sentence.

There are five fish …

A) in the sea B) in the ocean C) in the aquarium D) in the garden E) in the city

8. Choose the words with the sound [a].

[a] səsi olan sözləri seçin.

1. grass

2. jam

3. bag

4. giraffe

5. Jacket

A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 C) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 4 D) 2, 3, 5

9. Choose the compound nouns.

Mürəkkəb isimləri seçin.

1. headache 2. actress 3. football 4. interrogation 5. librarian 6. Landlady

10. Choose the correct article .

Do you have ...English lesson today?

A) the B) an C) – D) A

11. Choose the antonyms (opposites) of the underlined word.

I put on my black coat.

A) white B) new C) yellow D) orange

12. Choose the synonims of the underlined word.

He always returns on time.

A) takes back B) comes back C) gives

13. Match the words

1. paytaxt a. Yesterday

2. kitabxana b. Capital

3. dünən c. Library

14. Choose the line of nouns in the singular

A) country, sheep, students

B) child, shirt, cake

C) mice, children, woman

D) feet, tooth, lake

15. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.

The farmer has a very beautiful garden

A) ugly B) pretty C) good E) angry

Bal: Qiymət:

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